(1) New Pokemon on 'Pokemon Sunday' Next Week [5/1]

Blizzz said:
We will proably get a shillouete of the new pokemon, and coro coro will reveal it fully in its next issue. im pretty sure thats what will happen, and who knows, that was a pretty big question mark, maybe its hiding 3 new poke?? get what im sayin? ;)

It might be a little early for that?
I'm gonna go out on a limp and guess it will be some type of flying pokemon...probably normal type as well.:p

...but Mew3 would be epic!
Psykill said:
I'm gonna go out on a limp and guess it will be some type of flying pokemon...probably normal type as well.:p

...but Mew3 would be epic!

nope mew3 would suck..
penny power said:
Nope, Mew3 would be epic.

Agreed. I wonder what Mew3 would look like though?
Oh and who thinks is going to be Lucario's replacement (if he would have any) in the next Smash bros. game (if there's gonna be one)? Either Zoroark, Mew3, or a different 5th gen Pokemon would be cool :cool:
Psykill said:
I'm gonna go out on a limp and guess it will be some type of flying pokemon...probably normal type as well.:p

...but Mew3 would be epic!

If they made Mewthree.....id kill my self. Mewtwo is fine, but not a third D:
Apollo the Incinermyn said:
My guesses are as follows:
1. a starter
2. a legendary
3. another Eeveelution (Ghost-type hopefully, if anything at all)

I don't like guessing games, but the prospect of learning about another new Pokemon is pretty intriguing nonetheless...

i doubt either of these are right because 1st it has a pre evolved form 2nd it is a dark type and starters are grass ,fire, or water and 3rd if it was an eveeloution it would look more like the form of an evee so that leaves out the
evee theory.

POKE4567 said:
i doubt either of these are right because 1st it has a pre evolved form 2nd it is a dark type and starters are grass ,fire, or water and 3rd if it was an eveeloution it would look more like the form of an evee so that leaves out the
evee theory.

POKE4567 said:
i doubt either of these are right because 1st it has a pre evolved form 2nd it is a dark type and starters are grass ,fire, or water and 3rd if it was an eveeloution it would look more like the form of an evee so that leaves out the
evee theory.

POKE4567 said:
i doubt either of these are right because 1st it has a pre evolved form 2nd it is a dark type and starters are grass ,fire, or water and 3rd if it was an eveeloution it would look more like the form of an evee so that leaves out the
evee theory.

this could be right though

Blizzz said:
If they made Mewthree...id kill my self. Mewtwo is fine, but not a third D:

i agree with you but i dont think they would make another one
penny power said:
Nope, Mew3 would be epic.
nope mew3 would be homosexual nuff said...

Blizzz said:
If they made Mewthree...id kill my self. Mewtwo is fine, but not a third D:
soooo true they would mess the game up with a gay name like mew3 wtf?
JmeA468 said:
nope mew3 would be homosexual nuff said...

Blizzz said:
If they made Mewthree...id kill my self. Mewtwo is fine, but not a third D:
soooo true they would mess the game up with a gay name like mew3 huh??

I still disagree. The name "Mewtwo" sounded pretty gay right off the bat, but we quickly got used to it. I think the same would hold true for Mewthree. Just think of the possible storyline scenarios....:rolleyes:

to each his own I guess.
Just now that i heard the idea of a mewthree i remember somebody in a website wrote that his uncle( uncle i have heard this a lot with pokemon )worked at nintendo and the plotline talked about a Giratwo( The clone of giratina) and how this clone tried to kill(And i did not change the word, kill) giratina. It is something i just remember that i read about a year ago, at that time many peopole were worried that there would not be another generation
Oh my gosh i REALLY hope that it is an evolution of Sableye or a baby of Sableye!! or maybe even a new forme of Rayquaza, Palkia, Dialga, Groudon, or Kyogre!! :)
I am still going with my guess, that it is a new form of celebi. If not, I am guessing that it will be the Pokemon that will be on the box of the games.
I think that it would be cool if it was a baby form of tauros/miltank the boys look like tauros tha girls look like miltank and evolve ecordingly. also a new celebi forb would pwn as it is one of my fave 6 (all 6 being in my trainer card below) also a frog pokemon with the ability "gender change" (becausy in a singel gender enviromrnt, some frog species can spontaniosly change gender) that makes this pokemon's gender always the opposite of the foe's, and will take effect even in the middle of a battle would be cool (attract would be a good move on this)