(1) Mega Charizard X Revealed During 'Pokemon Origins' [10/2]

So I actually really like MegaCharX. Mainly because he's like a shiny i don't have to trade to get. :D
Gino Ramos said:
I honestly couldn't agree more. While the version specific Mega Evos are cool, did we really need them? Unless they SERIOUSLY balance it really well, we're gonna see more people get one version than the other.

On Mega Charizard X's design, WHY does it magically change colours that drastically?

Magically changes colors? Is there anything about Pokemon that couldn't be considered "magical"? It isn't uncommon for a Pokemon to change colors upon evolution, and Charizard had one of the coolest shinies to begin with... So I'm glad to see its new form change colors.

Leaf_Ranger said:
So, I suppose that now it's "double or nothing" with all other mega-evos, right?... Right?
First of all, I must say that I don't really like this chained version exclusive mega-evolution stuff. If I already didn't liked mega-evolution "per se", now it seems way too much (Mewtwo I sort of accepted because he's a clone, genetics and that but this? Is there an explanation?). Secondly, why the hell does this version seems like a shiny Charizard? Seriously...3 Charizard version...Did we really needed this?
I've seen some "leaked" images of some mega-evos (I was offline for an entire week and I didn't bother to dig deeper into comments and news to not (that much) get spoiled now that I'm back) and if they are to become true then I'll change my mind and think that this generation, while improving some things, then it fell into the pit of lack of creativity. A Pokémon which design was almost, if not, perfect and another one that, like Mawile, needed a true evolution but instead gets a mega-evo and a crappy one...
I really hope that Mega-evo dies with this generation (here's something new: I've never before had the desire to see any mechanic buried along with their debut generation! It does says something).

Mega evos are here. It's highly doubtful this will be the only generation to introduce more. While it's a bit of a shame that it is taking the attention away from regular evolutions, it seems to be the direction Pokemon is heading. "Genetically stronger Pokemon", if you will. Best to just accept it.
Finally got around to watching all four of Pokemon Origins. Did not disappoint! The battle scenes were epic. It also did a great job of recapturing the feeling, experience, and inspiration of the original games. I wish it wasn't just four episodes long! I also hope they continue on with other gens! I won't say too much about my favorite parts so I don't spoil it for others. ^^
Something big has to be anounced for Y this week. I've been wanting X since these games were anounced but things just seem a little unbalanced. Let's hope you Y fans have some more things to look forward to.
nightkeeper said:
Gino Ramos said:
I honestly couldn't agree more. While the version specific Mega Evos are cool, did we really need them? Unless they SERIOUSLY balance it really well, we're gonna see more people get one version than the other.

On Mega Charizard X's design, WHY does it magically change colours that drastically?

Magically changes colors? Is there anything about Pokemon that couldn't be considered "magical"? It isn't uncommon for a Pokemon to change colors upon evolution, and Charizard had one of the coolest shinies to begin with... So I'm glad to see its new form change colors.

Leaf_Ranger said:
So, I suppose that now it's "double or nothing" with all other mega-evos, right?... Right?
First of all, I must say that I don't really like this chained version exclusive mega-evolution stuff. If I already didn't liked mega-evolution "per se", now it seems way too much (Mewtwo I sort of accepted because he's a clone, genetics and that but this? Is there an explanation?). Secondly, why the hell does this version seems like a shiny Charizard? Seriously...3 Charizard version...Did we really needed this?
I've seen some "leaked" images of some mega-evos (I was offline for an entire week and I didn't bother to dig deeper into comments and news to not (that much) get spoiled now that I'm back) and if they are to become true then I'll change my mind and think that this generation, while improving some things, then it fell into the pit of lack of creativity. A Pokémon which design was almost, if not, perfect and another one that, like Mawile, needed a true evolution but instead gets a mega-evo and a crappy one...
I really hope that Mega-evo dies with this generation (here's something new: I've never before had the desire to see any mechanic buried along with their debut generation! It does says something).

Mega evos are here. It's highly doubtful this will be the only generation to introduce more. While it's a bit of a shame that it is taking the attention away from regular evolutions, it seems to be the direction Pokemon is heading. "Genetically stronger Pokemon", if you will. Best to just accept it.

They are here but I hope that they remain "here", in Gen. V. Until a new generation rises, we can't say for sure what direction it's taking...If it's something that will continue (despite not wanting it) then I hope that at least mega-evos become rarer.
Mega-evos don't seem to me like "genetically stronger Pokémon" but instead like "bonding changes" despite cheapened with the inclusion of items needed to do that.
"Best to just accept it"? That's like saying someone to be quiet and not make a fuss because it's better not to criticize. I know that you most likely mean that by accepting it's easier not to became upset but Mega-evo is something that must be discussed and if it isn't the best or is something that doesn't please most of the fans (not saying that it's the case) then something must be done, wether to just stop it for future generations or restrict it to some exceptional cases and not having 3 more versions of some Pokémon like Charizard (even here I must admit that it has some logic since a person's bond with something is different for each one of it but implementing this and not making different-colored Pokémon according to region is just nonsense).
Just finished watching Pokémon Origins, and even though I tried my best to control myself, I ended up being too excited when I saw Mega Charizard X. After the anime ended, I became disappointed imagining the possibility of Venusaur and Blastoise not getting another Mega Evo. Game Freak can't do this. Too unfair. -.-
Imagine shiny Mega Charizard X goes back to orange...
For those who spent months soft-resetting for a shiny Chamander, I feel so, very bad for you.

Also, wasn't Origins supposed to be a tribute to "Those who played the first Pokemon games?" Not a tribute to "those who played the first Pokemon games but prefer X and Y for the Mega Evolution's?" Not really sticking to First-Gen stuff like advertised. But I'm glad! Mega Charizard X is my new favorite Pokemon (Previously being the original Charizard, or Charizard Y. Both Kinda looked the same...)
^Did you really expect Origins to be strickly about the original games when it was aired a week and a half before the release of the new pair of games? It's obvious they meant to advertise something new with it while also paying tribute to the old games... In this case, it was Mega Charizard X, one of the original 151 pokémon featuring the new gen VI mechanic, Mega Evos, making a bridge between both... seems pretty smart to me...
first off i've got to say that mega charizard and megastones thing kind of killed pokemon origins for me and what i thought it was going to be. instead of a special to relive the fun of the gen 1 games it was basically an advert for X and Y.

Anyway im really confused as to why charizard gets a second mega evo and not the other kanto starters im assuming going by the names of their megastones. i could understand if this was an event pokemon or the megastone being an event item for a short period to go along with Pokemon origins, but it being a version exclusive just seems odd to me.
Leaf_Ranger said:
nightkeeper said:
Mega evos are here. It's highly doubtful this will be the only generation to introduce more. While it's a bit of a shame that it is taking the attention away from regular evolutions, it seems to be the direction Pokemon is heading. "Genetically stronger Pokemon", if you will. Best to just accept it.

"Best to just accept it"? That's like saying someone to be quiet and not make a fuss because it's better not to criticize. I know that you most likely mean that by accepting it's easier not to became upset but Mega-evo is something that must be discussed and if it isn't the best or is something that doesn't please most of the fans (not saying that it's the case) then something must be done, wether to just stop it for future generations or restrict it to some exceptional cases

I understand your point, I'm only saying that GameFreak will do it's own thing, regardless. If they want to make a generation completely focusing on megas, they will. I was hoping for more new pokemon this gen, but it seems like megas are the spotlight... So I wouldn't see why they wouldn't stick with it for future gens. At least I can hope they do give Pokemon who could use one, like Raichu or Arcanine. Whether it be for a new design or boosted stats.

As for using multiple mega forms on one Pokemon, at least they're choosing designs that work. Not a lot of people are complaining about Mega Charizard X's new look. I just don't understand GameFreak's selectivity. How they could give all Kanto starters a new mega, then follow by giving only one starter an addition mega? Doesn't make sense to me. Why would they leave the others out, other than building hype for Origins or just showing favoritism towards one starter? As much as I love both the Charizards' megas, the other two really should have one as well.
squirtwo said:
Hey guys, Mega Charizard X will still receive 4x damage from stealth rock... It doesn't gain the new typing until after switching in and mega evolving.

Yeah, switching in. You do realize that there are people who lead with their Charizard no? In that case stealth rock does jack shit.
Raptor9229 said:
squirtwo said:
Hey guys, Mega Charizard X will still receive 4x damage from stealth rock... It doesn't gain the new typing until after switching in and mega evolving.

Yeah, switching in. You do realize that there are people who lead with their Charizard no? In that case stealth rock does jack shit.

Starting off with Charizard would prevent Stealth Rock damage, but that's always been true. It's not a valid argument for its type change affecting it in anyway.