(1) Pokemon League Prize Support Promos [9/11]

Ok, that's just stupid.

Meh, at least I'll get my Thorton-season.

...I totally called Claydol, though. Stupid, ugly Claydol. Oh, how I despise thee...


okay now i really want no more badges but these awesome cards

Roseanne's, Bebe's, and Dialga G are all awesome too. This may be the best thing I've ever witnessed in PTCG in my life.

dmaster out.
Well, the value of these cards just went down the drain. XP

That's make it easier to get them, thank the heavens!
Now I have motivation to go to league twice a week. Great move by PUSA.
IMO best thing that has ever happened to pokemon for people that can't afford Claydol's/Uxie's.
No Rare Candy though...
Wow... Just Wow... This is all a dream, it's allll a dream *pinches self* Ouch! YES IT'S NOT A DREAM! This means, yes, all of us who spent so much, and traded so much for these cards are being ripped. But think of the other's that could NOT afford it. Like my Brother and Sister for Example, they couldn't afford "neccessities" like this, therefore I always won because I was most consistent. And they still are pretty good without them, so hopefully when they get a couple of these they'll really be able to step up on the plate at our Tourneys and win. =]

Alright! Pokemon USA is finally getting smart! This is too cool!

BTW, awesome signature DogMaster, the album is amazing.
Season 1, 3, and 4 are looking good, but no Rare Candy :(, and I need at least 2 Claydol by BRs, season 3 is a little late.
Shiny Noctowl-just go to and play at a League.
As for the list of promos, I am kind of surprised by the list. I don't think its a good idea that there are so many SV cards. They should have used reprints from older sets like DP or Mysterious Treasures. I expected to see Claydol, shocked that Rare Candy didn't make it. Also surprised that Roseanne's is a League card again. It was just in POP 8 packs. As a League Leader, I am waiting to see how the players react. I still have a bunch of POP 9 packs to give out though.
Claydol, Uxie, Dialga G, and some good trainers. About time we got some good Pokemon!! =D