(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

The pig was nice, and I also like the grass starter. I'm a bit dissapointed regarding the water starter, I don't like the things around its neck for instance. Hopefully they will have awesome evolutions with some new exciting type combinations.
yeah first post and all,
but whatever.
I really do love the work u do WPM,
but the starters are super stupid IMO.
The grass one looks okay but the water one looks like a snow man.
I truly hope these are the fake ones and the real ones are cooler.
the fanarts are much more awesome than those:(
Shucks. Looks like my other post about them either being really simple and lame or deceptive and creative was right. These sure are simple and lame.

Although I would be lying if I wasn't really expecting this and already knew that this is probably just like what they would turn out to look like. A stupid grass smug lizard thing, a pretty cool but very bland fire pig (only saying it's cool cause I bet it's going to have some awesome evolutions), and a super dump looking water teddy bear turd.

I sure hope this is some kind of crazy fake.
Omega Jet said:
yeah first post and all,
but whatever.
I really do love the work u do WPM,
but the starters are super stupid IMO.
The grass one looks okay but the water one looks like a snow man.
I truly hope these are the fake ones and the real ones are cooler.
the fanarts are much more awesome than those:(
Theyre obviously not fake, its official coro coro scans :D! The starters are amazing!! Best batch yet!
As WPM said they might be elaborate fakes so u never know,
I truly was expecting more tho
but thats just my opinion.

Um I hate the grass one, just too simple, lame, predictable another reptile yay.

The piggy and the otter I like, even though the otter is not a playpus instead, it's still really cute. I think I'll pick the water type or fire, just not the grass.

I sure hope the Grass type's evos are amazing b/c yeah no.

Hm older kids, they look like teenagers as opposed to the tweens before them, cool. Wonder how the female will work in the anime with Ash, OMG Brock is gonna go gaga hahaha!

Argh I just can't get over the grass type's lack of color, would it kill them to one time use an orange or red maybe purple or pink to incorporate into the grass type's design.

Well it seems the Water type might become water/ice(?), the fire type might become fire/ground(?), and the grass type grass/fertilyzer(?) I don't see what kind of dual type it could be if they would be planing to do that.

Oh, lol the only reason I woke up at three thirty in the morning was b/c one of my babies (dogs) had pooped inside the house, it was too cold outside so she didn't want to use the doggy door, lol.
Score! I'm so glad it's a fire pig, that's another Fire Starter belonging to the Chinese Zodiac. I will definitely be using him ^_^. The reaction I gave wasn't crazy though, so many of you were close to how they actually look.
OK darn I already like the grass type, boy that wasn't too long HAHAHAHA!!!!

Especially since it looks like a long nose whip snake or the vine green snake (without the pupils being horizontal though), or a green snake to simply say awesome!!!

It creeps me out how much it looks like the real one...

I'll definitely pick the grass-starter. I like the fire piggy too... Water kinda sucks. I was hoping it would be more epic.
Hm. I do like the grass type. I hoped that it would be cool, because well... grass starters aren't the best starters to me. But mabye I'll go for grass this time ;)

The fire pig is okey I guess, it'll probably get some cool evolutions.
The water... bear? I'm not sure what it's based upon. probably bear. It'll probably be something like Torchic; cute, but when it evolves, it kills everything.
Master of Puppets said:
Shucks. Looks like my other post about them either being really simple and lame or deceptive and creative was right. These sure are simple and lame.

Although I would be lying if I wasn't really expecting this and already knew that this is probably just like what they would turn out to look like. A stupid grass smug lizard thing, a pretty cool but very bland fire pig (only saying it's cool cause I bet it's going to have some awesome evolutions), and a super dump looking water teddy bear turd.

I sure hope this is some kind of crazy fake.

I completely agree
Master of Puppets said:
Shucks. Looks like my other post about them either being really simple and lame or deceptive and creative was right. These sure are simple and lame.

Although I would be lying if I wasn't really expecting this and already knew that this is probably just like what they would turn out to look like. A stupid grass smug lizard thing, a pretty cool but very bland fire pig (only saying it's cool cause I bet it's going to have some awesome evolutions), and a super dump looking water teddy bear turd.

I sure hope this is some kind of crazy fake.

Dude Pokabu looks like a freaking Sumo Pig! I freaking love it!
I also really like the new trainers. They look just like people my age.
Hm...not too crazy about any of them.
I mean, they look alright, but I guess my decision is really going to depend on their evolutions.
hua, I knew the water one would be an otter! But I'm sort of disappointed that with such a large head, its just...white. XD
but maybe that was intentional?
it looks kind of like a scoop of ice cream or something.
I love the grass type's eye...
I absolutely adore the fire and grass starters (Fire Pig ftw!), but the water is bleh... I liked the way other people depicted the water starter ^.^ It looks like a snowman 0_o Oh well, what can we do? xD
My favorite part of the scans so far is the player's artwork. I think this will be a game where I only play as the male. He's bloody cute, and the girl's a bit.... Ahem. Well. Her hair is.....

Anyway, based JUST on the looks of the starters, I'd have to go with the pig FTW. I find it interesting that it's got no sign of fire anywhere on it. It doesn't even have any red! :) I like it when they surprise me.
the grass looks wayy to much like treeko, the water is a clown, and a pig really, they suk