(1) HGSS-on Format Confirmed in July [4/25]

RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

worked and worked on my arceus till near perfection, then was planning on practicing with it till I could play to near perfection too. Also bought the world champ luxchomp to playtest against in every possibly scenario I could think of as well as building my own custom Blazechomp.

ARGH!!! Good thing I have my Umbrizor and Donphan/Kingdra primes sitting in the background with good consistency and easy edit for HGSS-on or else I would rage!!! Looks like it's RIP to my States winning Gdos deck. cries..
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

welp, looks like I won't be playing anymore after Nationals
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Yeah, guys, just because they said the final decision will be announced in June, they meant the decision on when rotation is, not what. Rotation will be HGSS-On, which kinda stinks considering I just perfect Chenlock, but oh well.

/me goes to incinerate his Chenlock deck in the Flame of Sadness
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

They killed my Tangrowth.....I HATE THIS!!!!!!!

However, I do have some deck ideas for a HGSS on format, now I just have to build them.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Interesting. tbh, I'd prefer they just ban Sableye, because this gives us less time to prepare for the new format. Idk.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Decks that die:

Ah, so many powerhouses going away, just making room for better decks *AhemcoughcoughAhem* that couldn't survive in our current meta. I really do think this is for the better. However, I do have a few complaints:

•Aah! Now my LuxChomp is WORTHLESS!!! I was planning on selling it. :'(
•My VilePluff loses Broken Time-Space. =(
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

They could better just make a rule that says you cant KO any pokemon T1.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Well, Because of this, I decided to take a temporary hiatus on Pokemon TCG playing until I can get a couple of B/W starter decks and maybe some trades done
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

even though I have a blastigatr deck built, I do dislike this rotation.

conspiracy theory: tpci adopted the b/w rules to justify the HS-on format. And here's hoping that they no longer split up our sets! I would gladly accept a new set every 6 months over having my sets come out staggered. Also, hopefully our theme decks match the japanese theme decks more closely.. Like, with actually playable pokemon lines. Heck, that victini will comein a deck in japan.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

It's too late to make a rotation in JULY.
I don't like to be used as a test subject at battle roads for only USA's sake
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

TBH I would rather have the next few events dominated by donks and rotate to RR-on then have a MASSIVE midseason rotation that screws everyone up right before nats.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Bannings are only employed in a panic mode situation.

But let's be real about this; Sableye's stock shot up so much that it does indeed deserve to be banned. It just seems to me that simply banning this ONE card (and other similar cards that disrupt the new rules) is a LOT easier than rendering so many sets useless.

Another VERY big issue is that the entirety of the HS line outside of Call of Legends is out of print already. If you're going to start the rotation with HG/SS, they should consider sending those sets back to the printer's to make them more accessible to the new players that Black/White is adding to the game (which is a LOT; at least at my venue)
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Jez I just realized how much of my binder is going to be cut out of compettive play! What are they thinking anything past RR-on is overkill, and an extreamily simple solution (as thebreen said) would be to bann sableye from competive play! This only leaves us with 7 sets (including the set released around worlds) for next season, and out of those sets almost no cards have syenergy!
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

^Remaking a set is a bad idea. Thats basically what call of legends was.

The Wii Man1234 said:
TBH I would rather have the next few events dominated by donks and rotate to RR-on then have a MASSIVE midseason rotation that screws everyone up right before nats.

What the mid season rotation does is force people to come up with new ideas. Instead of running the same 3 decks they've been running since last year. The truly good players that adapt get a better chance at nationals.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Amish you're wrong.

Call of Legends is a farce. Everybody here knows that. Call of Legends is what happens when you throw darts at a dartboard and don't reprint anything even REMOTELY good. It almost seemed deliberate that they reprinted all the REALLY bad cards and ignored anything that was actually helping to define the format.

I'm referring to reprinting entire sets so as to make the game more accessible to the new players that Black/White is introducing to the game. Nintendo must have realized by now that every new generation and incarnation of the game brings out new players to all its properties. It's wrong to have the only sets that they have any reliable access to be the two youngest sets in the block. Could you imagine ONLY being able to use Call of Legends and Black/White to build your decks? Would you like that?
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

amisheskimoninja said:
^Remaking a set is a bad idea. Thats basically what call of legends was.

The Wii Man1234 said:
TBH I would rather have the next few events dominated by donks and rotate to RR-on then have a MASSIVE midseason rotation that screws everyone up right before nats.

What the mid season rotation does is force people to come up with new ideas. Instead of running the same 3 decks they've been running since last year. The truly good players that adapt get a better chance at nationals.

Ok and think of those people who don't have much else because they scrambled to build a luxchomp deck or something like that only to find out it was banned, and you have to consider that we only have around a month if they do announce it to build what would be rather mediocer decks, AND Japan has had an entire year head start to build their decks to this format.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Sad...I am going to miss my SP. They should release a set like Rising rivals then.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

TheBreen said:
Amish you're wrong.

Call of Legends is a farce. Everybody here knows that. Call of Legends is what happens when you throw darts at a dartboard and don't reprint anything even REMOTELY good. It almost seemed deliberate that they reprinted all the REALLY bad cards and ignored anything that was actually helping to define the format.

I'm referring to reprinting entire sets so as to make the game more accessible to the new players that Black/White is introducing to the game. Nintendo must have realized by now that every new generation and incarnation of the game brings out new players to all its properties. It's wrong to have the only sets that they have any reliable access to be the two youngest sets in the block. Could you imagine ONLY being able to use Call of Legends and Black/White to build your decks? Would you like that?

I thought they did a good job selecting rares to reprint. The reprinted Smeargle, Ninetales, and Umbreon. all of which are expensive and useful. The problem is they didn't reprint any of the expensive primes. Now I would have liked a reprinted pokemon collector.

To my knowledge they haven't made a true reprint set since Base 2. Legendary collection was close though. They just do do that kind of thing. Its not needed because you can buy packs of whatever set you want online. What would reprinting an entire set change?

The Wii Man1234 said:
Ok and think of those people who don't have much else because they scrambled to build a luxchomp deck or something like that only to find out it was banned, and you have to consider that we only have around a month if they do announce it to build what would be rather mediocer decks, AND Japan has had an entire year head start to build their decks to this format.

I say thats what you get for building what everyone else is using. Try building your own deck. You might find out its actually fun to come up with your own ideas.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Off topic, but Amisheskimoninja....you're signature is perhaps one of the best I've seen yet X3.

Anyway, back on topic, yes Call of Legends was absolute crap, Infact I don't think anything good came from that set aside from a couple useful cards.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

It says the rotation will take place "1st of July" but UK Nats are the 29th of May, anybody have any ideas as to what will happen there?