(1) Pokemon Black and Pokemon White are the Fifth Generation Games! [4/8]

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It would be a very good idea to use a different timeline to the other games because it is the best way to return pokemon to the glory it had and also it can definitely mean that we will return to a previous regions( past, i am not really sure, but even then it is a great idea)
Going back in time would seem ineteresting. But you know other than G/S happening 3 years after R/B/G/Y there's no definite timeline... I've actually theorized that R/B/G/Y happen around the same time as R/S/E and that 3 years later G/S happen around the time of D/P/P.
Maybe it will be the past of the Hoenn region, though more than likley it will be a new region, and if they do not release a light type i will be quite enraged.

I'm really hoping for a lion fire starter, or at least ALOT more fire pokemon, please no more water!
Now, let us all forget about all the stupid jokes been said and agree these are good names.

Who's with me?
Me !

IMO I haven't thinked of those stupid racial jokes while reading the names... I just thinked 'CAN'T WAIT !" *drool*

I hope pokemon sundae will bring more neat infos !
I can't wait either.

But at the same time I'm wondering if I should stay away from all spoilers that will be shown, and then when I buy the game it will all be exciting and new to me.

Hard choices. >.<
I'm glad they are back to colors.

I'm just hoping that they wont make the next versions like this:

Pokemon Dark Orange Brownish Version.

Pokemon Grass Stain on a Pair of Blue Jeans Green Version

Pokemon You Know That Color You Get When You Mix All Your Playdoh Clay Together? Version


Yeah, I don't think they will go to those extremes, but I wonder what they will do once they run out of colors...
SotS said:
Now, let us all forget about all the stupid jokes been said and agree these are good names.

Who's with me?

Not me it is to fun to watch people post stupid stuff and I wonder if they will make a movie out of this


Edit 800th post (and of course it has to be on some bad joke lol)
Porygon-X said:
I'm glad they are back to colors.

I'm just hoping that they wont make the next versions like this:

Pokemon Dark Orange Brownish Version.

Pokemon Grass Stain on a Pair of Blue Jeans Green Version

Pokemon You Know That Color You Get When You Mix All Your Playdoh Clay Together? Version


Yeah, I don't think they will go to those extremes, but I wonder what they will do once they run out of colors...


I'm going to hate it if they start using stupid colors. =[

All I know is, I can't wait for these games. =]

Oh yeah, Pokemon You Know That Color You Get When You Mix All Your Playdoh Clay Together? Version

Best post ever. ;P
Wow I actually had a feeling they were going to use those two colors. This is very exciting news! I hope Pokemon Sunday will reveal some more information tomorrow!
When they tell us about the storyline information, then that would be exciting. I hope they tell us about new Pokemon that are going to appear in the new version. Though it might take a while when they actually do tell us what some of the Pokemon that will be in the games.
I think that these games, like all Pokemon RPG games, will be great.
The name isn't really my concern, the gameplay is.
The only thing that I do wish they would add is something like a character creator, or even a clothes change option because I don't really like battling myself on Wi-Fi.
It would be awesome if they did somthing crazy like black is to be part of the bad guy team and white is like the normal games when you fight against them.
It would be cool if we find out early on who the new bad guys are in the game.
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