(1) 'Pokemon Black 2' Appears on 2ch [6/20]

Wanted to bring up that your so-called comprehensive sprite sheet here does not have all trainers. It lacks the sprite of Alder's grandson Banjirou. Additionally those green guys at the bottom left are obviously wearing motion capture suits, which almost certainly means they're from Pokéwood. Pretty nice otherwise. I wonder though if that thing Ghetsis is holding is really a sword or just a pimped out cane, though.
>Here's Banjirou, Alder's grandson. Creepy kid. You battle him after you defeat all the Trainers in Black City's skyscraper. He has the same battle music as his grandpa.
>He has a Level 80 Latios, Level 80 Garchomp, and Level 80 Volcarona.
>In Challenge Mode, his Pokemon are at Level 85.
>He gives you a shiny Gible after you defeat him.

Ghetsis looks ill. And why would Bianca have a sprite? I thought you didn't battle her, unless....
And where is Banjirou's sprite?

Phantom said:
. I wonder though if that thing Ghetsis is holding is really a sword or just a pimped out cane, though.

Could it be the Gene Wedge?
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
And where is Banjirou's sprite?

It's visible in this sprite sheet, first one of bottom row.

TheAmazingDerpfish said:
Could it be the Gene Wedge?

I was wondering the same thing. Seems like a plausible possibility to me.

It also seems you will battle two of the Seven Sages in BW2 as well. Bronius was confirmed to be a friendly sort of encounter in livestream gameplay footage. I don't think Zinzolin (purple one, who appears to have gotten a new suit as well) is going to be as friendly though, considering he's grouped together with New Team Plasma in game's opening.
Flannery. <3333333333333333

Hot sprites are hot. :3
You battled Benca in the original B/W and I think you battle her once or twice in B/W 2 XD. Remember after you finished B/W you could battle her on Sunday's. I wonder if that is still the same or if they fixed it to both Saturday and Sunday or other days of the week XD.:)
Phantom said:
It's visible in this sprite sheet, first one of bottom row.

Jesus Christ, he looks like a hobo. XD

I was wondering the same thing. Seems like a plausible possibility to me.

It also seems you will battle two of the Seven Sages in BW2 as well. Bronius was confirmed to be a friendly sort of encounter in livestream gameplay footage. I don't think Zinzolin (purple one, who appears to have gotten a new suit as well) is going to be as friendly though, considering he's grouped together with New Team Plasma in game's opening.
Very interesting.
I'm kinda glad we can catch the Regis this way. WOOOHOOOO GOODBYE WAILORD AND RELICANTH!

But seriously. If I'm not mistaken, you can calculate a Pokemon's Max stat from the Base stats. I can only wonder how high the Att/SAtt will be at 170. Let's go ahead and stick a Scarf on them. coughpleasepleasepleasegivetheformestheirrespectivefusionmovescough.

So, massive offense, an Ability that screams Mold Breaker, and massive Speed when Scarfed. This list shall continue on.

After this big of a game, is this going to be it? The content is basically the creme of the crop, so I don't know how GF will manage to come up with another one. I seriously hope they can, but we all know how a typical series end usually ends with a huge bang... Like this.
Red Striker said:
But seriously. If I'm not mistaken, you can calculate a Pokemon's Max stat from the Base stats. I can only wonder how high the Att/SAtt will be at 170.

379 - 482 Max beneficial nature, 345 - 439 neutral nature.
Aawe, poor Koga... Freaking GIOVANNI got a sprite, yet Koga didn't? I guess being promoted to Elite 4 comes with downsides... Also, I'm kinda wondering why there aren't any plated Arceus sprites, given even the Unowns were in.
don()shinobi said:
That sprite below Vullaby's on the sprite sheet...
What's Zero doing in this game?

haha, Glad to know I wasn't the only one who thought that.

And Black/White Kyurem's 700 BST and 170 stat for greatest offensive attack is amazing. I had a hunch it would possibly tie with or come close to Arceus's BST due to the "world's strongest dragon" title it's been handed... but nearly reaching Attack Deoxys levels of power? My jaw dropped. I love me some Mewtwo 154 BST, and I love me even more some 170 BST with actually decent 95 speed stat. Well played, Kyurem, well played indeed.
Does anybody know who the girl next to Wallace or the girl next to Hugh/the rival is on the trainer sprite sheet? I figure the one next to Hugh is a member of Roxie's band, but I have no idea who the other one is? Maybe a Pokewood actress? Maybe a new frontier brain of sorts?

I noticed some other stuff, too. On this sprite sheet resource thing, right above Alder's grandson, is some woman. Notice the resemblance to Sabrina? Maybe she lives in Unova to shoot movies? I also saw that there's what looks to be a Manaphy egg in the game's coding, as seen here. I don't know if the sprite for the egg was in BW's data, nor do I know of this means anything significant, but it's a possibility that the Manaphy event'll come back. I think Manaphy had the normal egg sprite when transferred from Ranger to a main series game, but I never did the event, so I wouldn't know for sure.