(1) HGSS-on Format Confirmed in July [4/25]

RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Does the UK have their own Pokemon site? Because I thought that the one realeased is the US site. If there's a UK site, check there Tubbs101
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

It says the same date, so whether or not we'll have the rules for UK nats is uncertain. :/
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I hated this at first, but trollandtoad just accepted my selling list so I guess its all good for now. I just have to figure out how to get rid of all my pre-hgss stuff (there's a lot). Both decks I wanted to build can work almost as well in hgss-on as they would in rr-on so I'm satisfied. Its also weird because sets that have been in format since I started playing more than two years ago will be gone. I'll miss you BTS :(.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

amisheskimoninja said:
TheBreen said:
Amish you're wrong.

Call of Legends is a farce. Everybody here knows that. Call of Legends is what happens when you throw darts at a dartboard and don't reprint anything even REMOTELY good. It almost seemed deliberate that they reprinted all the REALLY bad cards and ignored anything that was actually helping to define the format.

I'm referring to reprinting entire sets so as to make the game more accessible to the new players that Black/White is introducing to the game. Nintendo must have realized by now that every new generation and incarnation of the game brings out new players to all its properties. It's wrong to have the only sets that they have any reliable access to be the two youngest sets in the block. Could you imagine ONLY being able to use Call of Legends and Black/White to build your decks? Would you like that?

I thought they did a good job selecting rares to reprint. The reprinted Smeargle, Ninetales, and Umbreon. all of which are expensive and useful. The problem is they didn't reprint any of the expensive primes. Now I would have liked a reprinted pokemon collector.

To my knowledge they haven't made a true reprint set since Base 2. Legendary collection was close though. They just do do that kind of thing. Its not needed because you can buy packs of whatever set you want online. What would reprinting an entire set change?

The Wii Man1234 said:
Ok and think of those people who don't have much else because they scrambled to build a luxchomp deck or something like that only to find out it was banned, and you have to consider that we only have around a month if they do announce it to build what would be rather mediocer decks, AND Japan has had an entire year head start to build their decks to this format.

I say thats what you get for building what everyone else is using. Try building your own deck. You might find out its actually fun to come up with your own ideas.

Excuse me but I already have, and now with the rotation only 2 of them are useable, and they are frankily really good. That is half my point.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

^Then what's the problem? If you have a good post rotation deck than what you're talking about is to your benefit.

festizzio said:
I hated this at first, but trollandtoad just accepted my selling list

Lol. Strikezoneonline accepted mine. $122 back in my pocket.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

What's interesting here is this:

I've heard so many people who openly told me that if Platinum didn't rotate out that they'd be done. And I mean DONE done. Not hold off a year and wait for Platinum to rotate out. DONE. Everybody around here was predicting that if Platinum didn't rotate that Black/White wouldn't sell and we'd have to endure one more year of SPs dominating the format (again; local opinion).

This decision to rotate out to HG/SS is the opposite end of the spectrum. At the end of the day it does make up for the zero rotation of 2009 (it was 2009, right?) so I suppose we "had it coming". I just don't like it really since my venue gets a decent flux of new players that won't be able to play competitively should they want to since older sets won't be readily available.

What's genuinely fascinating also is the fact that this change could possibly have some players scrambling to make a new deck for their nationals and worlds tournaments. Having a rotation before the nationals and worlds is silly. Worlds represents the highlights of the year and what decks defined the format for that year. The metagame won't be readily established and will be a hot mess. While I can appreciate the fact that this allows the truly ingenious players to rise to the top, there is nothing wrong with knowing how to "tech" (which shaking up the metagame prevents from happening)

They've taken the last year's worth of resources, playtesting, and effort players have spent to build decks and are in many cases essentially telling the players "You have four weeks to construct and learn how to play a new deck with which to play at the culmination event for the previous year of Pokemon". How is this rotation going to represent the past year of Pokemon when it comes into effect mere weeks before the event?
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Oh well, at least I traded part of my dead SP deck for a Gengar Prime, and sold the rest of it to GamingETC for 65 bucks.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

TheBreen said:
What's genuinely fascinating also is the fact that this change could possibly have some players scrambling to make a new deck for their nationals and worlds tournaments. Having a rotation before the nationals and worlds is silly. Worlds represents the highlights of the year and what decks defined the format for that year. The metagame won't be readily established and will be a hot mess. While I can appreciate the fact that this allows the truly ingenious players to rise to the top, there is nothing wrong with knowing how to "tech" (which shaking up the metagame prevents from happening)

They've taken the last year's worth of resources, playtesting, and effort players have spent to build decks and are in many cases essentially telling the players "You have four weeks to construct and learn how to play a new deck with which to play at the culmination event for the previous year of Pokemon". How is this rotation going to represent the past year of Pokemon when it comes into effect mere weeks before the event?

But thats not unprecedented. In sports where it is too easy to get a perfect score, the final tournament (nationals, worlds) they do something to make it harder. For instance in Skeet, you have to hit the final target, and then shoot a chunk that breaks off of the final target. That way there are fewer perfect scores. I see it as the same thing here. rotating right before worlds means people can't just use what they're comfortable with. They have the added challenge of having to adapt to a new format. Only the truly best players will accommodate for the change, and be able to win. It means you need skill, not just the deck list you got online and some luck.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Being unprecedented does not necessarily justify the decision. Being different strictly for difference's sake is not acceptable. They could just as easily hand a player a deck when they register for a high-profile event and go "Here, play this".
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

With BTS gone and rare candy errated you can not evolve on your first turn. I say bye bye to stage 2 decks and hello to cinnccino.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I say that with this new format, Tank type decks might become popular, Steelix, Scizor ect. I also think Charizard will rise in popularity
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

How will Charizard be popular in HS-on?
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

O wait, Never Mind... I thought RR on for a second..... Yeah MagneBoar is gonna be better
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Your opponent will probably get a prize lead, because you have to set up 2 stage 2's.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I think you're best bet is by utilizing a Stage 2 deck that focuses on 1 Stage 2 line and the other
either a Stage 1 or Basic line, similiar to Reshiram/Emboar or my Tyranitar Prime/Mandibuzz deck.

Focusing on 2 Stage 2's would just slow your deck down and I'm kinda learning that the hardway with the Reuniclus tech I have in my T-Tar build. Rare Candy helps but the consistency of getting 2 Stage 2's might still be possible especially with Blastoise/Feraligatr Prime. I haven't given my hopes up on that deck yet.

Charizard is dead in HGSS-On, you're better off running ReshiBoar or something else that's either halfway consistent or aggressive like a Stage 1 deck like Donphan Prime. It's like this new format is encouraging players to go more Aggro than Curve or even both like in our current format.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

^ 4-4-4 Typhlosion prime and 3-3 ninetales is going to be my post HGSS deck. Also, did anyone else notice we've lost all of our techs? No uxie, no spiritomb, no sableye, no Q, ect.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

We didn't lose all our techs, actually. We still have Smeargle, who could end up being quite the card, even without Unown Q around.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I just got a newsletter from TPCi that says that the UK Nationals (which are apparently on 29th May) will be using the September 2010 rules (So Majestic Dawn- > Call of Legends). So they're obviously thinking hard about the BW rules.

Beyond that, at least I've been working on a ReshiBoar deck xD
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

People that complain about losing techs make me laugh. So let's see tech cards that can be used in decks. No Uxie X? Well how about a single card drawer that is Noctowl? No Unown Q? How about Dodrio? Oh you need a good starter? Smeargle is prime for that and is established. Now for people all scared of Minccino doing the wave. I laugh as people dis-credit other cards that hit just as hard and just as fast. Which makes me happy as most of the populace has been on SP crack and missed out on what made Pokemon so good for so many years that is building decks other than the same simple things that is SP.

But my biggest pet peeve is all the players saying that no stage 2 deck will be playable with out BTS. Seriously folks BTS was not played prior to a few years ago and we did just fine with out it. Including multiple decks that won worlds with out it. Because the game was slower. None of this Cyrus Engine, none of this uxie set up, pokedrawer + etc. The stage decks will be just fine and you will see that once you start playing B&W rules against other pure HGSS decks. The game just got simpler and a lot more creative.