(1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

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I wonder what these KS artworks are going to be like. Its probably going to make the fanart look bad and everyone will stop complaining. :D
Yeah just look at all the Zoroark predictions most people drew that looked bad in comparison to the real thing (With the exception of Xous's pic if that was his. Can't remember who made that more awesome guess).
Um... what was that all about!? I just saw him taunting the mods for reasons I do not understand. :S

I'm quite happy with the large number of legendaries! Sure, it may make their "value" a lot cheaper, but it's still fun to try and get them all! :D
If somebody could post (in BB code format) pics of all the fan art for thpse who can't load it, it would be mass appreciated.
Is it possible some of these descriptions might be off? The front page says the images this guy had were low res, right? There are some Pokémon on here I like the sound of, such as the polar bear, but others just seem like they looked to the fingerpaintings of a preschool class for inspiration.
Am I the only one with a positive attitude towards Pokémon Black and White? It may seem like a bad game but it's been getting good reviews so I'm pretty sure it's just getting underrated.

Well, since for now it seems like this Sky Arr-- I mean Brooklyn Bridge is being bought, I'll go along with it and try my best to imagine it as real.

I love the idea of a normal dog with 2 evolutionary stages instead of one. It should be a lot easier to train and that way flow better with other two-stagers such as the starters.

The panther idea just sounds epic. I hope that GF didn't mess this up by giving it poor stats except for speed or something like that. It'd be very nice if it was both a physical and special attacker with good speed.

I was sort of hoping for Shimama to have two stages, but there is still hope considering its evo sounds cool.

If Kurumiru's final is as it is described, I might actually use a Bug-type for once on my team. :D

Hermit Crab pokemon sounds interesting...hoping it isn't a repeat of shuckle in some fail-erific way. -_-

And the legendaries...too many legendaries...
I'm with you GroudonKing, I'm pretty interested by all this and I can't wait to see what they look like and learn about all the others not to mention I think the purple cat might take over Espeon as my fave :eek:

I think there's about 50 legendaries now with all of Isshu's counted in, I love the idea of a legendary bug type and a PURE FLYING type legendary D:
I mean, I do like some of the new pokemon that were featured in the possible pokedex list, but the problem is, they don't really look official to me. So I'm still iffy about it all being true.
There is a pokemon called Burokku i think. I think he will be the pre evolution of ononokusus because their name is similar. Plus its sounds nothing like Kibago so Kibago WONT evolve into Ononokusu.
I think this is....FAKE! If it's not related to the other games than why would there be another fire/fighting for the 3rd time in a row? and also, on the list it says that chillarmy gets an evolution..when it was already confirmed to be a basic pokemon. And i think that mijumaru will turn into a water/fighting type b/c why would it need to learn revenge? that would just be really dumb and random. Also, why would Hihidaruma have an alternate fire/psychic form when victini is supposed to be obviously very special and unique to the game? doesn't add up!



Please turn Caps Lock off. That's an excessive usage right there. ~EspeonROX.
you guys do know that pokemon 545-549 were CONFIRMED fake as the creator showed what he used to make them (those were just his thought of what they MIGHT look like based on the description given...) ... -.-'... seriously do some work before you post things....
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