(1) New Pokemon on 'Pokemon Sunday' Next Week [5/1]

Pokemonvacation said:
Maybe there will be a flying type, i mean just a flying type, not a normal flying or ...._________/flying type

yep. Like, the only Pokemon that's flying type without another is Arceus xD
It will be very interesting to see what the new starters will be.
My friend at school says that they are going to be poison, dark, and psychic-type. I didn't believe him, I think that they are going to stick with the tradition of water, grass, and fire. If they do psychic, dark, and poison, I am getting the dark-type one for obvious reasons.
I think the starters will be this,
Grass: Either an elephant or a bird of some sort
Water: a Platypus of some sort
Fire: I have to say a fire ant....or maybe a lion with a flame mane...

Thanks to SQUILEVEE for the platypus idea!

Darkrai said:
My friend at school says that they are going to be poison, dark, and psychic-type. I didn't believe him, I think that they are going to stick with the tradition of water, grass, and fire. If they do psychic, dark, and poison, I am getting the dark-type one for obvious reasons.

It couldnt be Poison, Psychic, and Dark starters because if you picked the Dark-typed starter the Rival couldnt pick the one it is weak against
It would have to be fighting-type not poison....
But that doesnt matter because we pretty much know that its going to stay with tradition! :)
Going with Fighting/Psychic/Dark starters would upset the balance anyway, because one of those types is IMMUNE to another, not resistant. So I highly doubt they'll do that anyway.
Blizzz said:
We will proably get a shillouete of the new pokemon, and coro coro will reveal it fully in its next issue. im pretty sure thats what will happen, and who knows, that was a pretty big question mark, maybe its hiding 3 new poke?? get what im sayin? ;)
You got that right
Blizzz said:
Thats cause mamoswine is a fatty, and would take the cake :D

it's going to be an eeveelution

squilevee said:
maybe if the starter is water it could be a dog or a platypus
very creative BUT a steel eveelution would rule {M}

Darkrai said:
My friend at school says that they are going to be poison, dark, and psychic-type. I didn't believe him, I think that they are going to stick with the tradition of water, grass, and fire. If they do psychic, dark, and poison, I am getting the dark-type one for obvious reasons.
yeah i know where that dark psychic pioson idea came from. some doof posted fake pictures of fake starters bieng dark fighting and phsychic

Pokemonvacation said:
I think the starters will be this,
Grass: Either an elephant or a bird of some sort
Water: a Platypus of some sort
Fire: I have to say a fire ant...or maybe a lion with a flame mane...

Thanks to SQUILEVEE for the platypus idea!

It couldnt be Poison, Psychic, and Dark starters because if you picked the Dark-typed starter the Rival couldnt pick the one it is weak against
It would have to be fighting-type not poison....
But that doesnt matter because we pretty much know that its going to stay with tradition! :)

i think we have enough birds and donphan for an elephant
A new Eeveelution would be cool, I agree with that :D.

But I absolutely can't wait till they reveal a Legend. I also think they will reveal one in this episode :D.

And by the way.. I hope this generation brings some more birds. ( birds that acctually fly! unlike empoleon :p ) but then not {C} or {D} type, but {R},{L},{W} or {G} type. Cuz the only birds that have three of those elements, are the legendary birds from Kanto. What do you guys think?
Mismagius1997 said:
Yay I'm new here :)

Well, About the new Pokemon.. Here comes a TOTAL Random geuss.
A Illumise/Volbeat Pre? I mean.. If you bread Illumise and Volbeat both of them can get out.. So I geuss The're releated.. They look like each other too and stuff..

No, But serious.

Could be A Random Pokemon.. Like Chatot or something,
A Starter.. Main Pokemon like Dialga/Palkia?

If You Recall In The Original Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire, Volbeat Evolved Into Illumise, So I Doubt This Scenario Would Happen.
BTW: Does Anyone Know Why They Decided Against That Evolution In The TCG & Newer Games?

*Also Welcome!! :D


My Guess Would Have To Be Eeveeloutions!! :) I Love The Eeveeloutions!
UMMMMMM.....Volbeat and Illumise are BASIC Pokemon, period. And not only that but they're Gen 3 not gen 2. They were introduced in Ruby and Sapphire. They were never in GSC.
Shadelon said:
UMMMMMM...Volbeat and Illumise are BASIC Pokemon, period. And not only that but they're Gen 3 not gen 2. They were introduced in Ruby and Sapphire. They were never in GSC.

I Ment Ruby & Sapphire, But Volbeat Did Evolve!! Enless I Got A Glitched Game.
PokeGirlForever said:
I Ment Ruby & Sapphire, But Volbeat Did Evolve!! Enless I Got A Glitched Game.

Yeah you probably got a glitched game or something Oo
I agree with the Celebi Nature Form thing because, on the trailer, it shows the three legendary beasts standing in front of a statue with green light emanating from it.

WPM new article states it is Black and White starters
omahanime said:

WPM new article states it is Black and White starters

That is next week's episode.

This week's is supposed to introduce at least one random 5th gen Pokemon.
I'm quite sure they'll show the starters - or possibly the silhouettes - this week, and have video footage of them next week.

Sunday revealing new Pokémon two weeks in a row simply... won't happen.
Yeah, it'll probably just be their silhouettes and next week the full revealing. But you never know! It could be a new Pokemon that will be in the movie.
I'll be really surprised if they do actually reveal a Pokemon today. Though I just think it'll be another silhouette.
one of the pokemon looks like a rabbit probably fire
one looks like charmander except with a weird tail probably grass
the last one could be a platypus probably water