(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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Fire_Master said:
But of course he cannot prove that last thing. So, I'm just gonna wait until Pokemon Sunday airs and hopefully they'll have something new for once.

Speaking of Pokemon Sunday, how long til that airs? :eek:
Luke said:
If you guys didn't know it was a fake, I would have believed it.
It's one of the most real I've seen.

Thanks!! I have more, both new and evos of old Pokemons in my gallery on DeviantART. My name is Pokemon-Diamond :3 (but let us not get off-topic XD)
While there is still doubt about this, we should not get mad at one another, but it should be a type of unity between us to discover the truth, like we should not attack WPM because of posting this because it is his responsability to post rumors(as said in the post),and he did tell us twice that it is not confirmed but it is a thing that we should count into our fifth gen speculation and talk
*checks if the angry crowd has left*
This made me wonder. If he wanted to trick us in any way, why not post THIS fakemon, which is actually called MINOTAUROS??

Martijngamer said:
*checks if the angry crowd has left*

Sweet! Nice pic. :)

Funny how some of your biggest supporters are in that pic...seriously, though, most of us here still have hope that you can offer us some good info. Right now, I personally believe that your source is the one who should be using Protect...>:)
"Liven up the community" ... Yeah. I prefer my news sites boring and accurate thank you. :p

I must admit. I am enjoying this little show! Thank you for giving me something entertaining to read on this hot, boring day! :D
Mucrush said:
Thanks... you must be the only person here who said it looked awesome... I saw someone else said that it looks horrible... I mean.. come one guys.. I did actually feel a little hurted when you said that ;b

Probably me, Quite sure of it. Got caught up in the whole situation, "Mob Mentality" My apologies for what its worth.
Martijn, I see you're still online. If you could, please explain what just happened there.
i wonder why martjin dont reply on this post because he maybe just dont have the information he claim to have but im still hoping hes telling the truth but its very unlikely i have really wanted a tauros evo in a time martjin youre better have to have some facts and proofs or if not youre just leave this forum and never come back
It keeps things interesting. If all people could just sit back and laugh at hoaxes and rumors it'd make it all the more enjoyable. :3

Though, like I said. I'm the kind of freak who loves to read the indignant reactions. XDD
I for one think that if everything minus the Whole FAKE minotaurs picture is real than im all for it. Alot of the "Rumors" are really intresting and they would bring alot to the frachise.
So you have the time to cut out and put together an amusing image, but not to address what we're asking?
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