(1) New Trailer for ‘Extremespeed Genesect: Mewtwo’s Awakening’ [4/17]

CyberCat5555 said:
Reggie McGigas said:
I'm not trying to be sexist?
So you don't whine about how i am, then how is saying mewtwo resembles a male and doesnt seem like a female sexist AT ALL?
Not trying to flame, but how does Mewtwo look male? Just wondering...

I personally think it looks vaguely feminine, I will explain why if you wish.

Well to me it looks like a male, but I guess everyone has their own opinions

Suitcune said:
Reggie McGigas said:
I'm not trying to be sexist?
So you don't whine about how i am, then how is saying mewtwo resembles a male and doesnt seem like a female sexist AT ALL?

Reggie said:
How can the #1 creation, the powerhouse, the superstar be a female?
I don't know, what do you think? Sort of implying that females can't be strong. Everyone has rights to their own opinions, but the gender doesn't matter, as most legendaries are genderless. Overall, this just matters if it is a good movie or not. Hopefully better than the last couple.

Agreed on the movie part. The last one was OK, but they need movies like pokemon voice of the forest and that older stuff.
Reggie McGigas said:
CyberCat5555 said:
Not trying to flame, but how does Mewtwo look male? Just wondering...

I personally think it looks vaguely feminine, I will explain why if you wish.

Well to me it looks like a male, but I guess everyone has their own opinions
Can you explain to me what traits is has to make it look male? Also, here is why I see it as vaguely feminine (the original form)
>Light lavender color
>Small, slim waist
>Large hips
>Its "chest flap" looks similar to a bra (lol)
>It is based off a cat or cat like creature, which is generally considered feminine, regardless of what ever gender it really is.
Also, I agree with you that we need more Voice Of the Forest- or Pokemon 2000-quality movies. I loved those movies.
CyberCat5555 said:
Reggie McGigas said:
Well to me it looks like a male, but I guess everyone has their own opinions
Can you explain to me what traits is has to make it look male? Also, here is why I see it as vaguely feminine (the original form)
>Light lavender color
>Small, slim waist
>Large hips
>Its "chest flap" looks similar to a bra (lol)
>It is based off a cat or cat like creature, which is generally considered feminine, regardless of what ever gender it really is.
Also, I agree with you that we need more Voice Of the Forest- or Pokemon 2000-quality movies. I loved those movies.

Hmm...I can see why you believe this about Mewtwo. I think he is a male because he has these sharp eyes, his chest flap looks like body armor more then a bra to me, and well, he has these crushing fingers.I do think Mew may be a female, but I just don't really think Mewtwo is really a female.We do need those movies back though.
I think Mewtwo's better as a female. Dunno why, just is.
It's funny, Mewtwo transforms into that "Mewthree" thing, which looks weaker than before, which is kind of sad.
Woah jeez. Lots of people raging at the new voice. xD

Just putting in, if this female voice actor was supposed to be playing the role of a male, then we should not be able to tell that its so obviously a female doing the part and she isn't doing a very good job at sounding like a guy. I saw several posts saying that maybe shes just voicing a guy and it didnt make much sense to me.

Anyway, im not upset about any of the news really. Im cool with there being a different Mewtwo and im cool with it having a female voice/being female. Nothing wrong with that, in my opinion. If they come up with a decent backstory as to why there are multiple Mewtwos (which really shouldnt be too hard to explain) then thats awesome. Also, I think having a strong female role is a great idea on Pokemons part, who said females cant be BA? I'll only be upset if they give it that drastic of a voice/gender change and claim it to be the same one as before. As of now, although I would have preferred it to be the same original Mewtwo just for nostalgic purposes, I hope it is a different Mewtwo for the reason of it having a major voice change. Im not so attached to the nostalgia that I would hate any sort of change, though.

And then we all still have to consider, this is only the Japanese version. Theres still a chance they'll keep the Mewtwo Strikes Back VA for the dub, although it would be inconsistent to change the Japanese and not the American. Then again, its also inconsistent to change the VA of Mewtwo at all, unless it is an entirely different one which I hope. Even so, some people are saying the new female voice isnt "powerful" enough. Again, its only the Japanese version. We have no idea what the dub might sound like. Even if they do change the voice to a female in the dub too, it will be an entirely different voice and chance of it having that "power" in the voice. (although I dont really see anything wrong with the current JP voice)

And also, for some people that still think its not a form.. the video directly shows Mewtwo transforming into it.. it cant be much more obvious than that. o_O

About the whole legendary gender thing, sure, we all know that most legendaries are genderless in the games. It is often clear in the manga and anime, though... but the games, anime, and manga are all separate sections controlled by different people.
As WPM said, they do it primarily as a breeding block for the games. However, if that was the sole purpose, I dont know why they dont just give it some sort of invisible coding for that, or I guess for example just keep them in the unbreedable egg group (baby Pokemon have genders yet they cant breed...)
I'd like to add that I think it gives most legendaries a sense of mysteriousness, since they are so rare, there isnt so much information on them and the gender is just kind of unknown in a sense. But it is true that some legendaries do have genders, which in all honesty, I really cant explain why some do and some don't.
I personally find it laughable that people care this much about the gender of a Pokemon's voice in a children's movie.
To be honest, I couldn't care less what the voice sounded like, as I don't believe it matters in the slightest.
Stop being sexist and GET OVER IT!
Chrono said:
I personally find it laughable that people care this much about the gender of a Pokemon's voice in a children's movie.
To be honest, I couldn't care less what the voice sounded like, as I don't believe it matters in the slightest.
Stop being sexist and GET OVER IT!
I think this is rude. We're fans of this franchise, some of us for over 15 years, so I think we're allowed to express our grief over this if we want to. It's rather asinine to say anyone is being sexist too. People are upset that the original Legendary from the original movie has changed and I don't see anything wrong with that. If Disney decided to change Yoda to a woman in the new Star Wars films or say that the original Yoda is gone and here's a new one (you get the idea), I'm sure any Star Wars fan would be up in arms too (oh wait, they already were for the new trilogy for changes Lucas made to the original mythology of Star Wars). It has nothing to do with Yoda being a woman, but Yoda having changed for seemingly no reason.
Reggie McGigas said:
finally someone who agrees. It's not that I don't like Mewtwo being female (cough) it's just, Mewtwo being female makes no sense. How can the #1 creation, the powerhouse,the superstar be a female? It's not even in the design, neither of them. Then again, Mewtwo might just be sick, and have a bad throught.

LOL what?

It's the 21st century buddy, not the caveman era. I understand most of us fans are dissapointed about this different MEWTWO (assuming it is since it has a much more feminin look to it and a different voice) but that dosen't mean IT being a FEMALE can't be a superstar.

WPM is right though, we are not happy about the new Mewtwo because we all cherish that ORIGINAL Mewtwo we are so used to, the original POWERHOUSE (who still kicks that goat's- Arceus behind any given day). But saying that a Girl/Female can't be a superstar or a powerhouse is SUPER SEXIST towards the females,
hum I now see it as Ash meeting new Pokemon which is really just stupid. Has Ash met every single legendary in existence?
Water Pokémon Master said:
Chrono said:
I personally find it laughable that people care this much about the gender of a Pokemon's voice in a children's movie.
To be honest, I couldn't care less what the voice sounded like, as I don't believe it matters in the slightest.
Stop being sexist and GET OVER IT!
I think this is rude. We're fans of this franchise, some of us for over 15 years, so I think we're allowed to express our grief over this if we want to. It's rather asinine to say anyone is being sexist too. People are upset that the original Legendary from the original movie has changed and I don't see anything wrong with that. If Disney decided to change Yoda to a woman in the new Star Wars films or say that the original Yoda is gone and here's a new one (you get the idea), I'm sure any Star Wars fan would be up in arms too (oh wait, they already were for the new trilogy for changes Lucas made to the original mythology of Star Wars). It has nothing to do with Yoda being a woman, but Yoda having changed for seemingly no reason.

I'm one of few people that actually like the prequel trilogy. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. >.>

Only real change to Yoda was the CGI and of course, he was a bit more serious, but it was a serious time. He was involved in a damn clone war after all. That said, there are VARIOUS problems with the prequels but they've pretty much all addressed by various fans over and over again, so I'm not gonna beat a dead horse on that one. (Speaking of which, that Galaxy far far away never seems to catch a break does it? XD)

That said, I'm of the mind that if you're going along a cohesive timeline (which Best Wishes SAYS they're doing) if you have to replace somebody for a role (for various reasons) you get somebody who can portray it with similar characteristics to his/her predecessor. This usually involves same gender, ethnicity, hair color, ect. James Bond pulled off Daniel Craig being a blonde Bond because, well the obvious answer is because he kicks ass in the role and he's the best Bond thus far IMHO (^.^) but also because it was a reboot to the franchise. I've heard talks about a very good Black Actor being approached to replace Craig in a future film and I'm personally against it if it's not another reboot (which why would they reboot it when the new series is not even a decade old yet): YOU DON'T HAVE A CHARACTER APPEAR 1 ETHNICITY/GENDER IN ONE FILM AND A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ONE IN THE NEXT! IT WILL CONFUSE/ENRAGE MOST PEOPLE!

That said, given that most evidence suggests this is a new Mewtwo (and there are Multiples of Legendaries in the pokemon universe, it's anime cannon and plausible). And to any of you guys still under the "it's a team rocket creation, nobody else could have come up with another clone of mew" bullshit, I would like to introduce you to a very real part of our own world's history: The Cold War. It is entirely possible for multiple parties to pursue and produce similar products when they are not directly affiliated with each other.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Chrono said:
I personally find it laughable that people care this much about the gender of a Pokemon's voice in a children's movie.
To be honest, I couldn't care less what the voice sounded like, as I don't believe it matters in the slightest.
Stop being sexist and GET OVER IT!
I think this is rude. We're fans of this franchise, some of us for over 15 years, so I think we're allowed to express our grief over this if we want to. It's rather asinine to say anyone is being sexist too. People are upset that the original Legendary from the original movie has changed and I don't see anything wrong with that. If Disney decided to change Yoda to a woman in the new Star Wars films or say that the original Yoda is gone and here's a new one (you get the idea), I'm sure any Star Wars fan would be up in arms too (oh wait, they already were for the new trilogy for changes Lucas made to the original mythology of Star Wars). It has nothing to do with Yoda being a woman, but Yoda having changed for seemingly no reason.

I agree that being becoming upset over the fact that a beloved character is being changed for apparently no reason is acceptable. What is NOT acceptable is when people are upset not because the gender is changed but because
Reggie McGigas said:
How can the #1 creation, the powerhouse,the superstar be a female?
That is not an issue with character change; that is an issue with the female gender and it is offensive.

The reason why people are getting upset is because of how certain members in this thread are expressing their negative reactions toward the female gender rather than the change itself. It is one thing to say "I don't like Mewtwo being female because Mewtwo has always been male" and another thing to say "Mewtwo being female is the worst thing they could have done with the franchise because females are weak and shouldn't be legendaries." If people could think a little bit more about their word choice, the problem would cease. It would be nice for a logical argument based on feelings toward a character with explanation for those feelings instead of an argument based on feelings toward a gender.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Chrono said:
I personally find it laughable that people care this much about the gender of a Pokemon's voice in a children's movie.
To be honest, I couldn't care less what the voice sounded like, as I don't believe it matters in the slightest.
Stop being sexist and GET OVER IT!
I think this is rude. We're fans of this franchise, some of us for over 15 years, so I think we're allowed to express our grief over this if we want to. It's rather asinine to say anyone is being sexist too. People are upset that the original Legendary from the original movie has changed and I don't see anything wrong with that. If Disney decided to change Yoda to a woman in the new Star Wars films or say that the original Yoda is gone and here's a new one (you get the idea), I'm sure any Star Wars fan would be up in arms too (oh wait, they already were for the new trilogy for changes Lucas made to the original mythology of Star Wars). It has nothing to do with Yoda being a woman, but Yoda having changed for seemingly no reason.

I definitely see where you're coming from with that, and I can agree with most of it. However, when you say that it has nothing to do with the gender being changed, and only the character being changed, that is just untrue. Many users on this thread have expressed their anger that Mewtwo was female, not because it was "changed."
I was not trying to be rude with my post. All that I was trying to say was that it IS sexist to be angry about something for the sole fact that it is female (or male, in some circumstances).
Whoa. Guys, the movie isn't even out yet. Let's just see how it all plans out. I'm sure everything will be just fine. I haven't heard arguing like this since the big fight over what was gonna come next: Ruby and Sapphire remakes or XY?
How about you guys stop whining about Mewtwo being changed or being the strongest just because it was the original powerhouse? That's just nostalgia talking and it's annoying. Mewtwo isn't the strongest pokémon ever since gen II when Lugia and Ho-oh were made and had the same BST... Just deal with the fact that Arceus is currently the strongest pokémon and can kick you precious Mewtwo's butt (and I'm not saying this because I love Arceus, he's not even on my favorites list). Also, who cares if this is a new Mewtwo and it's a female? I think it's actually a good ideia, and the new forme looks cooler than the original Mewtwo design IMO...
Reggie McGigas said:
CyberCat5555 said:
Can you explain to me what traits is has to make it look male? Also, here is why I see it as vaguely feminine (the original form)
>Light lavender color
>Small, slim waist
>Large hips
>Its "chest flap" looks similar to a bra (lol)
>It is based off a cat or cat like creature, which is generally considered feminine, regardless of what ever gender it really is.
Also, I agree with you that we need more Voice Of the Forest- or Pokemon 2000-quality movies. I loved those movies.

Hmm...I can see why you believe this about Mewtwo. I think he is a male because he has these sharp eyes, his chest flap looks like body armor more then a bra to me, and well, he has these crushing fingers.I do think Mew may be a female, but I just don't really think Mewtwo is really a female.We do need those movies back though.
How are sharp eyes automatically male? I see eyes as genderless, actually, even if they are soft, piercing, weird, etc.. Also, Mewtwo appears to have more like frog fingers rather than crushing ones, its fingers are thin and have pads or something.
Also, I see why the games have genderless legendaries. Not for breeding problems, as gendered Pokemon like Nidoqueen can not breed, even with a Ditto. But so there wouldn't be many arguments like this!

Also, to get off this topic (hopefully), why do you think that Mewtwo (and a Genesect) are even defending the city, do they live there or something? Did the new team(s) from gen6 send them? What do you think will be the plot?
Yeah, this is why I hope this Mewtwo is a different one. Its cool if it is, and it will justify the voice change. Just puhleeease dont make it the same one from the first movies as that would be pretty upsetting.