(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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Ok then :/

in that link, Safari Zone Explosion? That sounds dangerous lol What kind of ride is that? o_O
Weyard said:
in that link, Safari Zone Explosion? That sounds dangerous lol What kind of ride is that? o_O

The kind that will make a Marine cry.
Now, will we be able to ride the rides, Martijn?
martijin do you know if the two players will have a connection to each other if you know what kind of relation is it
I don't know if you can ride all the rides, but there will be some mini-games to be played.

nope, don't know
that information is much much more detailed than I know.
Do you win anything from playing them? like points to purchase TMs or items with? or are you having to pay to play them -lame-
Ok I've been lurking this thread since last night and I have some questions.

1. Marty, prove Minotaurus exists. Solid proof too.

2. Is there ANYTHING extra we don't know about that you can spill?

3. Is there an online hub? like a huge city with loads of people in real time?

4. Will there be migration from Gen 4 to Gen 5?

I want to ask more questions, but the ones I have in mind I KNOW you won't answer XP
Martijngamer said:
I don't know if you can ride all the rides, but there will be some mini-games to be played.

Mini-Games are fun! Still barely trust you, but that is shadowed by my bliss!
Anyone notice that he always provides a way out of his statements? He always says "Likely" or "Subject to Change" no matter what it was, I don't think hes said something that he is truly confident about...
squrtle said:
Ok I've been lurking this thread since last night and I have some questions.

1. Marty, prove Minotaurus exists. Solid proof too.

2. Is there ANYTHING extra we don't know about that you can spill?

3. Is there an online hub? like a huge city with loads of people in real time?

4. Will there be migration from Gen 4 to Gen 5?

I want to ask more questions, but the ones I have in mind I KNOW you won't answer XP

RuinsofPoli said:
Anyone notice that he always provides a way out of his statements? He always says "Likely" or "Subject to Change" no matter what it was, I don't think hes said something that he is truly confident about...

Which furthers the evidence that THIS IS A CLEVER LIE

Marty, say something you're solidly sure about, and when you answer my question (top of this quote), answer with ANY/EVERYTHING you know about that particular subject PLEASE.
Seriously, you don't look too good at the moment.
I would asume that like the 'casino's' in previous games, there will be one or more mini-games you can play to win stuff, but I can't confirm that.

dunno, dunno, dunno, dunno and probably xD

Glad to make you happy still ;)

I have been very clear about what I certainly know, which is what has been stated in the news item. If I knew all this extra information, I would have included it in the news item.

The extra questions I try to answer, I answer from the background information I do have, which means most things I don't know 100% (as I've stated many times), while some things I do (like the Poképark influence on the theme park).

I don't mind you being skeptic, but don't take things out of context please.
While on the subject of the map, where does the Brooklyn Bridge Golden Gate bridge east of Hiun City go?

Minor Edit: Oooooo I like your new avatar Monkey!
no i didnt particularly like them. I was just wondering whether its just something there to waste our time or in-game currency or whether theres an actual point to it.

As you have said, everything you "certainly know", you told earlier. I for one am waiting for some things you dont certainly know. I like rumors and speculation, especially if its from a source which has already leaked some truthful things.
Do you guys really think that he would not have shown concrete proof of minotauros if he had any? He just has what his source has told him...if he gets any new information, he'll probably announce it.

Also, Nintendo's E3 is on Tuesday, and, according to Wikipedia, the'll be showing Black and White (although they don't list a source...personally, I'm more excited about Pikmin 3)

Also, if this is false, it won't be nearly as dissapointing as this hoax:

It was really easy to see it was a hoax, but I wanted it too much...XD

(sorry for off-topic)

(EDIT: Not sure why I quoted that...)
yeah, have you contacted your source about that? or was it just a joke by you and you alone. That is one thing we want to know. If your source either intentionally or unintentionally gave you fanart, what was your response, and theirs.

an on the subject. How is it that you know of Minotauros and not another evo of an old pokemon? Im sure it would have popped up in discussion. "hey tauros got an evo, what about some other old ones? did stantler get one? or sableye?" "nope only tauros" "oh ok"
The Minotauross, right now, I am not certain of. I would not get your hopes up too much on that.
The Minotauross I have gotten from my source as well, and I have talked about it to him. He's on a business trip right now, but he promised me to get to the bottom of this when he gets back. He assures me he did not intentionally try and trick me.

Asking about more evolutions, I know would be something you guys would think of.
Since I am not that deep into Pokémon -though al this is certainly getting me more interested- I was happy with the Pokémon I was told about. With 157 new Pokémon, I didn't think of asking about more and more and more etc.

With the other information, I have had at least also gotten a basic confirmation from Nintendo, so I have good reason to believe that is still true.
Ok, I'll try one too...
martijn, can you tell me what place is the Isshu region based on? Is it based on New York like some people think?
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