(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

Travis said:
Uh, no. There's a HUGE chunk of land between the "Sinnoh region" of Japan and the "Kanto region" of Japan big enough for TWO games. That AND there's an area between the "Johto" and "Hoenn" regions that's pretty big with the "Orre" based region in the middle of it.


HikaruAyame said:
Can we do an.... 8 way PM? O.O

Anyway, there are threads and threads in the 5th gen forum of all sorts of theories. You can go read those if you're bored. There's basically nothing more to say on the silhouttes. Every little bump has been analyzed for their possibilities. We're reduced to Wild Mass Guessing.
I'm not saying that you can't talk, it's just that it gets really annoying sometimes when people don't stay on topic. I think that your getting too offended about me saying that this isn't the right place for your "off-topic discussion."

Anyways I hope that the 5th Gen Region is bigger and better.
HikaruAyame said:
But to my knowledge there's not a specific name for it, is there?

im sure the Japanese call it something....

Ice Arceus said:
I'm not saying that you can't talk, it's just that it gets really annoying sometimes when people don't stay on topic. I think that your getting too offended about me saying that this isn't the right place for your "off-topic discussion."

Anyways I hope that the 5th Gen Region is bigger and better.

yeah they need to be.....
Ice Arceus said:
I'm not saying that you can't talk, it's just that it gets really annoying sometimes when people don't stay on topic. I think that your getting too offended about me saying that this isn't the right place for your "off-topic discussion." Thats all I'm saying.
We're getting too offended. Haha. ^.^

Anyway, we're still discussing things loosely related. Honestly, all of the important/significant stuff was said 40+ pages ago. If we kept just to the bloody silhouttes we'd have talked in soo many circles by now it'd be dead boring.
Kurumia said:
if they ran out, they could always make some neat 'foreign' regions.
But that won't happen. xD;

Actually I think that's what they're doing now IMO. It might just be me but when I saw that city in the first Black/White screenshots and the Pokemon center on the corner, I immediately thought of the Nintendo World Store in Rockefeller Plaza; it's at the corner of Reckefeller Plaza and it used to be a Pokemon specialized store simply called the Pokemon Center, so I assumed that the game was based on if not inspired by the city. Of course, this is something I blew WAY out of proportion so the connection could just be a coincidence, but I feel like sticking to it anyway.
Here, but afraid of bringing down Ice Arceus's wrath for posting off topic. :D

It'd be fun to have a region based on America. XD
Travis said:
Uh, no. There's a HUGE chunk of land between the "Sinnoh region" of Japan and the "Kanto region" of Japan big enough for TWO games. That AND there's an area between the "Johto" and "Hoenn" regions that's pretty big with the "Orre" based region in the middle of it.

I just got an idea about this. The area with Orre in it has another piece of land across from it separated by water. Since B/W are opposites maybe this water could be like how Mt. Cornet separates Sinnoh. Four of the gyms could be on one side of the water, four on the other and you use surf/ take a boat to get there.

What do you guys think?
Xemik said:
I just got an idea about this. The area with Orre in it has another piece of land across from it separated by water. Since B/W are opposites maybe this water could be like how Mt. Cornet separates Sinnoh. Four of the gyms could be on one side of the water, four on the other and you use surf/ take a boat to get there.

What do you guys think?

I actually made a fake region a while back that was similar to that, so i agree. that would be epic.
Hellooo!!! I really have nothing to talk about.... I want these scans like now... But I suppose.. I should go to sleep.. Ive been sat here in the same position ill all day, maybe I need more rest!
s2daam said:
Hellooo!!! I really have nothing to talk about.... I want these scans like now... But I suppose.. I should go to sleep.. Ive been sat here in the same position ill all day, maybe I need more rest!

I´ve been sitting for so long, I forgot how to walk
HikaruAyame said:
If we kept just to the bloody silhouttes we'd have talked in soo many circles by now it'd be dead boring.
It might be boring to some people, but I'd like to hear what other people have to say about what they might be like. We don't care about your BORING discussion. Some people are starting to be on topic, which is nice, and there are some people who don't give a care about any of this.
Xemik said:
I just got an idea about this. The area with Orre in it has another piece of land across from it separated by water. Since B/W are opposites maybe this water could be like how Mt. Cornet separates Sinnoh. Four of the gyms could be on one side of the water, four on the other and you use surf/ take a boat to get there.

What do you guys think?

Actually sounds like a good idea. I simply copy/pasted the map from a topic I made previously but never really saw the watery seperation between the two, maybe there'll be one large tower in between the two, giving the region a Pokeball-looking shape lol
Ice Arceus said:
It might be boring to some people, but I'd like to hear what other people have to say about what they might be like. We don't care about your BORING discussion. Some people are starting to be on topic, which is nice, and there are some people who don't give a care about any of this.

who are the ones who dont care?
Ice Arceus said:
It might be boring to some people, but I'd like to hear what other people have to say about what they might be like. We don't care about your BORING discussion. Some people are starting to be on topic, which is nice, and There are some people who don't give a care about any of this.
Wow, does it really matter? You're welcome to throw your two cents in on what you think the starters will be, but as Hikaru said, we'd only be over-analyzing now.
Ice Arceus said:
It might be boring to some people, but I'd like to hear what other people have to say about what they might be like. We don't care about your BORING discussion. Some people are starting to be on topic, which is nice, and there are some people who don't give a care about any of this.

Dude, calm down. We're pretty much on topic and if the mods had a problem with it they would've intervened by now.