(1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

I guess a technological reboot was bound to happen sooner or later and because of this it seems like since there's no way for me to transfer my EV Trained Pokemon over to Generation 6 which means that I'm stuck playing Generation 5 for now on. They probably won't announce any of the new games' features in regards to backwards compatibility If it's still around until late October at best or by the end of Summer when the game is released in Japan.

If I want to play in official Video Game Tournaments for Pokemon I would need to get the Generation 6 games and start everything over from scratch, way to go Nintendo/Game Freak. As for the new Starter Pokemon designs, they're much worse than in Generation 5. The new Grass Type looks like a Patrat, the Fire-Type is a rip-off of Vulpix, and the new Water-Type seems kind of interesting since there's not too many Frog Pokemon. Aside from that the Gameplay and Graphics are amazing.
Oh brilliant! Now I totally regret not asking for a 3DS this Christmas because I thought I had a few more games until they switched it over completely.
But nope. -_-

I feel like Gen 5 was just a placeholder for Gen 6 then. Like Gen 6 is going to be the icing on the cake after Gen 5's moderate meh-ness. But N....

Well...I'm not really sure what to think here. I'm not. It's just...exciting and crazy and aah.

Notice the Blue/Red? Is this hinting at something?
SSBBDaisy said:
Something Iwata said that scared me is that.

"You will be able to see SOME of your older favorite pokemon". It all started with Mystery Dungeon and the Infinity Gates.

Were not going to get to have all of our favorites in the new game i'm assuming :(
that will suck.....bad :( :(

Most likely they'll make some older Pokémon obtainable in the game, and some unobtainable (must be transferred from Gens IV and V).
Card Slinger J said:
I guess a technological reboot was bound to happen sooner or later and because of this it seems like since there's no way for me to transfer my EV Trained Pokemon over to Generation 6 which means that I'm stuck playing Generation 5 for now on. They probably won't announce any of the new games' features in regards to backwards compatibility If it's still around until late October at best or by the end of Summer when the game is released in Japan.

If I want to play in official Video Game Tournaments for Pokemon I would need to get the Generation 6 games and start everything over from scratch, way to go Nintendo/Game Freak. As for the new Starter Pokemon designs, they're much worse than in Generation 5. The new Grass Type looks like a Patrat, the Fire-Type is a rip-off of Vulpix, and the new Water-Type seems kind of interesting since there's not too many Frog Pokemon. Aside from that the Gameplay and Graphics are amazing.

The DS would not have lived forever. I think people don't understand we usually do a console switch every generation. The only difference is that with V it was still on the DS.
Brb guys, just let me go and play Ruby to regain my sanity.
Being someone who isn't fond of big changes, I'm not sure how I feel about this. It's just so...not Pokemon. I miss the old game format.
Card Slinger J said:
I guess a technological reboot was bound to happen sooner or later and because of this it seems like since there's no way for me to transfer my EV Trained Pokemon over to Generation 6 which means that I'm stuck playing Generation 5 for now on. They probably won't announce any of the new games' features in regards to backwards compatibility If it's still around until late October at best or by the end of Summer when the game is released in Japan.

If I want to play in official Video Game Tournaments for Pokemon I would need to get the Generation 6 games and start everything over from scratch, way to go Nintendo/Game Freak. As for the new Starter Pokemon designs, they're much worse than in Generation 5. The new Grass Type looks like a Patrat, the Fire-Type is a rip-off of Vulpix, and the new Water-Type seems kind of interesting since there's not too many Frog Pokemon. Aside from that the Gameplay and Graphics are amazing.

No one said its not backwards compatible. If there was no major overhaul to the stats and such, then you will probably be able to transfer Pokemon. As far as the starters go.... I dont think it looks a thing like Patrat, the fire is not ripping off Vulpix and there are like 4 different lines of frog/toad Pokemon lol
May I just add one thing to this discussion?

Froakie will hereby be known as Froakemon Franklin, for he looks like Ben Frank.

I just love how I hated him at first, but as soon as someone pointed that out I immediately loved it haha.
Your'e jusst assuming its not backwards compatible, this isn't Gen 3 Part 2.

Grass type is based off of Horse Chesnuts, hence the hat
Fire type is based on Fennec Foxes, hence the big ears and fluff. (Not a kitsune or trickster fox that the other foxes stem from)
A frog pokemon? Need I mention Poliwag/whirl/wrath/toed, Croagunk and Toxicroak, the Seismetoad line? (9 total)
Chespin is based off of Chestnuts and Hedgehogs.

Why do people keep forgetting the hedgehog part? They can share the hedge, so be nicer to them. D=
My love of Fire types has been rekindled! I always choose a Fire starter, and this one is just so adorable!
Some are nick-naming the two legendaries "Pokemon X" and "Pokemon Y". There are a couple problems with this. First, those are the names of the games, referring to the pokemon by the same name as the games can get confusing. Second, "Pokemon X" is already taken. That's what Lugia was called when it was first revealed.
Darthrai said:
SSBBDaisy said:
Something Iwata said that scared me is that.

"You will be able to see SOME of your older favorite pokemon". It all started with Mystery Dungeon and the Infinity Gates.

Were not going to get to have all of our favorites in the new game i'm assuming :(
that will suck.....bad :( :(

Most likely they'll make some older Pokémon obtainable in the game, and some unobtainable (must be transferred from Gens IV and V).

I really hope thats the case.

On the other hand. They didn't make it possible to collect every pokemon/ even create 3d sprites for every pokemon for Myster dungeon infinity gate. Them doing that is making me think they are going to do the same thing for this game. Especially with the game coming out this early and also I doubt a 3d cartridge can handle all the old pokemon plus new pokemon, it gives me more doubts of them doing it :(.

I have my hopes up though.
Usagi said:
Some are nick-naming the two legendaries "Pokemon X" and "Pokemon Y". There are a couple problems with this. First, those are the names of the games, referring to the pokemon by the same name as the games can get confusing. Second, "Pokemon X" is already taken. That's what Lugia was called when it was first revealed.


And to the post above me:
Agree! But there better be a Vulpix in this game, because if not I'm afraid that's gonna be a dealbreaker.
I think a few of the old pokemon will be available during the main storyline and then some more post-game.





^ White Forest had pokemon post-game.

^^ Sorry, I just don't see how people are assuming they are just gonna end all connection to the old games. Its connected all the way to gen 3, almost 10 years ago. I just don't see them trying to change that.
I hope that the characters are customizable like the Mii on the 3DS main screen. But these games have me extremely excited and now my BW2 look like they are no longer as special as I thought they were when I bought them...
Whoa... Wow... I may buy the 3DS just to play this. It looks AMAZING.

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This game really isn't like any other game, and not in the good way. Did you see the video on the Home Page? The weird characters (Char. running is especially annoying), and how the pokemon fight.... I could keep going.
If they stop making DS games, and start making stuff like this, White 2 will be the last game I'll ever buy from pokemon.
I don't know about anyone else, but playing games like that when the character isn't always in the center of the screen (like in mario), is hard to control and super annoying.
:( This game is disapointing...
Even though I have a 3DS there's no way I'd play Pokemon X and Y.