cocowoushi said:
I don't know if I can fully agree. I think GameFreak is quite aware of the wide age group who play pokemon. There are already 2 age brackets for the VGC. The story for DPP was much more mature than previous games. They made the B/W protagonists older. Instead of trying to additionally hide or simplify the pokemon battles, they've only made them more challenging and expanded on the mechanics to the metagame (EVs, IVs, Natures, etc).
When you were a kid you just didn't care about any of that. Why would they expand on them if they didn't want to make it more difficult, more time involving, for their older players who care about this kind of stuff.
I want to believe that GameFreak has now decided that with their numerous titles of Pokemon, both main title and side ones, there is something for everyone. Now they can start to make their main title more mature as their first fans of r/b/y and others have stayed with the games.
haha i bought red when it came out cause i saw scyther on the commercial and i said #$^%$%& i want that
the games have gotten more complex but thats not what im talking about, i mean more mature like content wise, why is there a graveyard in red and blue but pokemon never die??
having to keep your pokemon not only from fainting but from dying would be a cool add. making team rocket/magma/aaqua/ whatever be actually evil would be interesting.
they tried to get darker with that one gc game but all the love and heart stuff turned me off
now im not saying the characters need to swear or pokemon need to bleed cause that would be just a cheap copout
(although if sycther used slash someones gotta bleed haha)
but a game geared towards an older crowd would be nice.
the games have gotten harder tho, i can beat red in a sitting, i still havnt fnished everything in ss. i love that
just give me more scary looking pokemon and ill be happy hahaha
t-tar prime example
or if they all looked like this
theres an artist who actually draws the scariest pokmon ive ever seen but i cant find the site anymore