(1) New Sword-like Pokemon, Hitotsuki [7/4]

AdamantKaiiya said:
If you guys google celtic dagger there are some designs that look like our new pokemon, maybe it's a dagger afterall? xD
No. It has those "handles" (dunno what they are called).

Also, you could just google "celtic sword"...
Teal said:
AdamantKaiiya said:
If you guys google celtic dagger there are some designs that look like our new pokemon, maybe it's a dagger afterall? xD
No. It has those "handles" (dunno what they are called).

Also, you could just google "celtic sword"...

Oh I see, confused the dagger with a viking sword

Thanks, didnt know! ^^
Rusty Sticks said:
Reminds me of this guy.


Honestly, it reminds me more of this guy from back in the day (you kinda have to see him sheathe and unsheathe each of the 3 swords which each had a different personality. when one sword was acting as a 'head' the other two were dual wielded as weapons)


Teal said:
No. It has those "handles" (dunno what they are called).
They're hand guards and the rumored origin of them is that they were added to make the sword to look like a cross in reference to the christian symbol, since the sword also acted as a symbol of a knight's commitment to various codes of conduct, etc. in feudal times. I don't believe this to be the origin for every people group's sword design that looks similar, but it does make some sort of sense for European broadsword/longsword styles considering the continent's history.
I personally think if they made it more monster-like it would turned out more cartoony, which isn't bad (ex. rotom formes), but I don't think it would make it better. I'm actually really happy they took a realistic approach with it and that it looks like a plain sword. In fact, I think it's more creative that they made it look like a normal sword, it's more like the sword turned into a Pokemon instead of a Pokemon turning into a sword.
Sky Pillar said:
KiKi said:
I've expressed my thoughts in another thread before this was posted on the main site, and subsequently made into a thread here.
But I'll go ahead and say them again.
I think that this is one of the worst Pokemon I have ever seen in my life, include fake Pokemon.
Why would you make a Pokemon based off of a sword? Granted the idea is interesting, but if you're going to do that,
at least give it a bit more of an interesting design, besides a basic sheath and what appears to be a plasma like body for the actual sword.
The only thing I like about this is its typing.

I agree with you, I don't like how recent pokemon designs have been so straight forward. That's digimon's shtick.

Though G1 had things like voltorb and magnemite, that was the starting board. I would expect the company to move forward with their designs instead of use them as excuses too make more blatant pokemon like this.
I'm glad someone agrees with me.
I like some inanimate object Pokemon, but some of the more recent ones have just been like... Really? That's a Pokemon? Straight up reminds me of the parody video where Pikachu falls on a chair, and it's response is "Hey, I'm a Pokemon! 6th Generation". This is the direction that Pokemon seem to be moving towards.
Next thing you know, we'll have a stapler Pokemon.
I noticed in this picture the sword itself is see through. You can see the background area behind it. But in other shots it appears solid. Perhaps it goes between being substantial and having no mass. Like a Ghost sword. (Not just a possessed sword.)

I believe it's more likely some sort of energy or ethereal blade. A ghost/steel sword that drains life energy from what it stabs. Not too "farfetch'd" IMO.
I love the concept, I kinda like the semi-simplistic design, but when the sheath comes off... yeah. It's a sword with an eye. I mean, the Master Sword from Zelda looks cooler, and it's just a legendary sword. Not a floating sword with a will of its own. Still, I'm seriously considering saving a spot for it on my team, because a sword Pokemon is just cool, even if it's a slightly underwhelming one like this.
At first I was a little disappointed but looking at it as a ghost type I actually really like the idea. I'll never use one let alone probably even bother catching it but I wouldn't say it's the worst Pokemon I've ever seen.
I am too excited to read through the comments before posting, so sorry if this has already been stated. I am hoping that the 'arm' changes into a fuller body as it evolves, assuming it does, indeed, evolve. If it doesn't evolve, I could still find a place for it on my team. I have high hopes for this Pokémon. At first I didn't like the unsheathed form, but somehow I now like it more. It's eerier that way in my opinion. With a single eye and an eerie white glow. The sheathed form (and I'm using 'form' for lack of better word) is awesome as well, but the way it looks, with the two 'eyes' and 'teeth,' which, given aren't really eyes and teeth, makes it less eerie than the one-eye look. Aaah! I want to sleep until X and Y come out. That's it. Wake Me Up When September Ends.
Off topic but...
Forgive me guys but I don't know if it's been pointed out but the newest Japanese trailer has a DNA strand on the Japanese Pokemon logo. If so then yeah pretty much confirms its little "DNA" theme haha :3 AND TAUROS MILTANK AND HOUNDOUR HAVE NEW CRIES sdagsdfhasdja
I don't know if this has been written, but, Soul Calibur, anyone?

I've been waiting for years now and I can finally say that I will catch a Steel/Ghost (whichever comes first) type Pokemon :'), but I kind of expected a King Arthur zombie or something lol... I love how it has been designed to look dark and intimidating when sheathed, and evil, possessed, and creepy-looking while unsheathed. And for me, it is a big plus that it unsheaths in the animation. I can see this pokemon being used in many ways if it happens to have great stats or an evolution with great stats. I think (make your opinions of it too, please) that it will be a speedy, more physically focused Pokémon (high attack and defense). I also imagine it evolving only once. If it manages to have the Levitate ability, I think this might be the Pokémon with the most immunities (correct me if I'm wrong, please).

Maybe we've been trolled and this is another legendary, who knows? haha

Lastly, nothing will make me love this pokemon less :D
To those who are complaining, I challenge you to create seven to eight hundred original Pokemon. You would start running out of ideas at around five hundred, wouldn't you? This is certainly not, in my opinion, one of the worst Pokemon. Actually, it's pretty cute how they put the little eye right there.
The one hang up I have with Hexcalibur is the fact that when I'm like 'Is that a Pokémon,' my mind goes like, 'can you hug it and converse with it?' I feel weird about that part. I can see myself hugging Magnemite because it seems more creature than object. Same with Trubbish. Hexcalibur is awesome, but he seems more object-y that other inanimate object-mon, not that that's a bad thing. There's not really a standard for GF.

And then there's the Pokémon-Amie stuff, but...
AdamLambert said:
The one hang up I have with Hexcalibur is the fact that when I'm like 'Is that a Pokémon,' my mind goes like, 'can you hug it and converse with it?' I feel weird about that part. I can see myself hugging Magnemite because it seems more creature than object. Same with Trubbish. Hexcalibur is awesome, but he seems more object-y that other inanimate object-mon, not that that's a bad thing. There's not really a standard for GF.

And then there's the Pokémon-Amie stuff, but...

Could be like Ponyta/Rapidash, only cuts those it doesn't trust.

People seem to not realize that this just isnt a living object like magnimite or Klinglang, its a freaking ghost!

imagine your for some unimportant have found yourself traversing the dark passages of an abandoned mansion, until you happen upon a peculiar blade in an eerily ornate sheathe, perched upon the wall. Outside in the black of night a sudden bolt of lightning strikes and you turn around in shock. after the excitement of the event fades you turn around with your heart beat thumping loudly to find the eery sword Mysteriously gone. creeped out by the turn of events you start to head back the way you came, only to realize that you path is blocked by an otherwordly eye. Already Terrified at this point, you piss your pants as the lightning flashes again, They eye i s revealed to be connected to a cursed blade, and it only takes a second to glance at before rushing full force with intent to harm at you as all light fades from the room, leaving only the glow of that cursed eye flying at you before you have even
the chance to scream

Kind like this, except in a mansion, in a hallway, with no where to run
Is this going to be similar to Keldeo? If so would the sword like Pokemon have a better move pool then Keldeo's move Pool? Keldeo's move Pool is ok but it could have been better XD.:)
Zierant said:
Off topic but...
Forgive me guys but I don't know if it's been pointed out but the newest Japanese trailer has a DNA strand on the Japanese Pokemon logo. If so then yeah pretty much confirms its little "DNA" theme haha :3 AND TAUROS MILTANK AND HOUNDOUR HAVE NEW CRIES sdagsdfhasdja


Sorry, had to do it. The DNA in the Japanese logo for X & Y was noticed, by me and the rest of the Pokémon fan community, during the first trailer shown back on Jan. 8th when they announced gen 6 (the Japanese trailer obviously.)


But you are forgiven :)