(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

banette_puppet said:
they are fake pokemon, gee. can't you people tell, i even sent a like to the creators deviantart right here http://cascadegonpory.deviantart.com/art/hoax-01-163402061. it was just a hoax to get people excited into his fake pokemon.

(Concerning the above image.) It was made by cascadegonpory, a well-known artist who specializes in Sugimori style (and other styles, of course).

Well it's definetly fake cause it's been uploaded on photobucket^^^
I know it is I just think it's funny how it looks like they didn't try!

But I just thought of something that im surprised we have barely talked about... EVOLUTIONS OF THE STARTERS!
If the water one (on the right) is a bear, i can see some awesome evolutions.... SUPER AQUA BEAR!!!!! >8D
If it is a Platypus... well... I want one too but now it seems a little unlikely
If the bunny/pig/donkey is a pig... it seems hard to make evolutions for a pig after grumpig lol I know spoink had no feet but still
if it is a bunny, I know they made buneary but this one looks so different, they could easily make a rabbit!
If it's a donkey... woah, OH **** THATS AWESOME!!1 FIRE DONKEY!!! (I hope I didn't start bad puns after this)
The grass one..... can be whatever it wants... I didn't like flightless bird but that is all I see now....
The gr
I like the idea of having all the starters have 2 types when you get them. For the top i hope they will make a fire/flying type.
For the one on the left i think grass dragon. For the right Water/Fighting.
Like my ideas???
rockinpikachu said:
I like the idea of having all the starters have 2 types when you get them. For the top i hope they will make a fire/flying type.
For the one on the left i think grass dragon. For the right Water/Fighting.
Like my ideas?

Im not really fond of multitype pokemon unless they do it fairly. I Never starter would want a starter to be dragon type because of the type triangle:
fire beats grass
grass beats water
water beats fire

In the 4th gen the type triangle was messed up. A torterra had a type advantage over both other starters.

In all reality that left most pokemon is a bird like dinosaur. There is one that walks on land like a raptor, and soars in the air like a bird.
aaroncsmall2 said:
When you get home from work/school tomorrow they should be revealed.

That's good news!

aaroncsmall2 said:
Im not really fond of multitype pokemon unless they do it fairly. I Never starter would want a starter to be dragon type because of the type triangle:
fire beats grass
grass beats water
water beats fire

In the 4th gen the type triangle was messed up. A torterra had a type advantage over both other starters.

In all reality that left most pokemon is a bird like dinosaur. There is one that walks on land like a raptor, and soars in the air like a bird.

True, but they gave Torterra a low speed so Infernape and Empoleon could take it down.....
aaroncsmall2 said:
In all reality that left most pokemon is a bird like dinosaur. There is one that walks on land like a raptor, and soars in the air like a bird.

you mean like grovyle? maybe.... I'm expecting deinonychus, but it seems a whole lot like the treecko line.

also, refreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefresh. time differences! D:
Yeah, if the far left one is a green lizard, it'll be Treecko-ing all over the everyhwere. :B

I wonder if they'll be the traditional starter colours? I mean, the grass (for example) could be autumn leaves colours, which could be interesting to switch things up a bit. Heck, they could probably get away with a white or blue fire type too.

*eagerly awaiting leaked CoroCoro scans*
BlazeGryph said:
Yeah, if the far left one is a green lizard, it'll be Treecko-ing all over the everyhwere. :B

I wonder if they'll be the traditional starter colours? I mean, the grass (for example) could be autumn leaves colours, which could be interesting to switch things up a bit. Heck, they could probably get away with a white or blue fire type too.

*eagerly awaiting leaked CoroCoro scans*

i kno any idea when they'll get leaked??
BlazeGryph said:
I wonder if they'll be the traditional starter colours? I mean, the grass (for example) could be autumn leaves colours, which could be interesting to switch things up a bit. Heck, they could probably get away with a white or blue fire type too.
I doubt they'll switch up the colors, but they have done it before with cyndaquil. It would be pleasant change. If they do it will likely be only one of them.
sax87ton said:
I doubt they'll switch up the colors, but they have done it before with cyndaquil. It would be pleasant change. If they do it will likely be only one of them.

agreed most probably the colors will stay the same but they may mix match the types like grass/flying
and as far as i remeber they did tehy they wil revolutinize pokemon like never before and many things will change
starz said:
agreed most probably the colors will stay the same but they may mix match the types like grass/flying
and as far as i remeber they did tehy they wil revolutinize pokemon like never before and many things will change

Yeah, they did mention that, but so far, as much as hate to say it, I don't think that statement is holding much water. The graphics are still 2D sprites and the battle 'arrangement' of the characters looked the same. I suppose they might have changed up the bottom screen fight controls but eeeeh we have to wait and see. Personally I think an ATB system like FF13s would be a natural evolution of the current turn-based system, since it is still turnbase-like commands and relies on stats. I dunno, that was a huge tangent. xD
I guess it carries over to the Pokemon too. I'm not holding my breath for anything terribly original.
BlazeGryph said:
Yeah, they did mention that, but so far, as much as hate to say it, I don't think that statement is holding much water. The graphics are still 2D sprites and the battle 'arrangement' of the characters looked the same. I suppose they might have changed up the bottom screen fight controls but eeeeh we have to wait and see. Personally I think an ATB system like FF13s would be a natural evolution of the current turn-based system, since it is still turnbase-like commands and relies on stats. I dunno, that was a huge tangent. xD
I guess it carries over to the Pokemon too. I'm not holding my breath for anything terribly original.

yaaa true but i do like the full body spriets now if they actually could move and attck that wud be nice also i heard the new reagion represnt like new york or something cuz they used japan for the first for regions
i don kno dis kid told me that
FireGrey said:

Well it's definetly fake cause it's been uploaded on photobucket^^^

Because I found the image on a site I couldn't link to.. So I saved and uploaded to MY photobucket. -_-;
Too bad that image has already been posted here a gazillion times already. The original artist said it was a hoax.

If one more person posts that image, I'll, I'll...

BTW, many of the guesses look quite good.
theatrebabe said:
grrrr come on leak already!!!!! the suspense is killing me!


Please be leaked tonight!

So, I've already posted what I think the starters are here, but I haven't posted what I think their final forms might be...

The first one (grass IMO) could be some sort of tropical bird (toucan, parrot, etc.)
The second one (fire IMO) I believe is a pig, so the final form could be a boar...with wings (When pigs fly! :D)
The third one (water IMO)...I really have no idea what the basic is (too many possibilities) so I can't say what its fully evolved form will be. :/