(1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

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By the way WPM, you said in your post that Pokexperto has screenshots of Tsutarja's final form, but I can't seem to navigate the site correctly so if it doesn't bother you too much could you please post a link to the screenshots? If you're too mad now to talk about it I understand and I'll quit bugging you if I already am, but I'm just a little curious that's all....
I hope they are fake i trully do. while i like tsuttaja's last evo, the others just fall very short of what they could of been.

Pokabu's final evo: theres alot going on with this here, but thats not my beef with it. My problem with it is that it body type is extremely remeniscent of magmortar and rypherior. Not only that but it appears to be a fire fighting type. Again.

Mijumaru's final evo: I liked mijumaru once i saw his second evo. I was thinking that he was going to be pretty badass once he hit his final evolution. But this thing i see before me is for all intents and purposes, utterly hideous. I see absolutely no correlation between the final and its previous forms. Other than the shells.
While yes pokemon indeed do not need to evolve into a similiar animal, but starters in the past have never evolved into something so diffrent looking. Look back on Kanto starters, Johto starters, hoenn starters, and sinnoh starters. All those have never changed as drastically as this one has.

Tsutajjas final evo: this one makes the most sense to be honest. Tsutajja's legs had been getting smaller when it first evolved, so losing them in the final evo makes sense. and going from smug to royal eleagant isnt that much of stretch to be quite honest. still hoping this isnt a pure grass type.
Okay just clarifying that's all

Anyway (since I forgot about the monkey)
The monkeys are interesting. I wonder if they all evolve from one base form
@Aj there will always be someone thats hates lol. Im surprised I havent seen anyone call them digimon or yu-gi-oh ripoffs.
Wow......Well.... I hate them.

These evolutions are just... No. The only ones that look good are Tsutaaja and Mijumaru's girst evos. Coincidence that they have been confirmed real(and are in the same pose as in the beta art)? I think not. Both of Pokabu's evos are absolutely ridiulous and don't really look like him except for color scheme... Mijumaru's final evo is debatable and Tsutaaja's is growing on me. However I still think (and hope) that these are fake. The Tsutaaja stage 2 evo could be real and confirmed by the sprite(which we haven't seen btw), but that doesn't make the others real and at least Tsutaaja's final is the one I am least dissapointed in and I was picking him anyway.

EDIT: Oh but the monkeys are a really cool idea! I had a feeling Dento would be a three-starter-type leader because of his badge and gym, and now that broco-monkey has aqua-ape and Chimchar(lol) it's perfect. I might use aqua-ape depending on the typing and if he's good, or maybe Chimchar if he doesn't live up to the nickname I gave him.
@http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=86051&pid=1683000#pid1683000 From the explanation under the images: "As a jpeg image is resaved over and over again, its image quality decreases. When we resave an image and compare it to the original, we can guess just how many times the image has been resaved. If an image has not been manipulated, all parts of the image should have been saved an equal amount of times"

With explanation and images from the link I provided; it can be deduced that the pics of the Pokemon were saved a different number of times from the background. For the sake of clarification: they were edited while on the background or pasted onto said background, meaning that the original images of these Pokemon were edited (colored in and resized) and placed together using a program such as paint or adobe photoshop.
Wow the Pokemon look pretty cool but are they real and why the weird names they have? Is it the Japanese names or the English names? I am asking because the names I can't even pronounce excpt for Pokabo or whatever the Fire starter is XD.:)
I'm just going to wait till October's issue of Corocoro comes out for the fullfledged confirmation because people keep seeming to have a hard time with the concept of this stuff. To be truthful I can care a less about if these are real or fake, the designs are awesome and regardless of what happens I'm still getting the games.
WOW well i had a lot of funn reading all this Thanks Ppl you guys rock XD

Anywho im sure these Pokemon are real i hope so there sorta diffrent from other one's which is good!

The games are out soon so we find out then:D

WPM you rockXD

Hah! Well would you look at that. :p
Not trying to prove anything with this, but this really made me laugh. xD
Um...If you're not trying to trying to prove anything then why are you posting that.

They may look like older pokemon, but people naturally draw ideas from what they've seen.
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