(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

aaroncsmall2 said:
I really want the one on the right to be a Red Panda!

Woot Red Pandas

That is how I saw it, and I thought it was a fire type, you know. RED panda. The "bunny" looks water, and the Charmander look-alike is the grass.
fire is going to be a pig or a bunny in my opinion even though spoink/grumpig were pigs and buneary/lopunny were bunnies.

grass is going to be another lizard of some sort, maybe a pteradactyl of some sort. grass type starts have a tendency to being dinosaur/lizard looking so a pteradactyl of sorts make sense.

the water is going to be a platypus of some sort maybe even a weird looking polar bear, it won't be either an otter or a beaver because we have buizel and bidoof both of which are otter or beaver.

all in all we'll see sometime this week on what they'll look like.
scuba stevee said:
Here's a different interpretation of them:


*Note: Not made by me*

I don't know about the one on the right, but the top one does look like a bird, when viewed that way.

good point. they could have turned the pics around to confuse us
I'm working on my own fanart of the silhouettes :D
So far I've only done the top poke.

I'm working on the left poke now :3
Personally, I'd like it if they branched out from the normal fire-water-grass line, but they probably won't. Just like all the sketches I did probably won't even come close to what the actual ones will look like, but they were bloody fun to draw. Our scanner isn't hooked up, so hopefully I can figure out some other way to add them on here.^^

Found these on another boards.
kaorusquee said:
Personally, I'd like it if they branched out from the normal fire-water-grass line, but they probably won't. Just like all the sketches I did probably won't even come close to what the actual ones will look like, but they were bloody fun to draw. Our scanner isn't hooked up, so hopefully I can figure out some other way to add them on here.^^

I don't think they should completely get rid of the Water,Fire,Grass cycle but i would like them to make them dual types like in 4th gen Fire/Dark Water/Psychic Grass/Fighting

Casty said:

Found these on another boards.

OMG those are LEGIT!!!!
Casty said:

Found these on another boards.

lol those are totally fake, i saw them on the guys deviantart account. right here :http://cascadegonpory.deviantart.com/art/hoax-01-163402061
Casty said:

Found these on another boards.

The only one that looks like the sillouette is the bear one, the dont fit the silloettes. Fake , but cool.
torchicz said:
The only one that looks like the sillouette is the bear one, the don't fit the silloettes. Fake , but cool.
but if you look closely it is Zoroark facing them in the wild, maybe they are not starters
they are fake pokemon, gee. can't you people tell, i even sent a like to the creators deviantart right here http://cascadegonpory.deviantart.com/art/hoax-01-163402061. it was just a hoax to get people excited into his fake pokemon.
Not to be a stickler for a tickler, but this is an interesting thought.
Hear me out, even if you hate the idea.
My theory from Left to Right is: Water-Fire-Grass, and I'll tell you why, based on these images. I don't think these images are starters, maybe stage 1 or 2:

If the Right is Grass, it looks an awful lot like the green panda-like picture in the 2nd link. Very similar body structure, and people are seeing a possible Panda/Koala Bear figure in the silhouette.

If the left silhouette is Water, the head could be made to face "backwards" as to face to the right, with the point in the back, like Celebi. In the 4th link, the head looks similar. I'm uncertain about the tail, the crease is there in the magazine :(

Finally, if the center pic is Fire, strange ideas come up as this scorpion image shows in the 3rd link. At the very least, they both have tails, although one curly and the other not,

Which by the way, tails are terrible for predicting animals "Glameow/Purugly"

And the scorpion's tail end is ball like. Also, the head piece still has, not "ear-like" appendages, but some random headpiece, that goes from 2 to 1.

That's my take on these images.
No idea about typing, Fire/Bug or Fire/Poison perhaps.
Grass and Water are both bipedal, with the fire on all fours.
Dolphin speculations were possible for the water type.
Honestly, I hope I'm somewhat wrong, or AT LEAST have these be the middle form, and not the final.

Casty said:

Found these on another boards.

Not saying these are fake or not, just interesting correlations, however vague they may be.
Blizzz said:
yea, but we might get artwork as early as early monday, say 5 or 6ish in the morning maybe?

As in tomorrow???? cuz that would be amazing!!! but i highly doubt that we will get art work that early :( oh well its fun to think about what they will look like!!!
Looks like the obvious traditions remain intact. The Grass one will be based on some sort of prehistoric creature/dinosaur, the Fire one will be based on a zodiac animal (pig/boar). Not sure what the exact Water type pattern is but it's usually something that can live in water but also happily walk on land (and has four limbs, as with all starters) and it will almost definitely be a platypus.
[/URL][/img] I made ones before but I thought they looked bad so I remade the first two. I did not make too many changes to the fire one though.