(1) New 'Extremespeed Genesect: Mewtwo's Awakening' Trailer! [3/6]

Also some info about the movie, Mewtwo has thoughts about the Genesect stating that "these Pokemon shouldn't exist, just like me" or something like that.

I really want to know how it goes in that direction.
So I saw this trailer - and I suddenly and inexplicably considered using that promotional Next Destinies Mewtwo in my team on Black instead of just leaving him/it in the PC forever. xD I guess I remembered what little I knew about anime Mewtwo's personality?

Anyway. Yeah. This is shaping up to be one of the most awesome Pokemon movies ever.
Arceusect2 said:
Genesect: Beep Boop Beep -_-
Mewtwo: IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZAR *Blows half the city apart*

trust me, they're both gonna do that, especially cause there are like 6 genesects, I just hope that doesn't mean they are all like really weak
Elite Stride said:
Wait....what was so great about Mewtwo's entrance? lol

It's too late to brace yourselves, the Mewtwo fanboys are already here.

The haters make me famous :cool: ~ES
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj47LbIs0V8 more video on youtube on the red genesect
You know, realization suddenly hit. It made sense why they included Mewtwo in the Genesect movie because think about it, they are both genetically "improved" Pokemon. Mewtwo is an improved clone of Mew, and Genesect, while only fan-speculated (but made fairly obvious), is an altered Kabutops. I wonder if they will elaborate on this in the movie. I hope they do, it would make things interesting.
Zielo said:
You know, realization suddenly hit. It made sense why they included Mewtwo in the Genesect movie because think about it, they are both genetically "improved" Pokemon. Mewtwo is an improved clone of Mew, and Genesect, while only fan-speculated (but made fairly obvious), is an altered Kabutops. I wonder if they will elaborate on this in the movie. I hope they do, it would make things interesting.

Not sure where this came from to be honest. Why are people saying that Genesect is the improved Kabutops? Mew and Mewtwo are both PSY type where as Kabutops (rock/water) and Genesect (steel/bug). I realy fail to see the connection ...
Vaguely similar body shapes means it's related to an older Pokemon in some way! Just like how whenever a new Pokemon is revealed, it's a ripoff of an an older one just because they're both bipedal. :O
godzilla41 said:
Zielo said:
You know, realization suddenly hit. It made sense why they included Mewtwo in the Genesect movie because think about it, they are both genetically "improved" Pokemon. Mewtwo is an improved clone of Mew, and Genesect, while only fan-speculated (but made fairly obvious), is an altered Kabutops. I wonder if they will elaborate on this in the movie. I hope they do, it would make things interesting.

Not sure where this came from to be honest. Why are people saying that Genesect is the improved Kabutops? Mew and Mewtwo are both PSY type where as Kabutops (rock/water) and Genesect (steel/bug). I realy fail to see the connection ...

This. That Kabutops thing is really annoying me... Genesect is not a Fossil Pokémon. Genesect has no relation to any previous Pokémon. Period.
"fairly obvious?" BS... You guys like to see things where they don't exist.... Does Genesect have scythe blades? I don't think so... Is Genesect based on a marine anthropod? Nope.
Its body shape is actually more similar to Scizor (excluding the head and pincers)... Do I think Genesect is related to Scizor because of that? Hell no...

If Genesect hadn't been altered by Team Plasma, it would look pretty much like it does now, except it wouldn't have its cannon and wouldn't have that robotic look, it would look more natural. That's it.

Mewtwo is an enhanced mutant clone. It's a whole new being. It was supposed to be different from Mew and stronger than it. Genesect was simply altered and upgraded. It's the same being it was once except now it has its body covered in a metal armor and a powerful cannon to destroy stuff...
While I agree and understand your frustration, is there really a need to get so agitated over that kind of speculation? Generally, just because something seems like an absurd idea, doesn't mean it can't be true/can't happen. People have these same reactions when talking about Sylveon's typing. Who cares if someone has an overactive imagination? That's what these discussion threads are for.

Of course, offer your counter arguments to the speculation, but we shouldn't belittle someone else for it, especially when it is even somewhat relatable (ie. Kabutops and Genesect having somewhat similar bug-like qualities). The theory is honestly not completely insane, lol. People are trying to find logic wherever they can.
Elite Stride said:
While I agree and understand your frustration, is there really a need to get so agitated over that kind of speculation?

Yes. It's annoying.
Why do people find imagination annoying? The speculation/discussion for these kinds of things only goes so far, why discourage even more of it? :0

Like I said, I don't agree with it, but the theory isn't 100% stupid.
Metalizard said:
If Genesect hadn't been altered by Team Plasma, it would look pretty much like it does now, except it wouldn't have its cannon and wouldn't have that robotic look, it would look more natural. That's it.

Look carefully at the Pokédex entries... While in White it is stated, it had the cannon before and it was just improved, in BW2 it is stated, they added it. So, mainly, it can't be proved if it had a cannon back then. (Since the BW2 dex is "newer", I'd prefer to see this one as the accurate one, but, yeah, you can't be sure.)
While I think the body of Genesect and Kabutops look very different (the waist and so on), I think it's just unfair and ill-mannered to say another opinion and speculation (on a discussion board!!) is annoying or something. It's not that another opinion than yours is trolling or something. Everybody can think what he/she/it wants.
I really like to see speculation of other people, but most of the time you can say straight that's just fandom.
(I always thought that Kabutops and Scyther look very similar, with this blades and so on. %D But the body argument, again, strikes ^^ Maybe Kabutops evolved over time to Scyther and a resurrected one is Genesect XDDD)

And, just btw, Genesect was resurrected from a fossil and then altered, so, it isn't exactly a fossil, but, you know, very close.
Yes, to me its annoying when the speculation is about something that doesn't make sense... If there was any relation between Genesect and Kabutops, GF would have given a clue about it in something (backstory, dex entries, some description in-game, wtv)... I also consider the BW2 entry the most accurate, but the White one doesn't really indicate that it had the cannon before. It says "They upgraded the cannon on its back". I don't think this means it had the cannon before. It's more like they're saying the cannon was upgraded onto it. The cannon is the upgrade.
Like you said, it was resurrected from a fossil, so sure, it's close but even if it was a fossil pokémon, if would be a total new pokémon, not a Kabutops. Its dex entries also mention it was a hunter 300 milion years ago and what-not, so if it already existed back then, it couldn't be Kabutops, otherwise, instead of Genesect, we would have a Kabutops forme. In the Pewter museum, you can see a fossil of Kabutops. When you revive a Dome fossil and evolve into Kabutops, it looks pretty much like it was in its time, so why would Genesect be different?
Also, you guys have to use common sense. Why would GF come up with a new Bug/Steel type hidden legendary that is the creation of an evil organization meant to be the most-powerful pokémon (akin to Mewtwo) that after all is just a Kabutops modified? Please, Genesect is meant to be a total new pokémon. If it was a Kabutops, why didn't Team Plasma just excavated Dome Fossils in Twist Mountain? Because it's not. Genesect was resurrected from its own fossil. Plus, it would defeat the purpose of being a legendary...
Woah woah, I had no idea something so little I said a while back ago started this huge debate on whether or not the speculation is silly.

First off, yeah, it is a little demeaning to throw it completely out the window when it actually does have a little backup truth to it. The whole 300 million years thing in the pokedex for both Genesect and Kabutops is enough information to me. You may think its silly, but I don't. No need to get upset over mere speculation.

The Pokedex entrees could very well be the hint from GF you mentioned. They have the same body type, too. It just looks like an extremely modified Kabutops that is so modified that it is basically its own Pokemon and has nothing to do with Kabutops other than it came from it's fossil. Kind of like they took the DNA of Kabutops and "improved" everything that could possibly be altered.
But yeah, please don't debunk a theory that actually has a little evidence. Feel free to rant on the people that would claim they are changing Wailord to a Ghost type or something, however. That's the ridiculous stuff.

Adding on to what I said, I'd like to input that Mew and Mewtwo look almost nothing alike in design. Hardly even the same body type, the only thing I find relatively similar is the tail. I'd bet if Mew and Mewtwo were new Pokemon being released, no one would ever dream of making the connection of Mewtwo being a clone of Mew unless it was stated somewhere like it is now.
Mew and Mewtwo don't have design similarities but have the technical similarities like typing, moves, species, etc. Genesect could very well be the opposite, with similarities in design but nothing in everything else.

That being said, I think it is definitely a fair possibility, but maybe not likely, that Genesect is an altered Kabutops.
Zielo said:
Woah woah, I had no idea something so little I said a while back ago started this huge debate on whether or not the speculation is silly.

First off, yeah, it is a little demeaning to throw it completely out the window when it actually does have a little backup truth to it. The whole 300 million years thing in the pokedex for both Genesect and Kabutops is enough information to me. You may think its silly, but I don't. No need to get upset over mere speculation.

The Pokedex entrees could very well be the hint from GF you mentioned. They have the same body type, too. It just looks like an extremely modified Kabutops that is so modified that it is basically its own Pokemon and has nothing to do with Kabutops other than it came from it's fossil. Kind of like they took the DNA of Kabutops and "improved" everything that could possibly be altered.
But yeah, please don't debunk a theory that actually has a little evidence. Feel free to rant on the people that would claim they are changing Wailord to a Ghost type or something, however. That's the ridiculous stuff.

Adding on to what I said, I'd like to input that Mew and Mewtwo look almost nothing alike in design. Hardly even the same body type, the only thing I find relatively similar is the tail. I'd bet if Mew and Mewtwo were new Pokemon being released, no one would ever dream of making the connection of Mewtwo being a clone of Mew unless it was stated somewhere like it is now.
Mew and Mewtwo don't have design similarities but have the technical similarities like typing, moves, species, etc. Genesect could very well be the opposite, with similarities in design but nothing in everything else.

That being said, I think it is definitely a fair possibility, but maybe not likely, that Genesect is an altered Kabutops.

Do you actually believe everything you said?
What evidence?? What back-up truth?? It's purely fan speculation! Does the dex entry mention something about Kabutops or at least Genesect coming from the DNA of other Pokémon???
They have the same body type but there are clear differences to put them apart.
Do I have to quote my own post??

Metalizard said:
"fairly obvious?" BS... You guys like to see things where they don't exist.... Does Genesect have scythe blades? I don't think so... Is Genesect based on a marine anthropod? Nope.
Its body shape is actually more similar to Scizor (excluding the head and pincers)... Do I think Genesect is related to Scizor because of that? Hell no...

Genesect is a cyborg. It's the same being it once was except its body was modified and upgraded by technology...

Mewtwo and Mew look almost nothing alike? That's funny... Mewtwo is supposed to look different than Mew but there are obvious similarities. Mewtwo is, like I said before, an enchanced mutant clone of Mew. It's a bigger, meaner and uglier Mew.

I'd bet if Mew and Mewtwo were new Pokemon being released, no one would ever dream of making the connection of Mewtwo being a clone of Mew unless it was stated somewhere like it is now

Only dumb people wouldn't... I remember when people constantly said Rayquaza and Giratina were not related to Kyogre/Groudon and Dialga/Palkia respectively, only for it to be confirmed when Emerald and Platinum came out which I already presumed was true. I remember discussing with some guy who insisted Kyurem wouldn't have new formes, only for me to laugh at him when the Kyurem formes were revealed. And I knew it would because there was solid evidence about it. If there was any solid evidence that Genesect was based on Kabutops, I'd be the first to believe in that. That isn't the case...

Another thing. Like I said, you have to apply some common sense. Mewtwo is a legendary that resulted from an experience to replicate another legendary. And Genesect, a hidden legendary, would be replicated from Kabutops, which is just a fossil pokémon (you can get tons of Kabutops in gen IV and V)? You gotta be kidding if you believe in that...

And yeah, stupid ideias and speculation annoy me. Specially when they have no solid evidence...