(1) Mamoswine GL from 'Rising Rivals' and Decision [5/4]

What do you think?

  • Prerelease scans on Friday night / Saturday morning, WPM a judge!

    Votes: 154 79.4%
  • Prerelease scans early in the week, WPM not a judge!

    Votes: 40 20.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
picklelicker129 said:
I must say, this is a very tricky situation. If you do become a judge you have the chance of getting in to higher events, however, after hearing the way POP has treated you, I would say they're likely to hold a grudge and never let you get higher in the company then a Galactic Grunt. If I had been in your spot when they revoked your press pass, I would have probably just said that I would not want to work for a company that denies my service, and might have even taken them to court, claiming they are going against the 5th amendment of the constitution. You probably should just please your viewers, as the chances of that are better then being a judge.

I think the best option would be looking for a loop hole. Have another person scan in the scans for you, share them with some other site, post 1 at a time,ETC.

You need a poll option like "I'm not sure what you should do. Maybe try the coin flipper or spinning wheel Poketch app?"

5th amendment only protects against actual Court Hearings. Private companies are free to run their business as they see fit. I don't agree, as revealing sources gets journalists in trouble, but POP has every right to dislike the posting of cards early.
As many other members before you have said, "giving in" to them on this issue sets them up to give you further orders to continue being part of their judge program. That is a bad thing.

However, it would be a good thing if they made concessions as well -- e.g. "If you delay posting scans until our sneak previews, then you may post the top decklists from official tournaments at which you judge on your site." If being a judge gave you access to those and allowed you to post them, then I feel the pros would outweigh the cons at that point.

I read something from another poster that they revoked a press pass of yours over something. That having been said, it's already known that they do not respect you, and there would most likely be a glass ceiling as far as your advancement within the judge program (they wouldn't let you get past a certain point as they would fear information you get would be released early, or information that isn't supposed to be released at all would show up.)

The decision is not so much "what do I want vs. what do my viewers want" so much as it is "Which decision would be better for the game, in my opinion?" I think that is partially determined by what you have to give up posting on your site, vs. what you would be able to post on your site that you wouldn't be able to otherwise.

...but as it should be, the final decision is yours.
WPM, you run the site, sacrifice plenty of your time keeping up a site you DON'T have to run. I say wait.
WPM, you've been giving us all this stuff for free, we as a whole have no right to get in your way of doing what you want. if you want to be a judge, go for it. us lazy guys can sit and wait a few more days.
tpewebmaster said:
My opinion is POP is being a big idiot for not letting WPM post scans.

is posting scans a few days early going to hurt ANYONE?


it will actually do good because people will look at the scans and know what cards they want to buy

if POP is gonna hide scans of setlist then people might not even want to buy RR because they want to see what they might get in the packs/PR's

But you're going to see whats in the packs anyway if you go to a pre-release, or if you even check go-pokemon.com. Last I recall they put the full set lists up a few days after the official release.

If you want to know what cards to buy look at the initial translations done of the Japanese versions. Asides from a few small changes and possible amendments on the English side, they'll pretty much be the same all 'round.

Come on, you can't use an argument of "people won't buy" yes they will if they play and want to keep up. Yes they will if they collect and want a full set.

No offense, but I am not sure that even if your try as hard as you can, that POP will let you be a serious judge. I mean you have SEVERELY upset them as far as I can tell, and you have burnt way too many bridges IMO that they most likely won't let you get high up on the judging ladder. I would suggest that rather then make yourself go through more trouble you really think about it and possible send an email to them to see what they think and if they would be supportive. If they won't then, it is pretty obvious what your going to do, however if they will let you, then it makes it a lot easier choice for you, but before you go trying to be a judge I would think you should try to rebuild some of the bridges you have burnt along the way.

You do enough for the site. We already have the Japanese scans with translations. You should go for being a judge!
honestly...having been a judge for other games, I think it's kind of overrated. while you may enjoy it early on, it may actually wear on you over time. I would love to see the scans, but if there is something you want to do and providing the scans would hinder that, the scans can wait. I just find it funny that PUSA makes a big deal about it when the cards are going to be released anyway, there really is no real reason why it should even matter that the scans are being shown, it's not breaking the game in anyway, shape, or form...and in actuality, showing scans like that may garner more sales, considering now that people know what's coming in the sets, they will know what to shoot for.
Like how loads of people have already said...
You already done so much for us... I think most people would be OK to wait a few extra days before getting our grubby hands on the scans
:p... I say go for it!!
You already have Japanese cards for people to look at, and it is a lot more fun opening packs and not knowing what the pokemon are, art and attacks :D
Why is this even being discussed. WPM go for it, I mean what's waiting a week more for something you actually want! Plus, as stated, we already get teh Jap scans so we can wait. Whoever doesn't want you to go for it is simply selfish man! You got my vote G, aii WPM, GO FOR IT!
Ironically, doing what you want to do is the unselfish option, for, in your attempts to please site visitors, you would be breaking judge rules. So, no early releases! Let Mr. Water Pokémon Master be a judge!
WPM, you've been giving us early scans ever since.... I don't know... really. I don't know:p The point is, that I think you should be a judge. I always liked to see those early scans so I can proxie stuff, but it doesn't matter. Just leave the job to the mods (if they get some of the stuff early) And we have the BET translations, so we don't have to worry about knowing the text early. I really want you to keep those scans early, but I think you should be a judge. But if you can become a judge while still giving away early scans, then that would be more than just great.

And BTW, Mamoswine is OK. More energy and Palkia G can do a better spread, but. Flygon Lv.X doesn't pwn Mamoswine, and the Poke Body. Anything else can just be Floatzel GL'ed.

And, everyone could just go on Saturday morning to see those scans. It doesn't hurt.

I have a few questions.

1) How did you get your press badge when you went to worlds last year?
2) What things have POP done to you that annoyed you?