The Minotauross, right now, I am not certain of. I would not get your hopes up too much on that.
The Minotauross I have gotten from my source as well, and I have talked about it to him. He's on a business trip right now, but he promised me to get to the bottom of this when he gets back. He assures me he did not intentionally try and trick me.
Asking about more evolutions, I know would be something you guys would think of.
Since I am not that deep into Pokémon -though al this is certainly getting me more interested- I was happy with the Pokémon I was told about. With 157 new Pokémon, I didn't think of asking about more and more and more etc.
With the other information, I have had at least also gotten a basic confirmation from Nintendo, so I have good reason to believe that is still true.