(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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Great, now we're all addicted to bread and it's your fault! Drugs are bad, deadly, and not to be joked about.
Guys, some of you need to watch your language in your posts. Lately some of the posts have been a little on the "dangerous" side as far as cursing goes (and yes, I count using asterisks to "bleep" out some letters as bad language).

Let's keep it PG: don't talk about drugs and other bad things, and quit being so harsh. Some of you just need to chill out and wait for the news to roll in instead of going in circles about this.
JJ151730 said:
Sorry im back from spamming the Martingamer's mailbox

Anyway since you said in early pages of this thread that the cobra is ground based and much more thicker than raquaza(i know i spelled it wrong) why don't you be more specific about is design to us

If you think he's such a fake, why do you care about anymore information he has?

People are getting way too worked over a game. Pokemon is such srsbsn

Anyways, I like the rumors. The weather field effects sounds very interesting if it's true. Personally when I saw the weather indicator I was hoping it was going to cut out the post-round animations for weather effects (sunny day's shine, sandstorm's sand swirling, etc) so it could cut down some time.
Xous said:
Guys, some of you need to watch your language in your posts. Lately some of the posts have been a little on the "dangerous" side as far as cursing goes (and yes, I count using asterisks to "bleep" out some letters as bad language).

Let's keep it PG, and quit being so harsh. Some of you just need to chill out and wait for the news to roll in instead of going in circles about this.
Finally someone who understands.
FYI I'm still angry about telling me that Ice/Dragon isn't perfect. Boohoo. :(
cocowoushi said:
If you think he's such a fake, why do you care about anymore information he has?

People are getting way too worked over a game. Pokemon is such srsbsn

Anyways, I like the rumors. The weather field effects sounds very interesting if it's true. Personally when I saw the weather indicator I was hoping it was going to cut out the post-round animations for weather effects (sunny day's shine, sandstorm's sand swirling, etc) so it could cut down some time.

Im asking him so i could see what made up thing he has come up with genius jesus christ

Anyway i guess we have to tone down the language it seems that some of the nazi mods on the serebii forums snuck into this thread and want us to be PG

If you think requesting people follow the rules regarding foul language use is being a "nazi mod", you may not like it at any forum you go to. ~Xous
Ok, fine than JJ, you have finally pursuaded me, here is all I know.

Martijn's real existing reliable source that is not to be questioned and is really real said:
Team Rocket is the only villainous team. Their plot will take place in both regions

This game is meant to be a summarization of the 5 generations thus far. It will have all 5 regions accessible in each of the games. All Pokemon will be accessible within one of the two versions, so no special event type situations will be necessary. There will be 8 gyms in each region, a league, and a unique set of Elite 4 and a unique League Master for each region, no more overlapping between Kanto/Johto. The whole situation with the volcanic explosion on Cinnabar Island will have been cleared of debree and the Sea Foam Islands will open again. Each region will have a slightly varying style of Contests, with 4 contest halls per region. As a result of this, Kanto/Johto/Sinnoh will feature a few new towns to accomodate some of the contest halls. Kanto/Johto/Hoenn/Sinnoh will each feature as another side quest 5 Frontier Brains. Orange will have the Minor League with 4 leaders and champion featured in the original Orange Anime saga. Each region will have a major Port City and Safari Zone.

Now on to what's happening in Pokemon. Two regions are being introduced at once. The Isshu Region, and the Orange Region. As far as I know, you'll have the choice between the two new regions where you start first, and you'll be able to work your way through all 6 regions as the game progresses. The Isshu Region is located north of Kanto and Johto above Mount Silver, it boarders both regions somewhat to the north. That set of starters that was revealed on Serebii is only one set being introduced, it is the set for the Isshu Region. The total number of Pokemon in this game is going to be 600, as I said before, 100 Pokemon per region basically. I believe that the translation for the Professor in that region is Professor Pine, though that is a rough translation of what I've seen so far. The plans for the Orange Region is coming out in the next issue. At that time, you'll see all the stuff I told you about in Orange Region next month, on top of the Professors, and other finite starting information for each of the two new regions.

In the Orange Region, the first gym will be a bug type gym, the leader is a female. The second will be a ground type gym, the leader is a female. The third will be a ghost type gym, the leader is a male. The fourth will be a flying type gym, the leader is a male. The fifth will be a steel type gym, the leader is a male. The sixth will be a dark type gym, the leader is a male. The seventh will be a rock type gym, the leader is a female. The eighth will be a psychic type gym, the leader is a male.

In the Isshu Region, the first gym is a water type gym, the leader is a male, whom has already been featured in the Anime once in the past. The second will be a flying type gym, the leader is female. The third will be a fighting type gym, the leader is a female. The fourth will be a grass type gym, the leader is a male. The fifth will be a poison type gym, the leader is a male. The sixth will be a bug type gym, the leader is a male. The seventh will be a dark type gym, the leader is a female. The eighth will be a ice type gym, the leader is a female

May was going to show up in the Sinnoh Grand Festival, That was a flat out lie, and you and I were not the only ones whom my former co-worker spread that little twist to. I'm glad he's gone, because he was a jerk, and now I have my dorm room to myself, lol.

Many of Ash's Pokemon will learn a new move before the league, though not specifically the ones we discussed before, and apparently many of them will happen off screen an be introduced throughout the league, or in the moment of battle during the league. Now that I have access to the Anime plotlines myself, there are many things that are interesting coming up.

Ash will indeed catch the 3 starters missing from his team as we've discussed before. The Orange League Saga is going to be very short lived. Apparently, Ash is getting a late start for that league as there's only a few months left before the League Championship starts by the time that Ash gets done with Sinnoh and returns to Pallet Town. So, Ash and Brock, will be flown around the region by Ash's Uncle/Delia's Brother, so as to allow Ash to have time to collect the badges he needs. There will be very little filler therefore, and most of what you would call filler will involve him catching a few new Pokemon, regional starters and bird, and him challenging the remaining Battle Frontier Brains. There will be no contests for this saga in the Anime, though they will be in the games. After the badges are won, and the remaining 9 Frontier Brains are beat, he'll face the League, and again, he'll come in second place, as he is going to finish in Sinnoh, yes, he'll finish in second place in Sinnoh and Orange.
Sorry super mod, it won't happen again super mod.

I'm new. What exactly qualifies as cursing and what does not?
Also I saw a lot of people using the word "heck", is the biblical place of fire and damnation already considered to be a curse word?
lol that was spooky what u did

anyway lets move on back to the topic

Martijngamer said:
Ok, fine than JJ, you have finally pursuaded me, here is all I know.

lol someone thinks he is cute
JJ151730 said:
btw swimfasttray ur kind of behind we already know that its fanart your not really telling us news. He pretty much confirmed it

I'm sorry I haven't really been following the thread very well cuz I've been in and out all day. He confirmed that it's fanart? Haha that's a crazy move. He threw all credibility he had out the window! Thanks for updating me.

@Mr. Müller
I'm going to sum up everything I have said previously and everything I want to say to you now that I've cooled off:

It's very uncool to lie. In fact it's a sin in my religion. However, I really like your ideas. You are very creative and I assume that, considering you truly do have connections to Gamefreak, Gamefreak would very much appreciate your input. They tend not to use a lot of fan ideas, but I'm positive if you just told them they would love your ideas as much as I do. I'm sorry for calling you an a**h***, but it's important that you know trolling is wrong and it makes people angry. If you want to speculate anytime just go ahead. I will speculate with you!

Remember: Follow the Yang Path!


Ok I should have read Muller's latest post before posting the above. What Muller just said about Team Rocket and the Orange Region sounds ridiculous.
Wolf616 said:
Sorry super mod, it won't happen again super mod.

I'm new. What exactly qualifies as cursing and what does not?
Also I saw a lot of people using the word "heck", is the biblical place of fire and damnation already considered to be a curse word?

Words that would be censored on most television shows and words that wouldn't be used in PG-rated movies are examples of words that aren't allowed. Of course I can't list them, so if you think a word might be too offensive, then just find another, less offensive word for it. "Heck" is acceptable.

It really shouldn't be an issue if people are kind and not bashing others - foul language isn't normally used when people are being nice, right? :3

Anyway, this isn't the place to discuss the fact I want the foul language to be toned down. If anyone wants to speak to me more about it, PM me.
Martijngamer said:
Since I'm so addicted to attention, how about I use badge's money to buy you a plain ticket to the Netherlands? Weet's legal here ^^

That's person! Are trying to bribe us now? With drugs and women? Your just sick!
Come on people, do some of you really have such an utter lack of sense for sarcasm?

Bribing people with drugs and women?
Taking "Martijn's real existing reliable source that is not to be questioned and is really real" seriously?
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