(1) New Pokemon on 'Pokemon Sunday' Next Week [5/1]

Apollo the Incinermyn said:
My guesses are as follows:
1. a starter
2. a legendary
3. another Eeveelution (Ghost-type hopefully, if anything at all)

I don't like guessing games, but the prospect of learning about another new Pokemon is pretty intriguing nonetheless...

I think its gonna be dragon type :p

or steel
Apollo the Incinermyn said:
My guesses are as follows:
1. a starter
2. a legendary
3. another Eeveelution (Ghost-type hopefully, if anything at all)

I don't like guessing games, but the prospect of learning about another new Pokemon is pretty intriguing nonetheless...

Ghost Eeeveelution would be such a cool thing to have. I wonder what it'll be named....
squrtle said:

also, Nintendo don't make pokémon, anime, or games

Ummm.... Pokemon Company is owned and run by Nintendo...
Nintendo partnered with Game Freak...
so... technically, Nintendo and Game Freak both make Pokemon...

JmeA468 said:
nooo!! a baby KANGASKAN!!

Sadly, Pokemon.com said in their mailbox there wouldn't be a baby Kanghaskan. When asked they said that the baby was born purple and simply turns brown but doesn't evolve....
Why? i dont know, it doesnt seem right but that is what they said....
Gushy said:
Baby kangaskan? I don't think so,since kangaskan is already holding a baby with her...
well they could make them two separate pokemon :D

AgroteraThanatos said:
Ghost Eeeveelution would be such a cool thing to have. I wonder what it'll be named...
JmeA468 said:
AgroteraThanatos said:
Ghost Eeeveelution would be such a cool thing to have. I wonder what it'll be named...

I totally call Eerieon. XD 5 vowels FTW!

But seriously, Eevee needs some sort of evolution to give it a rock-type card. If they added steel & rock/fighting there'd be a card of every type, which would ROCK. Ahahaha.... lame pun.

Also, I hope people don't get too excited about PS. 99% they're just going to show a silhouette, to wait for Corocoro.
BdUbBs_44 said:

Phanteon, Spireon, Specteon?
It better have some cool moves if it exists, though.

Gushy said:
Baby kangaskan? I don't think so,since kangaskan is already holding a baby with her...
And? Remoraid's in the same sprite as Mantine. Maybe it is a baby Kangaskhan.
AgroteraThanatos said:
Phanteon, Spireon, Specteon?
It better have some cool moves if it exists, though.

That's funny, my Eeveelution's name is Spireon. :p I won't post the fanmade sprite though, I think it might mislead people.
_Furret said:
That's funny, my Eeveelution's name is Spireon. :p I won't post the fanmade sprite though, I think it might mislead people.

I just want the games to come out now...I've seen some screenshots of them. YAY, THE FEMALE TRAINER'S FINALLY GOING TO HAVE A DECENT COSTUME!
I think this is totally awesome! I'm guessing the ? Pokemon is one of the Starters, or like the article said, a New Forme of Celebi. I don't think it's Zorua or Zoroark, though, because they already let people see the duo.

AgroteraThanatos said:
I just want the games to come out now...I've seen some screenshots of them. YAY, THE FEMALE TRAINER'S FINALLY GOING TO HAVE A DECENT COSTUME!

I know! :p
I still think it's going to be a Celebi forme. I mean, Shaymin was the "cute" BST 600 Pokemon of D/P, and it got a new Forme. Maybe it was a test subject and Gamefreak will do that with all of them to give them some more usage. Not to mention, Notch-eared Pichu, Rotom, Porygon-Z, Eevee, Vespiquen, and Manaphy all say Pokemon has no rules and can do whatever it wants.

On that note, I'd still love an Absol evolution to counter the Weavile reveal of Gen IV. Sneasel was a great Pokemon that got even better when it evolved 2 generations later. Absol was from 2 generations ago, and is still UU like Sneasel was in Gen III. Heck, they could even change it's type to make it so they don't make 2 Dark Type reveals in the same leak, like Azurill to Marill.
SLEaman said:
I still think it's going to be a Celebi forme. I mean, Shaymin was the "cute" BST 600 Pokemon of D/P, and it got a new Forme. Maybe it was a test subject and Gamefreak will do that with all of them to give them some more usage. Not to mention, Notch-eared Pichu, Rotom, Porygon-Z, Eevee, Vespiquen, and Manaphy all say Pokemon has no rules and can do whatever it wants.

On that note, I'd still love an Absol evolution to counter the Weavile reveal of Gen IV. Sneasel was a great Pokemon that got even better when it evolved 2 generations later. Absol was from 2 generations ago, and is still UU like Sneasel was in Gen III. Heck, they could even change it's type to make it so they don't make 2 Dark Type reveals in the same leak, like Azurill to Marill.

Absol evolution FTW but i would enjoy a snarlax evolution better better yet a ursuring evolution no no no!!! a scizor evolution!!!!!! but im betting the new pokemon is going to be a spiky eared pichu now we will be abel to evolve our spike eared pichu!!:rolleyes:
AshsGirlSkymin said:
I think this is totally awesome! I'm guessing the ? Pokemon is one of the Starters, or like the article said, a New Forme of Celebi. I don't think it's Zorua or Zoroark, though, because they already let people see the duo.

I know! :p

I think it's about freaking time the GIRL got to wear the baseball hat, too. Those other hats (and bandana) looked rather ridiculous....
HeartGoldSoulSilverX said:
That sounds a lot like digimon...
Don't have to be digimon or DNA, but at least evolution of 2 separate pokemons into one like slowpoke and shellder in the anime.