(1) 'Pokemon that Doesn't Fit' Quiz [9/6]

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I got the quiz correct, but not for the correct reason. Now that I think about it, why did I vote for Dragonair? xP

EDIT: Never mind, I voted for Dragonair for the same reason Musical did.
Bippa201 said:
I voted Weavile. xD It was the only one that didn't have any mystical powers associated with it...
I also voted Weavile, but for a similar (yet different) reason: I don't think it can learn any Psychic-type offensive move, and everyone else can.

Wait, Persian can't, I don't think either. Oh well, I was close. I picked the 3rd most popular choice.
Lol yeah I voted for Dragonair but because I thought it was the only one who could still evolve.
masterryanx said:
Dragonair have also been known to fly.
Fly =/= Levitation, FYI. But foreseeing the citation of a technicality, I'll cede the point to you.

Also, Uxie is played as a TCG card way more than the others.
I voted Weavile, with the reasoning thet his jewel was is diferent (In every place I checked, his jewel looked like a ruppe from "legend of zelda" to me. Now I think it was just my head acting strange...)
Dang! I voted Uxie because it wasn't a Stage 1. That one was difficult.

dmaster out.
at least i got the point of the quiz. ^^ i read the choices twice and i instantly knew it had something to do with the jems they have. i put weavile because it's the only one that doesn't have an actual gem, it looks more like a gold coin. and dragonair does have a gem, 3 gems actually...1 under its neck and 2 on its tail. it could have gone either way, really.
I got it right but only because I assumed Dragonair was the only mythical beast-based pokemon in that poll XD
This wasn't a very well done quiz, due to the fact that there were too many various solutions that could be argued into being correct.

The question was a bit vague, the hint wasn't too clear or helpful. As well, given the fact of the Pokemon choice, a lot of solutions could have came up being "correct".

I got the right answer despite all of this, because I noticed each Pokemon had a gem of some sort, but only Dragonair didn't have one on it's forehead.
Of course, one can argue, All the Pokemon do have gems, but Weavile has a coin/amulet on it's head. So the choice would have been Weavile...
Quite sneaky though I have to admit.
Weavile has a gem? Whut?

I voted for Uxie because he's the only legendary pokemon. the question was too obscure, there were several different ways that each of them could possible have not belong.
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