(1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

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@godzilla41 Well, how about putting it against its resistance and immunity. Water, Fire, Grass, Lightning, Ghost resistance and Psychic immunity. At least it does not have a 4X Weakness (the second Pseudo Legendary, after Metagross) so it may have some bulk when compared to its Pseudo Legendary reptile brothers (all those Dragons and Tyrantitar).

Dragon and Dark STAB is not the most fantastic combo but at least they hit neutral on most Pokemon, with the exception of Steel Pokemon. Considering that all PLs up till now can learn Flamethrower and/or Earthquake, I don't think this PLs is anything less than Garchomp (who will be KOed by an Icebeam if it cannot OHKO by its bulky water counter).
Don't know if this is the right place but:
There are missing pages from the special magazine, just wondering if they had any new info?
I guess the Lamprey ones are like Chinchou.

Well, its a Pokémon between 603 and 633, most likely 604. Between 603 and 633 are the Pokémon we don't know anything off.
Lol Rotom and Baltoy went to the daycare centre someone on another site said it might be the fire ghost one but i don't know maybe.
Oh sorry, then its BETWEEN 604 and 633 (wich means it cant be 604 and 633).

And about the Fire Ghost, it is said to be a Candle.

Oh sorry, then its BETWEEN 604 and 633 (wich means it cant be 604 and 633).

And about the Fire Ghost, it is said to be a Candle.
Hmm im thinking this pokemon will have a creepy face like Desukan and rotom.... (not that im scared of them O_O)
I see an anteater Pokemon - Fire type. I see a vulture Pokemon - Dark type. COOL!
A dark/dragon pokémon seems cool, I'll capture but will not put it on my official team. Ice/dragon rules!!! but I wanted a bug/dragon...it would kickbutts :D
Offtopic: Is it me, or does anybody gets the feeling that Isshu may be the new Kanto, and the gen.6 (if they make one) will be the new johto and so on...? It could give a fresh start to a new generation of players...
Well, to give you my opinion, Ishu > Kanto. But I don't know, could be, but that's just because they are doing a fresh start.
Yh I think that as well, because all of us are getting old, and GF are gonna forget us for newer players :|
anyways has Melkor posted anything new?
Can anyone tell me how they got "Fresh Start" out of "New experience"?

I haven't seen "fresh start" as one of the major reasons as to why they are making these games. If it was a fresh start, we'd see EVERYTHING revamped. From the story patterns to pacing, etc.
A lamprey pokemon? This is officially my favorite generation.

Also; lampreys are jawless fish, which means they have no jaw bone and can use their mouth like a suction cup. They're amazing things, happy theres a pokemon based on it finally. Can see the mouths and one of them normally in this picture.
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