(1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

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I love the tadpole, I just wish that it won't evolve into an ugly toad or frog, I want it to be something cool :p. Oh yh, you know the Monmen(the cotten pokemon) is exclusive to Black and Churine (the Root Pokemon) is exclusive to White, will they both evolve into this: http://www.pokexperto.net/nds/blanco_negro/fanart/oveja.png
Sigh... Looks like Uglit is real. :( Not much I can do about that though. I'm going to start believing Pokexperto now. Before, I was very skeptical, but if Serebii and WPM trust him, and some of the information he's revealed has turned out to be true, I'd be wise to trust him. If this jellyfish thing having different formes is real, I guess GameFreak have developed an obsession with formes. In the same way that Sinnoh was divided into 2 distinct halves, I think these different formes will vary from island to island in Isshu.
Or version to version. They claimed that the ratio of certain pokemon will be in/decreased depending on version.

Seriously though, if they're doing this much to create exclusive content in each version, why bother with a 3rd version?

I wonder....
Cool! Ladies and gentlemen... we have the NEW TENTACOOL. If this thing keeps cropping up every time I try to surf this will get rather annoying. >:/
-_- I was seriously hoping for something better, but still this is cool :p(Reminds me of the Monoply Man, , his moustache O_O)
no if thats an octopus, then how does it evolve intoa jellyfish? it just doesnt make sense but then again how can a otter evolve into a sealion/unicorn..
@Ramsey, as this picture: http://pokebeach.com/news/0810/pokemon-center-ad-blue-pokemon.jpg isn't that clear, its could be a jellyfish anyway.

And 'bout Miju3, its a Giant otter, it walks on four legs.


New silhouette! Actually, this one looks quite epic to me.
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