(1) Information on Diancie, Hoopa, and Volcanion [12/13]

They might. I personally like that more than just "Here have this Pokemon" from the girl at the PokeCenter, fighting them yourself and capturing them just feels better instead of receiving them directly.

The most interesting thing though, is how Diance resembles Carbink so closely. From its appearance, to its base stats, to its PokeDex entry. I wonder how the games plan to relate them (if they are related).
I've seen your video on YouTube about your speculation to their connection, and all of that makes sense in my eyes. I doubt breeding Diancie with Ditto will make Carbink like the Manaphy/Phione thing in Gen IV. And there's too many speculation to do when you think about how they're related. I personally think it has something to do with Reflection Cave, considering that's where Carbink is encountered, how the whole place is all about crystals and that specific rainbow-y spot where you find the Alakazite.
Its just weird that there will be a relation between a common Pokemon and a legendary. But then again it could be similar to the Regis and Relicanth and Wailord.
Probably. Also, my biggest question if Volcanion is in the Power Plant will be - WHICH DOOR. Seriously, on Route 13 there are 5 doors in total, with only one being accessible in the storyline (Team Flare, etc). Even if Volcanion is down there, which door is it? Is there like a maze inside? GF never leaves something there for no reason (except the truck keys back in RBY), and remember the locked house that triggers the Darkrai event back in Gen IV?

And here's a picture of the whole Route 13 viewed from above. The upper left one is the accessible one, and there's literally nothing around the other 4. Except an item (marked on the picture) and a Sun Stone you can find with the Dowsing Machine.
That really doesn't matter. They might save the other doors for future location.

I wish someone were able to noclip through the door and see if it triggers an event.
Same here. Although since only few have hacked the game (and none of them are really looking into it anymore) I don't think we'll find out more about any of this until we get more information.
Smealum is hacking the 3DS in general, not just X and Y, so we won't hear too much from him. But I do know that other hackers exist. They try not to release too much information though. I'm sure Smealum and others have the answers to some of these mysteries.

When do you think these would be officially revealed and distributed?
Well, Nintendo never has two events going on at the same time. The event Torchic just expired about a week ago and the upcoming one will be the special Celebi knowing Hold Back which comes with PokéBank and will be going on until September 2014. I really hope we do get them before that date though, even if it seems unlikely.

Also, speaking of those, do you remember the trademark list where they listed a bunch of Japanese names (including Diancie, Hoopa and Volcanion) before the games' release? I've heard something about a rumor that another trademark list was somewhere with Latios and Latias being on there. But Jynx, Plusle, Minum, Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza. This has led people to believe that those will be getting Mega Evolutions after Latios and Latias were revealed to have one. I can see Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza considering all these hints of Hoenn Remakes, Jynx, Plusle and Minum no, but overall I think that's either fake or will be saved for the next games. Smealum already said Latios and Latias are the only other Pokemon to have Megas, and so did WPM.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, that Celebi isn't Mystery Gift-distributed and instead comes with an app. This means we MIGHT actually get one of the event trio members sooner.
NickFusi0n said:
Well, Nintendo never has two events going on at the same time. The event Torchic just expired about a week ago and the upcoming one will be the special Celebi knowing Hold Back which comes with PokéBank and will be going on until September 2014. I really hope we do get them before that date though, even if it seems unlikely.

I've heard something about a rumor that another trademark list was somewhere with Latios and Latias being on there. But Jynx, Plusle, Minum, Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza. This has led people to believe that those will be getting Mega Evolutions after Latios and Latias were revealed to have one. I can see Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza considering all these hints of Hoenn Remakes, Jynx, Plusle and Minum no, but overall I think that's either fake or will be saved for the next games.

Actually, Plusle and Minun were introduced in Gen 3 as well, the only anomaly in that list is Jynx.
Yes, which I REALLY hope doesn't get a mega evolution anyway, sooner or later. Neither should Plusle or Minun... there's just no point.
TyranitarTube said:
I'm sure Smealum and others have the answers to some of these mysteries.

Smealum doesn't have information on those actually, and he doesn't plan to look further into it since he's busy. I believe he said that himself.
The Megas that currently exist are not the only ones obviously. There are a lot more to come. But that's the thing: are they only going to have the megas that are currently in the code of the game the only megas in X and Y? I feel like this is true, as they have the Lati@sites in the game. If they intended to have more megas in X and Y, which would be from a patch/dlc, then the Latis shouldn't exist in the game right now, and should be a part of that extension.

Pretty much, all the megastone in the game atm (including the lati@sites) may be the only ones in the game. I don't know how I'd feel about that.
WPM, could you confirm if Mega Latios has Adaptability and if Mega Latias has Multiscale? I mean, if that's fake or not, since you confirmed Volcanion, Hoopa and Diancie's information to be fake.
I've heard something about Mega Latios having Mega Launcher as an ability, but it sounds extremely random and unlikely to me.
And I'm still wondering if the Soul Dew is actually unavailable. Are there any NPCs in the region that mention Eon, Latios, Latias, Soul Dew or whatever?
Dang. Still no luck finding Latiosite or Latiasite, I'm probably just wasting my time but stranger things have happened in Pokemon games.
The reason you can't find it is because you already have it. It's been in your bag the entire time. That's right: I theorize that the Intriguing Stone is the Mega Stone for Latios and Latias.

"But PMJ, the Mega Evolution guru said it wasn't a Mega Stone!"

That's true, but think about it. Mega Stones only react for the Pokemon they're made for. Latias and Latios aren't native to Kalos, so why would the Mega Evolution guru know that those Pokemon have a Mega Evolution? Also consider that the only Pokemon who have Mega Evolutions are Pokemon obtainable in-game (no transfer required). Latias and Latios are the exceptions to that rule, and I think that a future in-game event will utilize the Intriguing Stone to allow the player to get the Mega Stone required for Latios and Latias.

The Intriguing Stone is not Soul Dew as the two items look nothing alike. And on the subject of color, one could argue against this theory, saying that the Intriguing Stone does not look like typical Mega Stones (it does not have the same helix pattern the other ones do). To that I say... yep, you've got me there. But I still find it a plausible and fun theory.