(1) 'Pokemon Smash' Reveals New X/Y Pokemon!

It’s been more than a month since the reveal of Sylveon—the newest evolution of Eevee. Fans have debated which type this new Pokémon will be when it debuts in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, launching worldwide in October.

That's a pretty direct press release. It's not scurrying around anything. ._.
I like the feet. They do look like they'd be awkward to stand on, but I think that's the point - from the battle video, it looks like this thing's made for levitating and flying at all times, rather than standing.
Metalizard said:
^Speaking of that, I really liked that we got to see the new models for some of the older pokémon (Machamp, Gyarados, even Genesect)... They look pretty nice...
Does anyone else think the sky looks really pretty in the second screenshot? I didn't notice when I posted it but now that I look at it closely, those clouds look neat.
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
Metalizard said:
^Speaking of that, I really liked that we got to see the new models for some of the older pokémon (Machamp, Gyarados, even Genesect)... They look pretty nice...
Does anyone else think the sky looks really pretty in the second screenshot? I didn't notice when I posted it but now that I look at it closely, those clouds look neat.

They do, It makes me wonder just how much variation the weather will have. Will it just be clear, cloudy, or rainy, or will there be lots of variations in between? And will it be random or will it have to do with the real world somehow?
Serperior said:
The artwork is not good. Anyone raised in the 90's and have seen the first movie in theaters has Mewtwo, (alongside nostalgia), connected to it, and would not want the original 150 touched in any way. They were perfect as they were. I can probably speak on behalf of the good majority of the Pokémon community and say this is probably the worst thing that has happened to Pokémon. I am utterly disappointed.

How dare you speek for me? o_O'' I'm a "Pokémon fan" of the very first hour it appears hear in europe, I got so many feelings connected with the franchise, but I really love that little guy. It can't away a think from me, it can only give =)
There are three things that bother me, but aside of that, I really like it. These three things:
1. The feet look like sausages D;
2. The tail went from the hip to the head - even if it is an entire new species, it's still kind of ... annoying. Don't know... It is a tail after all, not a SSJ3 haircut or something.
3. This handle on the head. Sure, you don't need a Pokéball to carry it with you, but it still looks strange....

Besides, WPM is right: I really want a good movie, but probably his prediction of the plot is true .____.'

I'm really excited whether this is a new form or a new species at all =) All the "evidences" for one direction or another can be simply their "We Keep everything secret"-marketing-strategy, so everything is open now ^^ I'd like more a different species, but we'll see. It depends too on the background story and overall idea ^^
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
That press release definitely implies that Mew/Two/New will be relevant to the main story, further fueling the Genetics theme this generation.
Also, did anyone else notice Mew's eyes are blue, Mewtwo's are purple and Newtwo's eyes are red? That's pretty cool.

Maybe its a Mewtwo purified of bad mew DNA and it has its own newley evolved original DNA, it could also play a major part in the study of evolution.
Continuing with my Newtwo spam- I mean, posts, here are Mew/Two/New together. I can't stop thinking about their eye colors.
I'm really abusing the spoiler tag.
i like this mew-two much more than the original or should i say mew-three? i don't think we will get any real info on the game until June15th 2013
Mewtwo, with his vast knowledge of cloning, cloned himself because he felt super lonely. This is the result. A "Mewthree" per se. I will reject all other ideas because I hate the idea of a form for Mewtwo.
I know it says that it is a form of Mewtwo, but I really hope it isn't either. Mewtwo is unique, and should be its own, childhood-fulfilling, original Legendary entity. It's definitely related to Mewtwo, I just hope it isn't idiotic. But it probably will be. A long-lost brother? And then they find each other because Genesect brings Newtwo to him? Sounds like another cliché "friendship always wins" story.
Serperior said:
I know it says that it is a form of Mewtwo, but I really hope it isn't either.

That's what's bothering me about all of this. A lot of sites are reporting it as a new forme, when that hasn't been confirmed at all. The official sources in fact seem to be hinting that it's a different (albeit related) Pokemon. It could very well be a forme change but to report it as such without confirmation is misleading.
Only positive thing I'm gonna say about this thing is just based on looks, it could give Arceus a run for its money as the most powerful Uber.
Check said:
If it is Mewthree then why wait till 5th 6th gen transition to release it plus how long has everybody been making jokes about Mew, Mewtwo, and there no Mewthree back in 1st gen. Not to mention the movie needs to come out before X and Y get released so more new pokemon may be shown in the movie too because most of the pokemon movies come out in December of like the same or next year from when japan get it.

Munchlax in Destiny Deoxys? Sorry if this has been posted before
Serperior said:
I know it says that it is a form of Mewtwo, but I really hope it isn't either. Mewtwo is unique, and should be its own, childhood-fulfilling, original Legendary entity. It's definitely related to Mewtwo, I just hope it isn't idiotic. But it probably will be. A long-lost brother? And then they find each other because Genesect brings Newtwo to him? Sounds like another cliché "friendship always wins" story.

Mewtwo's original? Mewtwo's a damn clone, last I checked.
You people are so cruel. YOU ALL are why clones can't go out into society without fear of being judged and attacked. Remember what Meowth said? "We do have a lot in common. The same air, the same Earth, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what's the same instead of always looking at what's different, well, who knows?" Mewthree should be accepted like any other Pokemon. LEAVE MEWTHTREE ALONE!
If this is Mewthree, then it's pretty nice (7/10). If it's a new Mewtwo form I'm gonna flip my desk over and punch my fish in the face.