(1) New Pokemon Revealed: Zorua, Zoroark [2/10]

I think Zoroak will be the Lucario of 5th Gen.
IF he is that Evil Ash that we saw on the trailer, I'm curious to know how this is going to work on the game.
I think it's going to be the Lucario (As if that hasn't been stated 545242 times) of Generation 5.
Maybe it's some kind of ancient Pokemon that was enraged from it's sleep, so it's taking it out on everyone...? Something like that.
I personally think that Zoroark is really dumb. He's basically a lame Lucario. His color/pattern scheme is really weird, and I think Xous's "fanart" of it is better than Sugimori's actual drawing. Zoroark also randomly has no tail, when he's based off of a kitsune(demon fox of japanese mythology). I know that he's not a kyuubi like ninetails, but if he's an evil fox, shouldn't he have a tail instead of a giant random ponytail acting as a tail?
lucariojr said:

Am I missing something?
either shinx or luxio. im not sure which.
Lizzard said:
I think Zoroak will be the Lucario of 5th Gen.
IF he is that Evil Ash that we saw on the trailer, I'm curious to know how this is going to work on the game.

I can see a bit where you're on an island and Zoroark shows up looking EXACTLY like your character, only maybe shadowy, and then he goes around causing mischief and everything is blamed on you. So then you're forced to stay on the island until you catch him with a new capture device that shoots out water called the FLUDD and....

wait a minute..... (Plays Super Mario Sunshine) Gamefreak, please tell me this is a coincidence....
Travis said:
I can see a bit where you're on an island and Zoroark shows up looking EXACTLY like your character, only maybe shadowy, and then he goes around causing mischief and everything is blamed on you. So then you're forced to stay on the island until you catch him with a new capture device that shoots out water called the FLUDD and....

wait a minute..... (Plays Super Mario Sunshine) Gamefreak, please tell me this is a coincidence...

It's not like it's the basic concept is all that new, though - we had Dark Link all the way back in '98.
I don't get what people don't like about these Pokemon. This makes me think Gen 5 will have a nice assortment of natural Pokemon. It seems like each generation is improving since 3. Let's just hope we don't see Ubers that look like Dialga, Palkia, etc.
I agree, pokemon is improving with every generation, now that i think about it, could he learn the move transform or an entirely new move related to Zoroark and his ability?
We could also see new things coming up with the new generations on their way.
Kevin Garrett said:
I don't get what people don't like about these Pokemon. This makes me think Gen 5 will have a nice assortment of natural Pokemon. It seems like each generation is improving since 3. Let's just hope we don't see Ubers that look like Dialga, Palkia, etc.

Ya, I don't think this generation is gonna be that bad. Perhaps they might add a new type or type combination? And I agree, as long as the ubers don't look like Mecha-Godzilla and Dialga I'll be happy lol.
each generation has brought along new moves that pokemon can learn, so maybe thats what it is. a new move specific to whatever region zoroark is from. XD I cant wait for the new generation games
Incredible how we still need to get heartgold and we are talking about generation five, i still remember how on january( the day my laptop stopped working) we read the speculation article about the fifth generation, we thought we would get a Lucario evolution but we got something better
Empoleon#1 said:
Incredible how we still need to get heartgold and we are talking about generation five, i still remember how on January( the day my laptop stopped working) we read the speculation article about the fifth generation, we thought we would get a Lucario evolution but we got something better

I remember when people kept saying there wasn't gonna be a fifth generation. Seriously, how could there NOT have been? I mean the franchise is still fairly popular and the fact that it's one of Nintendo's "cash cows" were dead give aways.... I guess it's because people were starting to think that they're running out of ideas, and used some of the more weirder looking pokemon as an example that they're just "throwing things together", which I can see where they were getting at but maybe they're saving better designs for if the franchise starts going under?
Travis said:
I remember when people kept saying there wasn't gonna be a fifth generation. Seriously, how could there NOT have been? I mean the franchise is still fairly popular and the fact that it's one of Nintendo's "cash cows" were dead give aways.... I guess it's because people were starting to think that they're running out of ideas, and used some of the more weirder looking pokemon as an example that they're just "throwing things together", which I can see where they were getting at but maybe they're saving better designs for if the franchise starts going under?

This was because after Platinum there was no indication of a 5th gen. Pokemon just kept releasing new Ranger games and new Mystery Dungion and each remake/sequal was just telling people that they're not gonna make a 5th gen. Though I'm sure most pokemon fans including myself probrbly held tight until info was released on a 5th gen. :)
Zoroark looks pretty cool. here's hoping that the rest of the pokemon in this game aren't just rip offs of the other gen pokemon haha
I really hope there isn't another lame story line like in the Arceus movie. I mean seriously I have to admit it was just dumb. Also I dont think there will be a side-adventure for catching Zoroark, I mean there wasnt one for Lucario and there basically the same pokemon but different atributes. Although I might consider walking around with Zoroark behind me, it will intimidate everyone, LOL.
Ventus said:
I really hope there isn't another lame story line like in the Arceus movie. I mean seriously I have to admit it was just dumb. Also I don't think there will be a side-adventure for catching Zoroark, I mean there wasnt one for Lucario and there basically the same pokemon but different atributes. Although I might consider walking around with Zoroark behind me, it will intimidate everyone, LOL.

but there kinda was a little side mission to get Lucario, so maybe it will be another egg mission
Yeah i agree, Zoroark looks beast!:D

Who is best?
SRY 4 spelling!!!
I remember when i thought that if we would not get a entirely new pokemon we would get a Celebi Ilusion forme ( can you possibly imagine how crazy it would be?)