(1) LEGEND Cards of 'HS - Undaunted' Confirmed, New Goodies in Theme Decks [6/7]

I don't play much these days (not at all competitively), but I still collect.

I REALLY want to see Kyogre/Groudon Legend! They're the only thing I've seen so far that interests me from this set.
Yay i love this set :3 Hoenn Legends, beautiful primes, all RL stuff i was waiting for and appealing theme decks.
Lost Link is coming next set, dont worry (for Novemeber), and i think clash of the summit cards are going to be split up in novemeber and february sets...but this is just in case there is another LEGEND set after clash of the summit. If not, i would say that a mega set is coming for novemeber!!
When I saw HS Undaunted I made a prediction:if this set has only Deoxys and Rayquaza LEGEND the next set will have a DPt theme because of Dialga and Palkia LEGEND and Darkrai and Cresselia LEGEND.But what with Kyogre and Groudon LEGEND?We might have a R/S/E-themed set.And something more:I wonder about what LEGEND would be releashed later.I hope that A Regirock and Registeel and Regice LEGEND will be releashed later...:rolleyes:
Reshiram said:
When I saw HS Undaunted I made a prediction:if this set has only Deoxys and Rayquaza LEGEND the next set will have a DPt theme because of Dialga and Palkia LEGEND and Darkrai and Cresselia LEGEND.But what with Kyogre and Groudon LEGEND?We might have a R/S/E-themed set.And something more:I wonder about what LEGEND would be releashed later.I hope that A Regirock and Registeel and Regice LEGEND will be releashed later...:rolleyes:

Releashed? The opposite of Unleashed? XD

I don't think they'll make a tri-pokemon legend. That would make the game over in only 2 knockouts. I would find it more likely to have those three as primes and Gigas as a Legend.