(1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

ArticunoDude said:
Flygon2071 said:
When I was searching Youtube for the trailer (again) a video had this as the cover:


It seems a lot like the 2D with the sprites. I assume that they had the original as the base and then they added 3D and rotated the camera.

That's just fennekin

I mean that the battle looks like past the one sin past Gens.
When I was watching the live stream, I was a little worried that the announcement would be Ruby and Sapphire remakes. Sure that would be great and all, but I love playing with new Pokemon. This is a nice announcement because I'm starting to get really excited like I was the months before Black and White came out. I don't really like the way the graphics look, mainly because I've grown accustomed to the sprites in all the other games.

And speaking of news, does anyone remember the name of the Twitter account that revealed a bunch of 5th gen Pokemon early? Just so we can keep a better eye on it.
I'm just not going to put up with haters at this point. All we get is 5 new Pokemon and a 1 and a half minute teaser and people are already complaining. I learned about the time Gen 4 was released that you can't underestimate the power of GameFreak. You think it's gonna be bad and all but it turns out just fine.
Have there been any flat out haters though? I'm just seeing some people with a different opinion; not haters. :p
Being able to catch the live stream minutes before having to leave for work was both exciting and worrying... Exciting because of the amazing news, and worrying because I had to wait for 8+ hours until I could see what others are posting! :p

The fact the Legendaries have designs that correspond to the letters X and Y is an extremely interesting touch, though the X-irises on the elk almost make it look dead. xD Looking forward to seeing the Sugimori art of those two.
I can't wait till the starter evos (especially Fennekin, it is so cuuuuuuuuuute) are revealed. Also, I would like to see clearer images of the legendaries before deciding which one I like better. I can't see the Y one very well. Also, worldwide release! woo hoo!
I'm hoping this generation finally introduces my long-awaited griphon/griffin Pokémon. Seriously, they MUST make a legendary/pseudo-legendary out of this:
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
I'm hoping this generation finally introduces my long-awaited griphon/griffin Pokémon. Seriously, they MUST make a legendary/pseudo-legendary out of this:

No! Dolphin pokemon first! ;D
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
I'm hoping this generation finally introduces my long-awaited griphon/griffin Pokémon. Seriously, they MUST make a legendary/pseudo-legendary out of this:

Griffin Pokemon?

Flying/Rock. A nice legendary probably a trio or event. In New York it would be nice to have them on a building.
Aquapulse said:
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
I'm hoping this generation finally introduces my long-awaited griphon/griffin Pokémon. Seriously, they MUST make a legendary/pseudo-legendary out of this:

No! Dolphin pokemon first! ;D
I hope the typical rodent is a guinea pig this time.

Flygon2071 said:
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
I'm hoping this generation finally introduces my long-awaited griphon/griffin Pokémon. Seriously, they MUST make a legendary/pseudo-legendary out of this:

Griffin Pokemon?

Flying/Rock. A nice legendary probably a trio or event. In New York it would be nice to have them on a building.
In Europe it would be nice to have them flying over a castle.
I'm sorry I haven't really read through the posts, but has anybody else thought of X and Y with coordinates? I know in math we have the X axis and the Y axis when graphing and possibly that will be related to the games? Maybe we'll get our dream of having a worldwide game with all of the regions combined together? I'd like to see that finally happen cause it would finally get everybody to shut up about making remakes for the games and if they've been trying to work this out for 7 years it must have some sort of special value to them. Lets hope X and Y are big games!!
This looks amazing! The only thing I kinda wish was different were the character "sprites", they look a little too chibi-ish for my taste, but it's a small dislike compared to everything else.
I love how people are already getting in wars over which starter is cooler. Personally, I like all them a reasonable amount and I'd like to see their evolutions as well as other info on them first. The same goes for the game mascots and other version exclusives.
Not a big fan of the new starters for now, then again I said the said thing about the Gen V starters and I love them, except for Emboar which I like to an extent..... ... well I gotta have him around if I have Samurott and Serperior.

Reason being is that I can't imagine what the frog will evolve into. It probably won't look anything like a frog because it'll end up looking like Seismitoad or something... Maybe Toxicroak-ish? Fox thing reminds me of Ninetales.

Are those really the names we'll get in the English release? Well they did put down all the names in each nation... but it just doesn't ring with me. Then again neither did Snivy or Oshawott when I first heard of them.

Once again, skeptical until release day.

...then I buy even more pokemon cards when it comes out! But for now, time to catch up with WoTC.
pokemon seems to be hitting different continents from now on. Which ones are left? Africa, Asia (as in india would be most likely the next choice in asian region) and australia (this game will have some awesome looking pokemons!!!!)

Probably in the africa region we will get a lion pokemon starter XD
Probably in the india region we will get a tiger starter pokemon :D
Australia region might have a kangaroo starter :)
godzilla41 said:
pokemon seems to be hitting different continents from now on. Which ones are left? Africa, Asia (as in india would be most likely the next choice in asian region) and australia (this game will have some awesome looking pokemons!!!!)

Probably in the africa region we will get a lion pokemon starter XD
Probably in the india region we will get a tiger starter pokemon :D
Australia region might have a kangaroo starter :)

And South America. Antartica too.

Antartica region:

The water starter a Penguin half Ice
Fire starter a bonfire
Grass starter a dead plant

Then there will be 121 Ice type pokemon (specially a chunk of ice).
OK. I'm not reading all of the posts right now, but these look pretty legit. Chespin looks to me like a grass otter, Fennekin like a fox/feline (obviously), and Froakie looks like a frog with spectacles (if I start with him I will name it B.Franklin). I saw somewhere that "X" could be based on a chital, whose scientific name is apparently AXis aXis, and "Y" could be based on a wYvern.

My personal favorites are Fennekin & "X". Also, the character(s) seen may be "default" characters and you can have your own characters with the Mii's for the 3DS. Sorry if any of this has been posted already, but I have little time for this at the moment.
this is after a long time there is no complain about the starters which is a good thing. Is it just me or all the refference we kept on having about the color RED and BLUE (which most of us thought was the remake of R/S) was infact reffered to X and Y ... how awesome hein