(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]



Master of Puppets said:
that left one is gonna resemble Treeko

"Treecko", please, my eyes can't stand that sh*t.
Master of Puppets said:
No one expects you to type like a business man, but you should be expected to type like you have some sort of class.

I don't care about anyone asking where he gets his scans. That's not even close to what I meant by the disrespect part. What I see as disrespectful is that none of you have the common courtesy to type like you aren't some computer illiterate seven year old. I have a BLAST posting on forums like this, and I do so while still looking like an educated person.

Your "We're all just too lazy to type like normal people" is a great, great example of my disrespect point. Too lazy to take eight more seconds on your post to make it look like it came from a legitamate person, rather than a little kid? It's not even hard! The stupid reply box has a spell check, assuming you really aren't completely computer illiterate and aren't still using Internet Explorer. Download Google Chrome or Firefox if your grammar and spelling are that awful.

If you really respect anything WPM does with this site, forum, news feed, any of it at all, then you should really have zero problem at all doing your part to keep the site looking nice by not typing like a complete fool.

I agree with you but you don't have to get all mad about it. I type like a normal person too, I respect Water Pokemon Master. I also hate it when people spam, and when people are posting off-topic stuff like we are now, especially if it's like a fight. You made your comment, now let's continue on-topic and talk about the starters again.

I think the left one's going to be grass because it would ruin the grass-fire-water tradition if it's not. Who knows? It may not resemble Treecko that much. I want it to be like a duck, myself.
Whoa there pal, me and you are on the same page. We aren't getting mad at each other, because we are both reasonable people. We both know that like our wine, our women become better with age.

Pardon my misspelling of "Treecko." I typed it out right the first time, but it looked wrong to me so I fixed it. At least it's not a real word that I'm screwing up though.

I think I've had just about enough of the grass one always having to be some kind of dumb reptile. There is no need for that, so I agree that it would be better if it were a duck than a stupid lizard. What I do know about it, is that unless it's something crazy that we haven't noticed yet, it's going to have a stupid head.
Lance and Salamence said:
what if the lizard everyone thinks is grass is actually a water type peacock?
I don't know. What if?

Honestly, i doubt it would be a peacock. That sounds a lot like torchic and the starters tend to be pretty unique. That's also why I doubt the middle is not a grass type.

Master of Puppets said:
I think I've had just about enough of the grass one always having to be some kind of dumb reptile. There is no need for that, so I agree that it would be better if it were a duck than a stupid lizard. What I do know about it, is that unless it's something crazy that we haven't noticed yet, it's going to have a stupid head.

Somehow, even though I dislike the shape of this pokemon, something about him screams "cool".
Master of Puppets said:
Pardon my misspelling of "Treecko." I typed it out right the first time, but it looked wrong to me so I fixed it. At least it's not a real word that I'm screwing up though.

Don't worry, I would have said it even if it was another person, it has nothing to do with what you are saying
hmmmm.... a grass duck,.....a fire pig/donkey,.....a water platypus/beaver/otter......what a great way to start a new generation of the coolest thing on earth....POKEMON!!!!!
The Ticketmeister said:
Here's my interpretation of what the starters will look like(I took some liberties with their increasingly rigid-looking stances):

That is actually how I imagined the grass type starter to look like. A lot of people seem to think that thats the pokemons head, but when I saw it I instantly thought it was a giant leaf, and that it would be some sort of flightless bird. It would certainly follow a trend. As with the first three generations, there was a fire lizard (charmander) a water lizard (totodile) and then a grass lizard (treecko), so far theres been a fire bird (torchic) and a water bird (piplup) so I would guess (though it is very very very stretched lol) that the grass starter in this one would be a bird, to follow the trend.

EDIT: heres an example on another site
Hey, I'm new here and this is my first post ever! ^.^ I decided to make an account and join all of you as we all wait for the revelation of the new starters! Hmm, I have a feeling that the starter on the left will be a lizard, but I hope not since I'm sick and tired of Treecko. xD It'd better be a bird, like a Quetzal or something ^^
Itachi said:
Hey, I'm new here and this is my first post ever! ^.^ I decided to make an account and join all of you as we all wait for the revelation of the new starters! Hmm, I have a feeling that the starter on the left will be a lizard, but I hope not since I'm sick and tired of Treecko. xD It'd better be a bird, like a Quetzal or something ^^

Welcome to the beach! I like your name, Itachi rocks :D
I want it to be either a duck, or a bird. Treecko is cool, but I don't want another one like it.
http://shiroi777.deviantart.com/art/5th-gen-pokemon-starter-163691723 XDDD color version XD fuuu yea XD
Thanks! >.< Man, I want to go to school in peace knowing how they look like, but that's not going to happen Dx
Just wanted to say 'thank you!' to Master of Puppets. You are a voice of reason in this sea of spam. Went through the same exact thing over on the Ushi forums when AP was released last year.. But I digress.

Even I was a tad disappointed they weren't revealed today. But sometimes waiting is more fun than knowing. Plus, it gives y'all something to talk about for a bit longer. :p
All I know is when the scans do come out, we will certainly have a clearer picture of what the 5th generation holds!
Hiya! I'm new here to the forums. Nice to meet you all.

I hope the three starters will be revealed soon, because all of you (including me) seem really impatient. Hehe.

Anyway, I found this earlier on another forum and I hope this is the real deal. I can't believe the left one is a fire Pokémon...