(1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

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Ace, I agree with you.
But as always, someone will come up and bash your opinion. There's not much we non believers can do except wait. u_u
I just hate its design, as with Mijimaru's (though I'm very satisfied with its final form). I'm sick of the springy tails and it looks like it's wearing a diaper. It's just.....eh. Lame. I like Miji's third form because it looks very aquatic. Smugleaf's third form is a SNAKE. That's what it's suppose to be, and they NAILED it. It's a friggin snake with vines, what else do you want?
i agree with you ace mijumaru looked really cool and its evo 2 but the last one is really kinda bad for a miju evo..

im hopeing there fake tho..
yeah people just hate it cuz its a pig..

No, I hate it because I think it's poorly designed, ugly, and hardly boar-like.
I would have liked it if it were a quadruped with a long pig snout to spew fire and big tusks.

Mijumaru's final form, on the other hand, isn't poorly designed per se...the reason I dislike it is because it doesn't LOOK like an otter at all. It looks like a walrus. In fact, it could be Walrein's brother if you took away the shells.
dude look at tsutaja evo its badly designed the last one is ugly and pretty? wow contest or musical? they ruined tsutaja atleast the pokabu one is more creative then just a simple snake wit vines -_-

You people are really this gullible?
I didn't believed it would get this far... Yes, I made this, and posted them in 2ch but didn't expected it to be taken seriously.

Don't you believe me? lets start with the first pignit evo.
If you look at the feet, they are exactly the same as LickyLicky, a single white nail.
The second similitude with LickyLicky is the M shaped form in the chest, look closely, both have that 'M'.
And third, I erased LickyLicky's head, and then put the pig face in the chest, and changed the LickyLicky tail for a swirled pig-tail.

Now, lets move on to the third pignit evo. It was based on Rhyperior, if you look closely, both have 2 nails in each feet.
Second, both have some sort of extension coming out their elbows, kinda like Gallade.
And third, I put this chest thing in the final fire evo to resemble the protector on Rhyperior's chest protector.

Now, move onto Wotter's third evo. it was based on Dialga, first, the evo's tail is really that metal thing on Dialga's back, then I proceeded to erase Dialga's tail.
Second, I made it to have pointy extremities and put some shell protectors to resemble the metal things on Dialga's feet.
And third, that shell on its head was made to sort of resemble the metal thing on Dialga's head, and the spikes at the lower side of the shell were made to resemble the spikes at Dialga's back-neck.

Finally, tsutarja final evo. It was made to resemble milotic, look at its tail, where milotic is supposed to have some multicolored scales, this final grass evo has some scales in the shape of leafs.
Second, the two things coming out from the evo's neck were made to resemble milotic's antennae.
And finally, the two pointed red things over milotic's eyes were the inspiration for the 2 pointy green things over tsutarja final evo's eyes.
BY RAlCHU Gamefaqs
http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/247/e/8/evolution_is_friggin___scary_by_knux_the_killer-d2y0n23.png cool pic lol
I think people needs to see the artworks in clear quality because they can trust anybody who is saying they made them... :b
At least for me I would believe its fake when the "creator" shows us the clear artworks he made of them before taking pics of them.. :b
I'm pretty sure we can wait a few weeks to find out if these are legit or not. Countless Pokémon have been made by people who share very similar artistic styles with Ken Sugimori, and many people are fooled by the fan Pokémon. Let's just all wait and see, arguing about it does nothing.
Let's hope that poster is telling the truth. It's funny how these supposed evos have more in common with other pokes than the pokemon they're supposed to evolve from.
Let's put another spin on it as well:

Do you think it's just coincidental that the second form of Pokabu, the ONLY one that wasn't revealed on the anime character sheet, is also the ONLY one of the second stages that clearly resembles a past Pokemon (lickilicky)? And that the final forms, NONE of which were revealed as of yet, also show clear resemblances to past Pokemon?
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