(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

it wouldnt be the first repeat, the grass alligator... thing... totodile is too but a few problems with this recent art.
Donkeys arent rodents which we seem to be obsessed with for some reason now.
why on EARTH is an alligator grass?! if it wasnt a starter it could be like ludicolo... wtr/grs...
lol that would be cool

oh... yeah it was false anyway, but still proving weird points? maybe...? lol
PikaTheXIII said:
the middle one is a donkey pokemon. woot!!

I think ur might right about that. Donkey does has long ears. I think it does fit the form. If it's a donkey, probably it'll have a fire horse evolution like Ponyta & Rapidash,but I'm guessing its final evolution'll be a pegasus,& its second evolution'll be a zebra.

do u think so? Please guys answer.
I'm still thinking the middle one is a bird. What gets me is what y'all are saying is it's hind leg and what I'm thinking is it's beak. Where it's placed and compared to the other two "legs", it just doesn't look right. Then what sort of sells me is the missing fourth leg. In that pose, I feel like it should be visible. Yes it could be hidden, but it would look weird. Hmmm....
scuba stevee said:
I'm still thinking the middle one is a bird. What gets me is what y'all are saying is it's hind leg and what I'm thinking is it's beak. Where it's placed and compared to the other two "legs", it just doesn't look right. Then what sort of sells me is the missing fourth leg. In that pose, I feel like it should be visible. Yes it could be hidden, but it would look weird. Hmmm...

That is a good point about the middle one. I've said it before but I'm really not sold on the 'ears'. I didn't notice the leg thing either. o:

Here's some other possibilities I whipped up. The reverse-bird has been done already, but how about some different limb placement?

I also tried to figure out the middle figure with 3D shapes. Judging by what I figured out (I could be way off, of course!) I don't really see how a donkey/pig/boar snout could really fit...
ive noticed a pattern:
there's always 1 quadroped, biped, and then there's one that could go both ways. Observe:
5. the pig looking starter....

5.most likely the grass one....

5. the platypus or whatever it is....
i could be imaging it but it looks like a pattern.
BlazeGryph said:
That is a good point about the middle one. I've said it before but I'm really not sold on the 'ears'. I didn't notice the leg thing either. o:

Here's some other possibilities I whipped up. The reverse-bird has been done already, but how about some different limb placement?

Wow that is a great point ^^^^^

It would look super cute too, but another fire bird pokemon?? In that case I'd rather them all have been shown jumbled up and for the bird to be grass (middle one), the onle on the left to still be a platypus and water and the laft one to be a feathered pterodactyle fire pokemon. So we'd have all 3 pokemon with beaks, one would be a bird, the other a reptile and the other a mammal, and all would be realworld egg layers. LOL

Darn now I don't know. I think I'll just wait and stop speculating and wait.

And it could completely throw out the chinese zodiac deal with the fire types.

Pokemonvacation said:
ive noticed a pattern:
there's always 1 quadroped, biped, and then there's one that could go both ways. Observe:
5. the pig looking starter....

5.most likely the grass one....

5. the platypus or whatever it is....
i could be imaging it but it looks like a pattern.

I really like this analysis, then hopefully that would throw out the idea that mabe the middle one could be a bird. (unless we get a gryphon OMG would so totally love that, lol, went off on a tangent).
orkoni1 said:
I really like this analysis, then hopefully that would throw out the idea that mabe the middle one could be a bird. (unless we get a gryphon OMG would so totally love that, lol, went off on a tangent).

I want a gryphon Pokemon too = 3=
Then Konig (in my avvie) could have a 'Pokemon version' of him! xD
BlazeGryph said:

I want a gryphon Pokemon too = 3=
Then Konig (in my avvie) could have a 'Pokemon version' of him! xD

BlazeGryph, seriously I don't know why they haven't made one. The drawing above looks cool that would be awesome too.

A long time ago I had thought about a grass/flying gryphon pokemon, when I saw an extremely endangered bird species in New Zealand that is related to parrots but doesn't fly even though it has wings (name is Kakapo google it and youtube it there is a really funny vid about one doing something funny to a preservationist LOL and is a beautiful green said to smell like spices). SO I thought 1st stage bird no wings or arms just bipedal (not bird feet though more like a feline or soe in terms of feet) so not flying type yet, 2nd stage no wings but quatripedal four feet (not bird feet though) still bird but no flying type yet, 3rd stage full blown gryphone, four legged with beautiful green wings. The feathers would've been green and black and it would have a blue beak.

That would've been sweet but oh well, can't draw so I can't really make one out.

I really hope they are revealed twomorrow from leaked info from corocoro.
theatrebabe said:
As in tomorrow???? cuz that would be amazing!!! but i highly doubt that we will get art work that early :( oh well its fun to think about what they will look like!

in my opinion they always leak around or on the 10th
I really don't know wat to say about this so far. From what I've seen from the silhouettes, im not impressed. Still, it's too early too tell what they really are, so I guess I'll leave off my criticism till then.
Pokemonvacation said:
ive noticed a pattern:
there's always 1 quadroped, biped, and then there's one that could go both ways. Observe:
5. the pig looking starter....

5.most likely the grass one....

5. the platypus or whatever it is....
i could be imaging it but it looks like a pattern.

Fire has the most varied ones. Grass to me always looks reptilian.
elite said:
well then agian couldn't it be a koala bear!?!?!?! we havn't had a koala bear yet!!!!:-D

*sigh* abra says hi after waking up from his 18 hour nap.

masterryanx said:
Bidoof and Bibarel = beavers. Not gophers.
it's possible. sandshrew is an armadillo-type-thing that evolves into sandslash, which is a porcupine(sp?), which is slightly (but not too) different. I'm really hoping the one on the left's head is a celibi-shape instead if it having a beak or what have you. either way it will probably be the one I pick. truthfully, I'm a little sad with what is speculated to me the fire one(middle).
Thomasthebear said:
Has anyone seen this?


A hundred times, yes.

oh, and no, it's not legit...

[Edit:] Sorry if it seemed a little harsh... I'm kinda sleepy and I've seen it one too many time. ^^;
Thomasthebear said:
Has anyone seen this?


Yeah the first time I have seen it I knew it was fake because of the fact that the images do not match the silhouettes. However people would think its real because the image is pretty convincing.

Can someone translate the text in the picture just in case?