(1) New 'HeartGold' and 'SoulSilver' Screenshots and Info [9/9]

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This time I'm not kidding, and apologies again for before! Like I said your Japanese is really good.


Well, I'm glad they made Falkner have reasonable levels, but sad Bugsy has the same pokemon. If he at least had a Scizor, Heracross, something in a Ledyba/Spinarak line, or evolved cocoons, I would be happy.
Yeah, they should have seriously given Bugsy a Spinarak! It's quite ironic that his gym puzzle has them and yet he himself doesn't!
Whitney's levels are awesome. Especially since there's only like five trainers (possibly seven or something?) between the Azalea and Goldenrod gyms. ^-^'

And her Miltank is more evil than ever, with its Thick Fat, Rest and Lum Berry...
YamadaTsuyoshi is talking about learning Japanese, and studying it on the internet.

Yaminokame is saying there an American in Japan.

That is what I could pick out from what they were saying.
under the random magnet train picture, i figured out what it was. Its at Route 32 at the lake, the magnet train seems to pass over that lake now on route 32.

As said previously: Morty is more awesome than ever. <3
and right after I register I'll probably have to try to stop paying attention. What I've seen so far is all fun stuff though.
You chose a good time to register. Exciting times...

That little plushie girl has just become the cutest girl in the entire world. I'll ask her out. After she's done covering the games, of course.
Wow, those screenshots for HeartGold and SoulSilver look awesome. I'm not sure yet if I will be buying the game once it comes out on the 12th, but I am greatly considering it. Thanks for the screenshots and other info WPM, Bangiras, Heerosferret, and Yaminokame. =)
Now I'm pretty angry that they didn't give Morty a Misdreavus, and Whitney could of used a Snubbul or something maybe, and not going 1 level lower...
OMG. This is an awesome game. I can't wait to see more photos or videos because so far it is pretty good.:)
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