(1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

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Or X is the place where the lawyer would put his signature!! :p

I think it came from the america nintendo because the games are already out in japan but they dont want the games ruined for americans.
Actually, (an using my small legal expertise) if the letter was sent via standard mail, X, is where the signature is placed. OR, if the letter was sent via email, then it`s part of the edit done to it, to prevent us from seeing the name of the lawyer.

I want to help... So tell me, did the letter come from DLA Piper? (My father is a lawyer over there, and he has in past worked with Nintendo)

QUICK EDIT: Do yourselves a favor and remove the part of the article where it says that you're palying the ROMs

Aaaaugh! Just waiting for these tid bits is getting hard. I'd rather just wait till I get the games then wonder what they'll find out next.
ldeally, the american nintendo would be looking at pokebeach because it ends in .com. The japanese nintendo would be looking at websites ending in .jp. I REALLY hope it's fake, but there's no evidence yet.
I (and most everyone here) has come into contact with 'spoilers'. Does Nintendo USA know that most of America already knows pretty much everything about the games because of the Japanese versions?

Sounds like it's a 'crying over spilled milk' thing and they're upset because of the spoilers.
I don't know if someone already mentioned this, but what "official" lawyer says something like "Oh, I like your site by the way"? Really, wouldn't you think the lawyer would be more on task? I'm shocked at whoever did this, whether it really be Nintendo, or any other person in this world. I'm shocked.
Not everyone knows of the spoilers. I refuse to look at anything other than the images of the new pokemon.
If it is to do with spoilers.. then really they should of tried for a world wide release for once.
The real excuse (which has actually been used with other sites in the past) is that the content of the website is (against the legitimate interest of Nintendo's customers)

Again, I ask, is the letter from DLA Piper?
I just read the Email and that is very BAD news guys.:(:( SO sorry you only have one day to work it out. WPM,i'm sure you can do it!! Stil,very good luck to all Super mods. to work it out to.
The letter also says that the content can cause substantial damage to Nintendo. Um... how? Did it cause damage to them when D/P/Pt/HG/SS were released? No. Did content posted by other sites regarding other Nintendo games affect Nintendo in any way? No. Therefore, it is safe to say that Nintendo will not be affected in any way if the pictures are left on here.

I've also found a contradiction:

"We have accordingly submitted a copyright infringement notice to your domain registrar under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and anticipate that your website will be taken down shortly."

"We encourage you to immediately remove from your website all graphics, screenshots, and other protected content taken from the Pokémon Black and Pokémon White games."

Why would anyone need to remove content from a web site if someone expects you to close it down anyway? Seems a bit fishy to me.
I think it's fake, but it would be disastrous if it wasn't. The whole place could be shut down over this whole thing regarding the images.

It wasn't a problem before, why all of a sudden, it is now?
Your activity also has the potential to cause substantial damage to Nintendo, and leaves Nintendo with no choice but to take steps to protect its intellectual property rights.

Wonder what they mean with that part.
@ Timeshift,

I Really agree with you! It could be a other person trying to fib WPM. Lets hope not.:( Edit:THAT should happen with Serebii.net to because they did the SAME thing!!! >_<
All this info on the treads and the site would be hard to take down. Maybe its a competitor, website trying to sabotage this website so they can get all of the views.
This isn’t very smart of Nintendo to remove free advertising; if this letter turns out to be true. It is very possible it is someone pulling your leg.
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