(1) HGSS-on Format Confirmed in July [4/25]

RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I dont like using SSU because of the coin flip but i agree with guiltysky that by using SSU then you can use a different supporter rather than wast your 1 supporter on seeker
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

if you need to heal that badly that you need to pick up your damaged pokenon, yes. A *guaranteed* method that can't be trainer locked is better. Before you say swith is a trainer, you can manually retreat. For free with the right techs too. It also forces your opponent to scoop a benched. Often winning you the game. So, all that combined makes it better. The leap is it's not flip based, the bound is in often winning you the game. Leaps and bounds over ssu.

btw, in a hs-on format, I'll likely only junk arm for a rare candy or plus power. To me, 4 potions is a better play than 4 ssu. Or 4 switch. Just like switch has always been better than full heal, seeker is better than ssu. Because it does more.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

carlitosbob said:
the only sarcasm in that is the percentage..
DNA said:
Because I wasn't using sarcasm at all.
I was dead serious when I said less than 5%. Dead serious.
edit: @carlitosbob: ohohoho icwutudidthar
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I agree with you 95%. ;)

I think this format is gonna rule. Force people to have more than just one attacker. Combos out the wazoo. And I think grumpig is the only power locking thing in this format.. It'll be a nice jumpluff tech.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

carlitosbob said:
if you need to heal that badly that you need to pick up your damaged pokenon, yes. A *guaranteed* method that can't be trainer locked is better. Before you say swith is a trainer, you can manually retreat. For free with the right techs too. It also forces your opponent to scoop a benched. Often winning you the game. So, all that combined makes it better. The leap is it's not flip based, the bound is in often winning you the game. Leaps and bounds over ssu.

btw, in a hs-on format, I'll likely only junk arm for a rare candy or plus power. To me, 4 potions is a better play than 4 ssu. Or 4 switch. Just like switch has always been better than full heal, seeker is better than ssu. Because it does more.

both me and my brother have won by using seeker :)
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

@olimar1023 It's not hard to win with Seeker, they just need 2 or less Pokemon and you have Sableye as a starter. If theirs is a Magikarp, Caterpie or something else with 40HP or below that is used, you've donked already.

@carlitosbob I've never looked at Grumpig properly, he could be a good tech. As far as locking goes, I'll probably only be using Ditto TR. He will be good in and against Cinccino decks, which I am running at the moment.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

it jacks up a blastigatr deck if played properly. It wuld have to be done with mismagius IMO, that way you can swap your psychic energy to the spoink that doesn't die. And evolve and shut off their power loop, then lost remover the DCE. :p
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

That would definitely be good. Also, if you were running Mismagius, would it be worth doing 1 UL and 1 UD so that the UD one can serve as an attacker with Poltergeist?
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

only if you are also trainer locking with plume. That's my personal opinion.. Mismagius is really if your opponent knows what grumpig can do, mismagius just makes them have another thing to deal with. And since they're both just stage 1's, it's very likely that you can get it out before they get setup.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Do league promos like Expert Belt, Uxie, Spiritomb ect... also rotate?
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

yes they do. league promos are considered from the same set that is printed on the card.
it sux, cuz I just traded for 4 LP expert belts.. =/ oh well.. live and learn.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

^Basic Energies are never rotated, meaning you can use EX energies if you'd like.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

basically, anything reprinted can be used. Like base set pokedex, potion, switch, etc.. If you're using old cards (either cuz you're broke, or like the artwork better) you'll need the current version available to reference if asked to.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I can't wait for the rotation, even though I have a sableye deck right now. lol seriously it's way too one-sided. 9 out of 10 games I've played with Sableye I won on the first turn. It's just ridiculous, and hurts the whole game. Especially with younger players who most of which build their own rogue decks based around whatever their favorite poke/type is. I'm willing to bet the rotation will come early just because of Sableye and how many people will be using it (being as though the only rare cards in the whole deck are Uxie and Victory Medal) I'll be glad when SP and Sablelock are gone.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

YES, YES, YES. You may cheer for the removal of SPs, but as for me...

DIE SABLEDONK, GYARADOS, GENGAR, and all you other brainless Stromfront base decks. [/CAPS]

Those stuff rots people's brains in more ways then you expect, I'm glad that P!P is stopping this plague before you and your children die from something I like to call stupidity.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Clear said:
YES, YES, YES. You may cheer for the removal of SPs, but as for me...

DIE SABLEDONK, GYARADOS, GENGAR, and all you other brainless Stromfront base decks. [/CAPS]

Those stuff rots people's brains in more ways then you expect, I'm glad that P!P is stopping this plague before you and your children die from something I like to call stupidity.

WOW! I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Your just jealous because 1 You get defeated by these decks and your jealous of others, & 2 You don't have the necessary cards to build a good deck. To call people Brainless to use Stormfront Based Decks that's really stupid for you to say that. It's all about what can be combined with that is good. The game is all about fun & coming up something really good. I do think your post is brain rotting because of your own jealousy towards other decks I do have some of my own jealousy towards other decks but atleast with me I try to find other ways to defeat the decks. While I was at states I beaten a Gyarados & 2x Machamp deck I forgot the other deck but with My Tangrowth Deck People do have a fighting chance against these decks. You should know that they're are really good counters towards these decks to let you know you just have to think about it use your brain for good not stupidity like your post I never heard anything that stupid. Me I'm not an SP Player I play Various Decks and come up with newer strategies that can be great I like trying new things it keeps me encouraged to play this game to come up something new. My Opinion I do want it to be Platinum Rising Rivals and on so they do have a Good Balance I really do believe that No one would want to make LuxChomp Playable since all of the SP Engines would be rotated. If they do Make in HGSS and on they better Keep HGSS for 2 more years and then Rotate it in 2013-2014 Modified Format I hope that they'll do the same rotation like they did for Diamond & Pearl - Diamond & Pearl Great Encounters was spared in 2009-2010 Format.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

You obviously do not know that deep rooted hatred towards SF Machamp. I can't even say that thing is a monster, saying that it is a monster is an insult to everyone. Seeing that thing punching babies (literally and theoretically) is a horrible sight to behold. Have I tried to make Arceus work? Hell yes I have, it does not help that every time that I need (and can) to beat it, my Luke GL decides to be prized, it's frustrating, not to mention irritating, that some person speedo dipstick can beat a "god" in one shot.

How is this game "fun"? For the past 3 years, I cannot say any game is actually "fun" because sets like Stormfront exists.

Mind you, it is not just Machamp, Gengar, and Gyarados; it is the backwards compatibility that is provides to newer additions, Rescue Energy + BTS makes Gyarados a threat and allows commitment-free (Energy) attacks. Junk Arm + PokeDrawer to provide even more speed to Gyarados aside from Regice.

Think about it like back in GG era where they are boss due to Scramble Energy and DRE, but hey, at least back then, I get to play in some ways instead of like now. How is stuff like this even remotely fun? Machamp punishes you by playing basics which has more archtypes outside of the dreaded SP, and Gengar punishing you for doing what you are SUPPOSE to do, win.

If you look at all the facts in front of you, and not realize that Stormfront is a set that should have never been, you are a tool, and I hope that the rotation of this set would pry open your eyes and look back to how horrible this year has been.

EDIT: Paragraph (or something like that) breaks, use them. Makes it easier to read.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I agree with Clear. It might be because of what deck I am running myself (Gigas LV.X, which is itself a Stormfront deck), but I get far more frustration with Machamp, Gengar, and Gyarados than I do when I play against SPs. I know that SPs have overstayed their welcome, but so have Gengar/Gyarados/Machamp, and to a lesser extent Magnezone and Dusknoir. (Well, then again, Magnezone's at least pretty fun.) Compared to those guys, SPs are practically in diapers.

Erik, the accusation of "jealousy against those decks because you can't beat them" is not only unfounded but in many cases untrue. Granted, most people who want SPs out keep losing to them; I only want them to leave because they've been around too long. Same with Stormfront. Sure, those decks give me trouble, but who don't they give trouble to? Nobody, if you're perfectly honest with yourself.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

@Clear: For Prized Pokemon there is a thing called "Azelf LA" & "Alph Lithograph FOUR TR" for Prized Stuff but Azelf gets out Pokemon & you can look with Alph Lithograph FOUR. I have to say you do still need alot to learn about cards like I do I learn about cards and what they're affects are you should too. I'd like to add about the game is fun no mater what format whether it's unlimited or modified the game is still fun I guess you take the game way too serious when the game is just about fun I know people want to win but we can't win all the time. To call me a tool and you think Stormfront is a horrible set you're a hypocrite the reason why I say that you're one because don't hide the fact you've played with Stormfront cards your clearly out of your mind like those Tea Party Conservative Republicans.

@DNA I do have mixed feelings on your own opinion about your comment about jealousy honestly who hasn't been jealous and bitter? Honestly they should keep it Platinum Rising Rivals and on just to keep balance since the SP Engine wouldn't be used as much or none at all and use other cards in the Platinum Rising Rivals - Platinum Arceus Cards as techs it would make decks more fun and interesting and it would give other cards a shot at becoming the next meta game.