(1) New Tree-like Pokemon Before Genesect Film [7/13]

jdivinity said:
Ohman177 said:
Omg what if the female mewtwo with its special form is for X only and the male mewtwo with its special form is for Y only. That would make so much sense.

With the source revealing that we're able to obtain a Kanto starter this might be likely. Loving the mixture of this new Generation and the first.

I'm tellin you guys. I called it from the beginning. Back story with a chance to visit French Guiana, close to Guyana, where mew was originally found. They could just combine the two but keep the relation to France in order to have it make sense with Kalos. Then we learn about how mewtwo got its second form which looks a lot like mew. Maybe from going back to its roots' roots.
J.D. said:
professorlight said:
Would make more sense than shiftry. What the hell were they thinking?
What's wrong with Shiftry?! The guy's based of a Japanese goblin called a tengu!

xxashxx said:
Oh yeah but the pic looks to good for that line though. Must be a Sudowoodo evolution XD. That is the only thing that would work since he already has a pre evolution or baby form though.:)
Or it could just be an entirely new family...

Yeah That could be but if it is a new Pokemon then why does it have the branches like Sudowoodo? That is the part that confuses me XD.:)
xxashxx said:
J.D. said:
What's wrong with Shiftry?! The guy's based of a Japanese goblin called a tengu!

Or it could just be an entirely new family...

Yeah That could be but if it is a new Pokemon then why does it have the branches like Sudowoodo? That is the part that confuses me XD.:)

because it is a tree. trees have branches

sudowoodo is a rock. a tree that had become petrified over time and turned into a rock. fossilized. sudo (pseudo(fake(not real))) woodo(wood(plant))

sudowoodo has nothing to do with aurotto
like at all

they have about as much in common as fennekin and vulpix.

im not tryna play you but I don't understand how one would think they would be related other than they (supposedly) have similar palettes
The only way I could see a Sudowoodo evolution happening is if it was supposed to be like those slabs of rocks that are overgrown by plant-life, like if Sudowoodo stays in the same place it will grow???? But how does that lead to one eye???

It's more likely to be a Flabebe evo where the little fairy grows strong enough to live inside a tree and make it move with fairy magic.

It's probably just going to be a new Pokemon and also mess around with the usual typing order like everyone else that's been revealed this generation. A DARK/GRASS TYPE INSTEAD OF GRASS/DARK. The horror.
Luna_Cat16 said:
It's probably just going to be a new Pokemon and also mess around with the usual typing order like everyone else that's been revealed this generation. A DARK/GRASS TYPE INSTEAD OF GRASS/DARK. The horror.

I don't think it will be a Dark type due to the romanization of it's name meaning "big ROTTING tree" or something along those lines. Due to the rotting thing it must be a dying or dead tree which leads me to think it will be Grass/Ghost which would be awesome.
jstar21 said:
I don't think it will be a Dark type due to the romanization of it's name meaning "big ROTTING tree" or something along those lines. Due to the rotting thing it must be a dying or dead tree which leads me to think it will be Grass/Ghost which would be awesome.

I really like this idea and I would love a dead tree Pokémon to be a Grass/Ghost type. I don't see it happening with this Pokémon, since it still has green leafs. Maybe a split evolution for it? Something similar to Nincada/Ninjask/Shedinja. This could be the "Ninjask" of the evolution line.
Salamencetrainer34 said:
I wonder if this will branch into 2 different pokemon.

Yes, a very intreeguing question, indeed.

I think it's a standalone. anyway. Grass/ghost is my prediction.

Oh, and I didn't know all that about the tengu, I just hated shiftry because It was impossible to beat with gardevoir in RSE.
Salamencetrainer34 said:
I wonder if this will branch into 2 different pokemon.

one idea I had (this was originally a fakemon line I designed)

there's a basic tree (pure Grass, but Fire and Ghost elements to it)
use Dusk Stone: becomes Grass/Ghost possessed tree
use Fire Stone: becomes Grass/Fire burning tree
(I doubt it will happen here, just an idea I had)

even if it does or doesn't happen, it's still a good way to get 2 cool Grass dual types out of the way.
(and then onto Grass/Electric, Grass/Dragon and Grass/Fairy and iirc that's every dual type with grass out the way)
P.DelSlayer said:
even if it does or doesn't happen, it's still a good way to get 2 cool Grass dual types out of the way.
(and then onto Grass/Electric, Grass/Dragon and Grass/Fairy and iirc that's every dual type with grass out the way)

I'm quite positive that we will have the Fairy/Grass combo this generation as I think Flabebe will evolve with it's flower and gain the Grass typing because of it.
Considering we've seen so many different perspectives on it, I'm thinking it could have at least two different formes. One has two eyes and the other is a cyclops thing. As for the typing, I say Grass/Ghost. Heck, maybe even Ground/Ghost or Grass/Ground!
Ohman177 said:
Jakeremix said:
Heck, maybe even Ground/Ghost or Grass/Ground!

You made sense up until this part.

No, it's entirely possible... I mean, you haven't even seen the real thing, so how could you be judging what types sound more possible than others?
Jakeremix said:
Ohman177 said:
You made sense up until this part.

No, it's entirely possible... I mean, you haven't even seen the real thing, so how could you be judging what types sound more possible than others?

How could a WALKING tree be ground type? It seems to be based of a walking tree, something that is the opposite of stuck in the ground, like normal trees.
I'm surprised there's nothing about the Pikachu and Eevee Friends short. Wasn't that supposed to open this movie?
Ohman177 said:
Jakeremix said:
No, it's entirely possible... I mean, you haven't even seen the real thing, so how could you be judging what types sound more possible than others?

How could a WALKING tree be ground type? It seems to be based of a walking tree, something that is the opposite of stuck in the ground, like normal trees.

I fail to see what parts of this demonic walking tree has anything to do with ground type
Ohman177 said:
Jakeremix said:
No, it's entirely possible... I mean, you haven't even seen the real thing, so how could you be judging what types sound more possible than others?

How could a WALKING tree be ground type? It seems to be based of a walking tree, something that is the opposite of stuck in the ground, like normal trees.


DNA said:
Ohman177 said:
How could a WALKING tree be ground type? It seems to be based of a walking tree, something that is the opposite of stuck in the ground, like normal trees.



Torterra isn't a tree. It has a tree on it, but that doesn't make it a tree