(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

New Eeveelutions would never be able to evolve with already existing items, remember that.

LeafiaMidori said:
Maybe Underground -> Something very dark and mysterious :)

Hmm, I think it would be interesting

Irishkappa208 said:
Or plasma, plasma is very cool, and the virus idea wasn´t so bad


Auga Matuga said:
but because the leaker do not respond my questionsssss????!?!?!?
i have not everybody for home because the thriller is?
so because you thinked i not liked not pokemon you do not respond???!
i pray you sin you die sinnnnnnn sorry sorry sorry
i can{G}{G}{G}{G}{G}{G}{G}{G}{R}{R}{P}{P}{P}

Sorry, i was eating.
orkoni1 said:
You have to, make sure the end has two panels one where it didn't make it because you're supposed to throw it off of a specific cliff and one where it did, OMG that was so hilarious.
Okay, I'll get it done soon. I've just been trying different designs for Fleveon. But I'll post it once I get it drawn.^^
s2daam said:
Here is my ideas!!!!
Normal - Done
Flying - ???
Fighting - ???
Poison - Evolve when near a rock in a swamp???
Ground - Evolve while in a city
Rock - Evolve when near a rock in a cave
Bug - Id say in a forest, but thats been done LOL
Ghost - ???
Steel - Evolve when near a steel block in a cave
Fire - Done
Water - Done
Grass - Done
Electric - Done
Psychic - Done
Ice - Done
Dragon - ???
Dark - Done

Ghost should be level up while holding reaper´s cloth
and steel, would be level up while holding metal coat (onix evolves to steelix using this item, so the ideia seems logical)
Cronus-TimeWave said:
I believe the new Eeveeulations might be a Steel & a FIGHTING types, due there being a huge focus on the city and urban structure.

I thihnk there needs to be a gorund/rock.fighting something and a steel one, that way we'll have all the types for the card game. :) That way it can literally go in ANY deck.
Cronus-TimeWave said:
I believe the new Eeveeulations might be a Steel & a FIGHTING types, due there being a huge focus on the city and urban structure.

Street Fighter Eevee, It uses a HADOUKEN!!!!
s2daam said:
Here is my ideas!!!!
Normal - Done
Flying - ???
Fighting - ???
Poison - Evolve when near a rock in a swamp???
Ground - Evolve while in a city
Rock - Evolve when near a rock in a cave
Bug - Id say in a forest, but thats been done LOL
Ghost - ???
Steel - Evolve when near a steel block in a cave
Fire - Done
Water - Done
Grass - Done
Electric - Done
Psychic - Done
Ice - Done
Dragon - ???
Dark - Done

kaorusquee said:
Okay, I'll get it done soon. I've just been trying different designs for Fleveon. But I'll post it once I get it drawn.^^
i know their eevee can become a dragon...i dream for that...sorry nintendo do it...:D
Auga Matuga said:
their racist i only want scan for the leaker because he don't show i have to :(
i am google translate sorry sorry please accept the race you do know the {P}
Sorry man, I'm not a racist, I'm far from itXD Gosh I have friends in every color of the rainbow(No pun intended:p) I was just wondering what you were up to.

So you are a pokemon fan right? Pretty awsome, where are you from?
lisamew said:
Sorry man, I'm not a racist, I'm far from itXD Gosh I have friends in every color of the rainbow(No pun intended:p) I was just wondering what you were up to.

So you are a pokemon fan right? Pretty awsome, where are you from?
i am morocco but my father am italy now and i am italy in rome too.
i love pokemon but child they steal the videogame here so i must be cautious...i love a pokemon:D
Auga Matuga said:
i am morocco but my father am italy now and i am italy in rome too.
i love pokemon but child they steal the videogame here so i must be cautious...i love a pokemon:D
Ah that is cool=D I am from the Netherlands. What is your favorite Pokemon?
This is offtopic.. AND FAKE!!!! But this is quuite amazing!


IT IS FAKE!!! But I think its an amazing Pokemon that was ashame it wasn;t used :/