(1) Nintendo Follow-Up [9/21]

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Shibayama said:
There's nothing WPM or Pokebeach or Serebii or any sites affected could realistically do about it, which is sad. I as much as anybody would love to throw this back in Nintendo's face. Maybe we should get 156 people with teeshirts of the new sprites and just linger around the Nintendo headquarters for awhile haha.

Hey why can't Serebii & Pokebeach just make a virtual newsletter and send people all the information via email...that way Nintendo can't track it...yeah why doesn't each member on the forums just receive a news letter every time we get new information?
@ Tobi: That might sound very tedious. Sending thousands of e-mails every time new information comes up.
@Berlitz: Already did read that before logging on. He said to people who were saying it's fake to please stop as we don't know the full story like he does. But true, not emailing PsyPoke and Bulbagarden is fishy.
I agree with your argument 100%. If other sites let people see the sprites, and download roms, than why stop THIS site? Ive been with Pokemon for a while, and I actually didnt expect this to happen. Im on your side though.
I feel really bad for you WPM...Im sorry all this crap has to happen to a dedicated fan like you...Nintendo is screwing up big time here...
Okay this is going a bit too far. Nintendo is just screwing things up even further. I am sorry that this is happening to you WPM and I hope that Nintendo soon understands that we are helping them make their Pokemon franchise a success. Since we are advertising it more people will get to know about the games better and decide if they want to buy it. Nintendo is being a pain right now and I hope that at the end of all this they will allow us to post Pokemon Black and White sprites/pictures.
Serebii's been given permission to upload pics again under fair use, though I'd rather wait until Serebii does upload something before doing anything. Then again I don't recall Serebii argueing so it makes sense. (Not trying to make you mad WPM).
How come the banner on the main site is back up?

Because I think that it is mentioned on the front page. I am not sure, but I think Nintendo had some problems with the banner, so WPM probably replaced it with a older banner for the website.
I don't know if WPM would take them to court. I do think the whole problem has been resolved. I'm probably wrong...
FFFFFFUUUUUUUU!!!Nintendo REALLY is screwing things up now! >_> That's the kind of people I hate:Sellfish people.Really,Nintendo is going to the dark side a little now...
WPM is helping them by advertising their Pokemon franchise. Nintendo is really screwing things up now, by not letting WPM post any images/sprites that deals with Black and White. I hope that this problem gets resolved soon so we can finally see the pictures of Black and White.
@ Ice Arceus: I do think what WPM doing is helping Nintendo out. I don't think Nintendo thought the same way...
I sent Nintendo an E-Mail regarding this whole fiasco, using a template from a fellow fansite I visited.

This is my message to them:

Dear Nintendo,

I’ve seen several Pokemon fansites take down their images of the newest Pokemon Black and White games at your request. I just wanted to write in to express my dissatisfaction with this request. We as fans would like to know all about the games that your company publishes and would like to fully appreciate the long hard work Game Freak has put into this new generation of Pokemon games. It seems uncharacteristic for Nintendo to be so harsh on sites that only wish to see your games thrive and help build the community around them. It hurts not only fans, but also our image of Nintendo as a company. We hope you would reconsider your recent actions taken against sites such as Serebii (http://serebii.net) and PokeBeach (http://pokebeach.com).

Thank you for your time.

xxxxxxx (Edited to remove my real name)

This is what I got back, a day later:


Thanks for contacting us about our request regarding Pokemon Black and White images. I wanted to let you know that Nintendo supports and appreciates the efforts that Pokemon fans go through to create fan sites. In most cases there is no issue with the content that is posted, but on this occasion we had to contact a select few websites to ask them to take down confidential images.

I also wanted to let you know that your comments have been documented and made available to other departments to use as they see fit. Thank you for taking the time to share them with us.



There seems to be more to this whole "Copyright Infringement" detail than we're led to believe.
There seems to be more to this whole "Copyright Infringement" detail than we're led to believe.
Maybe some of the last legendary Pokémon (Kerudio Meloetta and Genosect) are supposed to remain secret in the game until they release them in movies and events.
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