(1) HGSS-on Format Confirmed in July [4/25]

RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

^i was along with ya. couple months ago people laughed when you mentioned HGSS on and they said no...luxchomp will stick around in a RR on format WELL WHAT NOW let the tears fall on your useless luxrays :p

and wait...this is mid season rotation?
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

There is a possibility that the rotation is going to happen on July 1st instead of after Worlds. This is most likely because Sableye SF will become almost ridiculously imbalanced when the B/W rules come along - allowing the player who goes first to play Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums will allow Sableye to get a first-turn donk with virtually no effort, all before your opponent draws a card.

The news article says why: Sableye SF was created in a format where Trainers were not played in the first turn, and it was a perfectly fine card then. Now due to the B/W rules Sableye may become overcentralizing, and thus the rotation might be pushed back to right before Nats.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Oh my goodness thank the Pokemon Gods (well pokemon TCG Co.) I will be so happy new deck Ideas no Luxchomp for Worlds will the game fall I sure hope not. I love this rotation that will be so helpful
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

ok i was like...wait what will the regular rotation be then lol.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

@catutie: This is the regular rotation. There's just a chance it will happen ~6 weeks earlier than normal.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

This was my last chance to get revenge on Luxchomp decks by donking them with Sableye. Now I might have to stay home and get revenge on the mailman for bending my mail that's clearly marked 'DO NOT BEND'

I wasn't really planning to do any of that. I'm disappointed that I won't be able to play a strong Shaymin later on, but I knew that that was always a possibility this year.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

For all of you out there say donks will not be rampant and that this won't happen. Let me tell you that today at my League I saw a Minccino donk happen with bts, a sabledonk and a freaking dunsparce donk deck. All of which won first turn before their opponent could draw a card. With donking as prevalent as it is this is already decided and we as players should pull up big boy and big girl shorts and say let's get to building new inventive decks.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

@aikira, with hgss-on.. BTS is gone. dunsparce dink will also not happen since plus powers no longer attach.

what will happen though, is Zekrom donk. zekrom active, drop a pachi, then drop a shaymin, then attach your energy for the turn. hit for 120.
if you don't have the shaymin or pachi, use collector, if you don't have collector, use dual ball.

that is the new donk deck in an hgss-on format.

I really, REALLY hope they make it an Arceus-on format. that way we keep Spiritomb to stop alot of donks, but not all. and that way I can run my Arceus deck next year as well..
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

@aikira, with hgss-on.. BTS is gone.
I think she is referring to the interim period between now and the imminent rotation of Sableye. Decks highly capable of donking will quite literally be rampant.
Dunsparce will, yes, null Pluspower, but it won't be impossible.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Yes I am talking about the Interim. Donk decks are going to be all that is played.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

carlitosbob said:
I really, REALLY hope they make it an Arceus-on format. that way we keep Spiritomb to stop alot of donks, but not all. and that way I can run my Arceus deck next year as well..

Unfortunately, it will be HGSS-on, not AR-on. It's pretty much confirmed.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Well, if they are doing this because DONK will increase, let me tell them respectfully, it won't even work. If they rotate Spiritomb AR, they will be really increasing DONK matches. Every card in the HS-On format has a x2 weakness with a 40 to 80 HP. Having Basic Pokemon that hits with 20 for one energy, and one or two pluspower, enables the user to OHKO the opponent, and since you can use trainers and supporters to accelerate your deck, you can manage to get those pluspowers easily since no card prevents you to use them. The format should be SV-On.
Also, SV and AR will not arrive their 2nd National, where MD had 3 Nats and SF, LA, PL and RR had 2 already.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Wish Maker said:
Well, if they are doing this because DONK will increase, let me tell them respectfully, it won't even work. If they rotate Spiritomb AR, they will be really increasing DONK matches. Every card in the HS-On format has a x2 weakness with a 40 to 80 HP. Having Basic Pokemon that hits with 20 for one energy, and one or two pluspower, enables the user to OHKO the opponent, and since you can use trainers and supporters to accelerate your deck, you can manage to get those pluspowers easily since no card prevents you to use them. The format should be SV-On.
Also, SV and AR will not arrive their 2nd National, where MD had 3 Nats and SF, LA, PL and RR had 2 already.

and what trainers accelerate your deck to get those pluspowers?

all but one of the speed trainers are leaving

and you only get one supporter
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I was waiting for this because I'm going to take a crack at the tcg...
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

This is good news and bad news for me. While I think it's a great idea to wait and see how well Sabledonk performs and/or how annoying the deck is before making a decision to rotate it, and that HGSS on would make the whole game a lot fairer, it's still going to seem kind of inconsistent to have a rotation mid-season which would get rid of almost every deck that's currently doing well in competative play. Also kinda annoying for me since I live in the UK and by then Nationals will have came and went (although that does mean that, unless I do really well (very unlikely) that would be the end of my season so I don't have to worry about an inconsistent season, etc).

Also, I'm assuming that if there was a rotation to HGSS in July then there won't be a rotation this September?
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Damn! Haha oh well atleast I got a few months with an SP deck to see and play the hype first hand. I have been building a kingdra/donphan deck in the backround while all these new rules / errata's and rotation talk. So I will have atleast 1 half decent deck for the new format. And I still have all my blastgatr stuff in my folder :) To bad I will lose Floatzel GL-X though :( really like that card :)

And Sablock :D (stuff sable donk SABLOCK!!!)
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

good no more SP for worlds lol.if that happens then alot of decks will have to rotate for the format.all pokemon will have the x2 weakness so its like going back to base set rules almost
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

such trash, work all year on Arceus and might not even be able to play it at Nats / Worlds.... never ran sableye, ever....

can't even book my ticket for nats, as I wont go without Arceus.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I'm with you creamyjeremy.. Worked on making my Arceus list solid.. Just to get it taken away. :'(
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Wouldn't it be easier if Nintendo forbids or "rotate" right now only Sableye SF, just as they did to Sneasel and Slowking from Neo Genesis? The article states Sableye is the problem. Or, which other cards take huge advantage of BW rules?