(1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

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So WPM, apparently, having a discussion that goes in circles with irrelevant points on multiple forums throughout the world is acceptable to maintain a single source that may have given you false information? Yep, totally makes sense dude.
Considering the source is obviously someone close to the games who has revealed information before I would say it is. :)
@Mew the source of all: It still doesn't make much sense for WPM to give him as much trust as he is right now with the large possibility that the source lied. Maybe reveal the sprite at least so we can analyze that? I don't care about Smiley-mask to tell the truth. Just give us more facts that three possibly fake pictures. -.-

And yes, I read that post. I still don't believe it.
you decide
Well then, I guess I shall leave then because nothing else will be revealed today. Let the pointless circular discussion involving the Torchic line and a possibly bad source go on!

*and everything else*
You don't believe in an animal that exsists? or that it may be based off of such an animal?
Also if you really think risking a great source is worth pleasing your base that will surely stay around, then you aren't the brightest lightbulb. Sorry just not much of a better to put it.
@Mew the source of all: It still doesn't make much sense for WPM to give him as much trust as he is right now with the large possibility that the source lied. Maybe reveal the sprite at least so we can analyze that? I don't care about Smiley-mask to tell the truth. Just give us more facts that three possibly fake pictures. -.-

And yes, I read that post. I still don't believe it.
I guess you didn't read the news story.
I guess you didn't read my posts here.
I guess you don't have a brain.
Although I kind of hope that these evolutions are fake, if they are real I think I could get used to them.

Tsutarja's final evolution looks good. Pretty much what I was expecting to see, hopefully Grass/Dragon or Grass/Flying.

Pokabu's looks okay, not what I was expecting (I was expecting a boar like Ganon), but I can live with it. Hopefully it is Fire/Dark, if it is another Fire/Fighting I don't know what I'll do.

Mijumaru's final evolution...I'm kind of speechless. I don't really know how they went from the second evolution to the last, design-wise. It looks Water/Ice to me, but I hope it's Water/Fighting like previously thought.

The elemental monkey trio is another gimmick set, maybe they'll have good stats, maybe not...we'll have to wait and see.

Anyways, those are my thoughts on the new Pokemon. And about the credibility of the source, does anybody remember the credibility of the source of that Martijn guy and his "Minotauros"? But for now I'll wait to see when the games (or the leaked ROMS) come out.
@ManhattanTheStarr: Thats what happens when you get a few people with different opinions and views in a forum I guess :p
Venator quit QQ, Jeezus man. Just wait it out. We keep trying to move on(I thnk) But you consitently bring the arguement back.
For Tsutarja's final evo I see alot of beauty in it due to it's smooth body and more femine look to it. Lives up to the Grass type starter's reputation of peace keepers. Pokabu's final evo resembles power and destruction and probably evil as well if it's part Dark type, almost to the point it's Pokemon's answer to Ganon from Legend of Zelda. Mijumaru's evo looks like an aquatic knight that has traits of both Tsutarja's peacefulness and Pokabu's power. The perfect blend of both worlds to form an incredible fighter.
But even with all of these, I still find it hard to decide who I'm going to choose first once I get White. :/
This whole situation is just person.

I don't care if they are fake or real at this point. If real then I am most definitely not using my starter, I might box it or something, but these have got to be the worst set of final evo's I have ever seen. 4th gen final evo's were cool, I only disliked Swampert, and despised Meganuim, I despise all of these :/.

If fake, then I am gonna grab some popcorn and watch **** really hit the fan.

lololol! VENATOR IS BANNED WPM... umad?... D:
Hmph, i still hope those evos to be fake, bcuz... i don't like them BUT if they result to be real, i will not use anyone of them! >.>
Am I the only user here that can actually respect and worship almost any Pokemon Game Freak is throwing at us in the recent generations? All I ever hear about the new Pokemon is complaints and and a whole lot of flame wars, but I honestly see no reason to be launching a bunch of hate at the new Pokemon, and even if I did want to criticise any Pokemon period it would go directly to those from the 2nd Gen and earlier.
this started out as a good discussion and i admit some of these post made me laugh. there are some really good points to both sides but honestly this whole discussion has spiraled out of control some of you can't live with the fact that they might actually be real and if they are so what. they may be real they may not be if you don't like the evolutions DON'T EVOLVE YOUR STARTER plain and simple. it's not that big of a deal that people have to start arguing. why can't this just be a friendly debate with reasonably stated opinions. truth is we are not going to know what the REAL starter evolutions look like until the game comes out so just let it be.
@Shiramu Kuromu: I am with you on that, I love all the Pokemon Gamefreak give out, if i hate them, they grow on me
Finally moving on from this useless argument if they are real I have got to say I like them a lot.

Smugleaf's final evo just looks cool, something that would be a breath of fresh air in pokemon.

Pokabu's final evo is cool in my opinion, sort of reminiscent of Magmortar, but not too much. As for the pattern on its belly, it makes me think of Greece. Therefore I shall call it GreecianBacon

Mijumaru's evo looks a lot better than Mijumaru did, and I love it, a little reminiscent of Swampert, and a cool shell horn. Awesome.

Simply put these are the first gen in which I loved every starter. Just Awesome.
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