(1) June CoroCoro Scans Leaked - New Pokemon [6/11]

All I got to say is: What the #$%^ is that gear thing?? And that gorilla looks like a digimon. but the rest are pretty cool :D
Yes, I meant that there is going to be so many new pokemon to fill in those gaps between 1-75/76
ChaoSparx said:
All I got to say is: What the #$%^ is that gear thing??


kriffix said:
@ Gear haters
But to be fair though, say this pokemon was released in first generation for a second. You wouldn't know any better and just accept it right?

Then say for example Diglett/Dugtrio , Magnemite/Magneton etc Koffing/Weezing etc was just brought out in 5th gen, you would probably feel the same way as you are about Gear right now, no?
Just let it set in, then who knows, you may come to like it all! :D
I really like them. Esspecially that fire monkey thingy XD gotta have one when the games come to the netherlands! >:D
kriffix said:
@ Gear haters
But to be fair though, say this pokemon was released in first generation for a second. You wouldn't know any better and just accept it right?

Then say for example Diglett/Dugtrio , Magnemite/Magneton etc Koffing/Weezing etc was just brought out in 5th gen, you would probably feel the same way as you are about Gear right now, no?
Just let it set in, then who knows, you may come to like it all! :D

No because there is a digimon that came out years ago that resembles Gear. I find it to be a rip off.
kriffix said:
@ Gear haters
But to be fair though, say this pokemon was released in first generation for a second. You wouldn't know any better and just accept it right?
I can not imagine Satoshi and his crew, during development of Red and Green, looking at concept art of that... that thing and say "yeah, awesome, let's add it to the game". Not in a million years.
There is something about that Pokémon which shows a severe lack of inspiration, design and originality. It honestly has no redeeming factors. It feels so very un-Pokémon (or un-anything beyond toddler-drawings), it burns :(

Look at any Pokémon from gen1 (and even gen2, I've even been arguing with my brother over whether or not it would fit in gen3 or 4, which I think it's even too bad for) and then at that thing, there is honestly no way you could ever think the same people designed them (without severe brain damage or substance abuse).

If it were in gen1, it would surely be my prime example of how gen1 also had some pretty horrible Pokémon.
So a run down of what we have:

Gears of Poke
A psychic pig/anteater (cousin of Drowzee/Hypno and/or Spoink/Grumpig?)
Our "first encounter" wild Pokemon (chinchilla+pigeon).
Electric Zebracorn that reminds me of Girafarig (I demand it be called Zebrarbez).
Heatran and Chimchar's lovechild.
And the awesome "looks like it should be an Electric-type" desert alligator.

Awesome day is awesome.
Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:

kriffix said:
@ Gear haters
But to be fair though, say this pokemon was released in first generation for a second. You wouldn't know any better and just accept it right?

Then say for example Diglett/Dugtrio , Magnemite/Magneton etc Koffing/Weezing etc was just brought out in 5th gen, you would probably feel the same way as you are about Gear right now, no?
Just let it set in, then who knows, you may come to like it all! :D

Hey I dont hate it at all, I was kinda joking, but at first I didn't even notice that is was a pokemon. But yea I know how it is just like when 4th G started coming out, they were really weird at first but they always grow to you.
"There is something about that Pokémon which shows a severe lack of inspiration, design and originality. It honestly has no redeeming factors. It feels so very un-Pokémon (or un-anything beyond toddler-drawings), it burns :("

Cry moar. Kthx - someone who doesn't mind the new Pokemon.
M.H. Bard said:
"There is something about that Pokémon which shows a severe lack of inspiration, design and originality. It honestly has no redeeming factors. It feels so very un-Pokémon (or un-anything beyond toddler-drawings), it burns :("

Cry moar. Kthx - someone who doesn't mind the new Pokemon.
I honestly don't care if you don't mind, if you like them, good for you.
And I'm not crying, I'm just sad that a franchise I used to love so much is going downhill so very rapidly. I honestly thought gen4 was a step back in the right direction in some ways, but it seems like they really don't want me playing Pokémon anymore.
I just found this news out now. I really like the new Pokemon, but I don't think much of the Pink one. I think that Black & White will be awesome to play. The professor of this region looks nice. The new Wi-Fi features seems really cool. The flying type looks like a turkey and a bird mixed :O.
kriffix said:
I think it's fake.

The Japanese spelling is unnatural for a Pokemon name.「チラーミー」would feel right but「チラーミィ」 just seems odd.

They did that with Pii, so quit yo complaining. Said already, nvm.

Gial has officially become the most awesome Pokemon ever.
You can't bear to hate Pokemon!!!
since why do you guys even compare pokemon with digimon?
both of them are based from the same real life thing aren't they ?
the crocodile's ability is pure awesomeness
never bring it to the pokemon center after reaching its highest attack stat!!!
FireGrey said:
Ok everyone that is hating this game lemme say one thing...
But I'm probably not going to :(

And if there's one thing I learned from the last 2 generations it's that boring Pokémon usually make playing the game a shore. There's something about playing the originals (or remakes) and wanting to catch at least 50% of the Pokémon you see because they're awesome. I never even finished Platinum for that reason.

I know I'm being negative here, but geez, I honestly feel like I have a right to be in this case...
I'm usually not a negative person, but these things are just too much for me.
1st i kinda like the chinchalla thing
2 piggy bank 4 that munna thing
3 gear looks wrong in so many ways
4 starly pidgey mutation gone wrong
5 the red 1 freaks me out
6 girafarige cousin
7 uhhh wierd alligator
Itsubon said:
both of them are based from the same real life thing aren't they ?
I have to agree with that totally~

On a separate note, there should still be another page of Corocoro,
A sentence goes off of the page half way. Basically there could be more news~
Haha Spoon, you're getting a little bit too old maybe, joking.

The only one that dissappoints me a bit is the little pig, looks like something pulled out of my grandma's cupboards.
But hey, I'm just glad we get some pure types again after those weird type combinations from the 4th gen.

The gorilla thingy is still awesome, no matter how long I look at it.