(1) HGSS-on Format Confirmed in July [4/25]

RE: New Modified Format Announced

I'm really excited to hear this, but does this mean that nats and worlds are going to follow this format?
RE: New Modified Format Announced

as of now, the rotation happens before nats and worlds, but after spring Battle Roads.
RE: New Modified Format Announced

Waspy said:
the aura is with me8 said:

It's not P!P's fault you don't buy new cards.

I am very happy about this, the LvX era cards needed to leave the game badly, the new cards had been toned down considerably, and are far more enjoyable for it.

Ok look I don't want to get any madder than I already am but, not everyone has the money to go to toys r us just for an overpriced hgss pack.
RE: New Modified Format Announced

YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!! OMG I can't believe how perfect this is!!! I was hoping for HS-on, but being able to have that before Nationals is absolutely AMAZING!!! All the decks that I've been building recently have been HS-on (except for the starters, which I'll have to rethink...), and I'm overjoyed now that I can play them with no threat of Sabledonk for Nats xD YAY!!!

RE: New Modified Format Announced

Darkvoid57 said:

Where does all my effort go? To the grave!

Yanmega Prime, I WANT

Why did you go through all that effort knowing that SP's were
going to rotate out of the format? That's just silly.
RE: New Modified Format Announced

the aura is with me8 said:
Waspy said:
the aura is with me8 said:

It's not P!P's fault you don't buy new cards.

I am very happy about this, the LvX era cards needed to leave the game badly, the new cards had been toned down considerably, and are far more enjoyable for it.

Ok look I don't want to get any madder than I already am but, not everyone has the money to go to toys r us just for an overpriced hgss pack.

Shop around. Buy boxes online instead of buying packets at all. Buy singles, which pokemon has the cheapest of. Simple as that. Single packets are a waste anyway.
RE: New Modified Format Announced

Where is this "announced"? The link says they're going to have the decision by June...it's not for sure going to happen in July (although it will be likely).

dmaster out.
RE: New Modified Format Announced

dmaster said:
Where is this "announced"? The link says they're going to have the decision by June...it's not for sure going to happen in July (although it will be likely).

dmaster out.

Wait.... We misread it?!?! THANK YOU DMASTER YOU MADE MY NIGHT!!!!! (I would say day but it's night time where I live)
RE: New Modified Format Announced

No, its decided. Don't get your hopes up. Thats just something they stuck in there (probably were forced to)
RE: New Modified Format Announced

I"m actually really glad for the HGSS-on format change. A lot of the deck building and planning that I've been doing has been based around that. It may take some adjusting for a lot of players, but it's looking to me a really fun format.
RE: New Modified Format Announced

How do you know they "just stuck it there"? It's definitely a cushion that makes there be a chance it won't happen. Why wait until June? Because they want to wait for results which are not in yet. Let's not make assumptions here.

dmaster out.
RE: New Modified Format Announced

dmaster said:
How do you know they "just stuck it there"? It's definitely a cushion that makes there be a chance it won't happen. Why wait until June? Because they want to wait for results which are not in yet. Let's not make assumptions here.

dmaster out.

But since they posted it as news it will happened just has not been announced when.
RE: New Modified Format Announced

Ah, yes. The date is the most important part though lol.

dmaster out.
RE: New Modified Format Announced

Im selling all my stuff now for $350 I hope I get a buyer ughhhh I wish they wudve told us at regionals.
RE: New Modified Format Announced

Lol asides from the fact I probably just lost around 700$ worth of card, this rotation is OK I guess. It is taking a lot of getting used to, I keep trying to think of combos and I find myself saying, "with E-Belt" or, with Landmin in play and things like that.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I came back in January and I saw this coming. When I told people at my league that this would happen they scoffed and now that it is imminent it makes me laugh. As they all said it was not possible at all. So all those naysayers we where right and you where wrong. = D
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Front page said:
(To use a bad metaphor, it's like introducing a soldier with a semiautomatic into the Revolutionary War. :p)

Think that's a simile. ;)

Anyway, this is both good news and bad news, assuming that it happens. Good for obvious reasons, but bad because there was finally a one-stop way out of the game that made everything obsolete and gave you immense satisfaction. Oh well, there's always Redshark.

...And in other unrelated news, TPCi uploaded DP episodes to their website. What happened to 3 every Friday, in chronological order? >_>
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I'd actually been predicting the HGSS-on rotation for ages now - it was a totally likely idea back then, and it was just as likely to happen a few months later.
An HGSS-on format is actually probably the best thing we could get right now. All the DP era cards are gone completely (which is just as well - SPs have overstayed their welcome) and now we're starting afresh with a new card bloc.
Granted, Arceus-on format was just as likely, and the one set won't make too much of a difference, but at the same time we could go without it.

For those who are wondering, Nationals happens on July 8th-10th. That means, if they do the mid-season rotation, it will be right before Nationals. (I'm only sad that, if this actually does happen, I'll miss out the chance to run RegiAwesome at Nationals, but I'll live.)