(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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ok, before I reply to the rest, let me repeat
I talked only about an extra type, not about the Light-type specifically

the light-type I quoted when talking about the rumour
when telling what I knew, I mentioned only 'an extra type', not 'the extra Light-type'
I'm sorry if I was not clear on that.
lol @ WPM post,
martin has nothing to reveal, the only person watching him is Professor Quirell (a million bucks to whoever can identify, and explain this reference)

@ monkey, trust me no offence to you but if you were a zelda fan you would understand that my question is relevant

@ martin,I know your watching us right now, trying to find a way to save your rep
@martjingamer: You distincly said "light-type" and neglected any mention of "new type". You probably edited the post to cover your tracks so I probably cannot prove it but you did type it.

@Monkey708: No prob.

@Jungle Fever: Really...? Then prepare that million dollars cause I'm an avid Harry Potter fan. :p
Professor Quirrel was the person who first shared bodies with Voldemort. Perhaps you're saying that Professor Quirrel is being possesed controlled by martin?
On another note to the "new type" was it not mentioned that the legendaries will possibly change form/type in the latest leaks?

I know I'm playing devil's advocate here, but food for thought!
martin you completely avoided the zleda question, not even bothering you say you didint know, youre a troll bro, you dont just make an award winning zelda fan site, devoting years of your life to this site, and then simply ignore a zelda question
Bagel said:
On another note to the "new type" was it not mentioned that the legendaries will possibly change form/type in the latest leaks?

I know I'm playing devil's advocate here, but food for thought!

I was going to mention the same thing, but if I remember right, that leak claimed that the information it had would be released in Corocoro. It was not. Still, the leak correctly identified Prof. Araragi, so it could have some truth to it.
Jungle Fever said:
lol @ WPM post,
martin has nothing to reveal, the only person watching him is Professor Quirell (a million bucks to whoever can identify, and explain this reference)

@ monkey, trust me no offence to you but if you were a zelda fan you would understand that my question is relevant

@ martin,I know your watching us right now, trying to find a way to save your rep

isnt that that crazy dude in gale of darkness?
Do you really want to nit-pick about the way of wording it?
I said -and you can look it back, it is uneditted and was quoted uneditted-

Yes, Game Freak is considering implementing an extra type into the game.

I am sorry if you read that as "implementing the Light-type", but if you're that nit-picky on words you'd also know that if I talk about something specific, I mention it specifically in that one sentence.

@Jungle Fever
hehe, that's been one big item of speculation, though with just 3 things on there, what is there to tell?

I know the girl is not the master sword, which was rumoured; she communicates to you through the sword (I think I also heard that somewhere a while ago). Whole elaborate specultions about Link not holding a sword are way too far sought; it's symbolical because the girl is linked to the sword, just not in the way people at first thought.

Link seemingly being right-handed is again something symbolical; since Wii motion plus will make a big impact on the game, you will be able to set him to right or left handed.

Miyamoto knew very well that when he just showed this, there would be endless speculation, but in the end, he just tried to symbolically put some things accross.

If you want to hear something completely new, hmmm...
I haven't been on top of all the leaks (though I still love the games -you should see my collection- my focuss on games is much much wider), but something I don't remember reading which I discussed with Nintendo is the importance that the Wii motion plus is going to have in the game. People just think of it as a gadget, but like how Red Steel 2 really revolved around the abilities the Wii Motion Plus gave you, the new Zelda-game too will not only be focussing on the 'puzzling' aspect anymore, but also more on 'physical' skills. Just pressing a button or making a small sweep to swing your sword will not let you get everything out of the game.

This is also going to be the focus of the E3 for Nintendo in regards to Zelda: Wii motion plus is going to make Zelda Wii more awesome then ever.

Shortly after the announcement of the game Super Smash Bros. Brawl, he told me Lucario would be a playable character. That alongside some other small tidbits of information mainly on Brawl and Pokemon.

The rest of your question, you rightfully guessed, are a little too intrusive ;)
Hey, everybody calm down... He said he received that information about the new type two months ago so if they were thinking about introducing a new type (like the Light type), they probably just gave up on that since Reshiram is now officially known as a Fire Type (ALTHOUGH IT JUST SCREAMS LIGHT-TYPE AS WELL AS ZEKROM SCREAMS DARK-TYPE SO GAMEFREAK, QUIT THE DRUGS!!) (Sorry about that...)
rvrstar12 said:
isnt that that crazy dude in gale of darkness?
He was the guy from Harry potter. you know he wore the turban, had lord voldermort on the back of his head, killed unicorns and drank there blood.
He said he wore the turban to get rid of zombies (lying)
I can't edit other people's posts:

see? the exact quote as I posted above.
Geez, if this is how Pokemon fans act when they've been teased by potentially fake info, I'd hate to see what you all will do if it is confirmed to be fake. :V

Time will tell if he is correct or not. As of now though, there really isn't much use in bombarding him with questions.
Jungle Fever said:
Professor Quirell is the professor from harry potter#1, who was very adept at killing trolls,

oh ya...lol... i forgot that was his name... i read that and thought of those carzy glasses... but who was that crazy dude in gale of darkness?
Martijngamer said:
@TheDarkLucario, Mrcombover and access
Beyond the information in the news post, not really.
I shared all the information I had at this point...

...well, there is one thing, but it won't be much shocking, neither will the skeptics suddenly become believers, because
1)it's been a long-time rumor already, and
2)I only know for certain they're considering it, not if it will make it.

But ok, what I do know:
There's been a rumor floating around for a long time that Pokémon Black and White will introduce an 18th elemental type, being the Light-type.

Yes, Game Freak is considering implementing an extra type into the game.
BUT, at this point it is not certain if it will actually make it into the game.

Like I said, nothing shocking, but just telling you what I do and don't know about it.

You're welcome to ask me anything, and I will write everything down to try and get that information, but at this moment, most things beyond the "black and white theme" and "field items" (not weather items) my answer is alas that I don't know for certain.

yes he originally said light, but then later admitted to only using it because he knew it was a hot topic, he then rescinded the idea of light type into being unknown... still he didn't blatantly lie... you guys are running him around with you criticism at something that will ultimately be revealed in force in 3 months, so chill a bit, consider the speculations and theories and rumors as being just that and quit attacking people and be patient.
Ultimately we get nothing if we rage at him. We should be taking this very lightly. Don't look at Martijn as the one and only source. He's here for explainations when need them.
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