(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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squrtle said:
Ok I've been lurking this thread since last night and I have some questions.

1. Marty, prove Minotaurus exists. Solid proof too.
He can't. He's not allowed to.

2. Is there ANYTHING extra we don't know about that you can spill?
Why should he BOTHER to tell you? A lot of people have been jerks to him.

3. Is there an online hub? like a huge city with loads of people in real time?
If he knew, he would've told WPM.

4. Will there be migration from Gen 4 to Gen 5?
That's guaranteed because of the Shiny Legendary Beast event.

I want to ask more questions, but the ones I have in mind I KNOW you won't answer XP
Anyone notice that he always provides a way out of his statements? He always says "Likely" or "Subject to Change" no matter what it was, I don't think hes said something that he is truly confident about...
Well considering the fact that the game is still in development and the fact that GameFreak isn't stupid enough to give the guy an actual game, he can't be very reliable. Besides, if he said something was certain, everyone would end up bashing him.

I personally thank you for sharing these rumors, whether or not they are true. Speculation is always fun to come by, and it gives us dreams about these games, which make us keep playing, in turn.
yeah, what about the cobra. Or was it another fan art joke that he passed to you which you havent uploaded?
What about that bridge, the one east of Hiun.
Sorry about reposting that, it got lost in a wave of posts.
Where does it go?
For the record, I am only underlining things to make clear whether what I say is fact, or estimates, not to be able to later say "but this or that". Just to be clear right away.

I can't tell you what the developers based it on, I can only share my own observations. From what I've seen so far, I would be more tempted to say it's based on a mix between New York (sea-side City, theme park), San Francisco (the bay, the bridge, the 'desert area') and Tokyo, with the forests and mountains surrounding it.

@access and Weyard
I am not certain about the cobra at this point.
Pokémon-specific information I have not heard anything about from Nintendo, so I'm a little weary on that at this moment on what's the deal with the Pokémon-specific information.

It goes into some woods :p
Nah, sorry, dunno that.

This would be guessing, so what I say is just as good a guess as yours on this.
I think that might be the Victory Road-area with the Elite Four, but it could also be some sort of battle zone/colosseum.
As I said before, back off of Martin. It was just a tricky source, he told us all he knew, and you people are getting meaner, more impulsive, and more interrogative than he deserved.
On the other hand, there was that "Minotauros" scandal that he should be banned for.
And if Tauros evolves, so would Miltank. XD That would be a legendairy!
tell us to back off, then say he should be banned? atleast you arent being over-aggressive? right?

all i am doing is trying to find out if he knows something which he is afraid to tell.
Out on the west edge, THAT looks more like a Pokemon League.
You know the one, behind the obviously icy mountain.
Weyard said:
tell us to back off, then say he should be banned? atleast you arent being over-aggressive? right?

all i am doing is trying to find out if he knows something which he is afraid to tell.
He also talked about a legendairy pokemon. He's joking.
the tower behind the obviously icy mountain, which you can reach from all other sides too? i doubt thats the league...
Ok, I give in, I'll show you a legendairy:
Weyard said:
the tower behind the obviously icy mountain, which you can reach from all other sides too? i doubt thats the league...

Possibly like how you can access Meteor Falls by going north from Rustboro at the beginning of RSE?
Maybe you can only go that way after you beat the League.
From my pic, looks like its only accessable via mountain and unknown northern object.

EDIT: Nice new legendairy!
Martijngamer said:
I would asume that like the 'casino's' in previous games, there will be one or more mini-games you can play to win stuff, but I can't confirm that.

dunno, dunno, dunno, dunno and probably xD

Glad to make you happy still ;)

I have been very clear about what I certainly know, which is what has been stated in the news item. If I knew all this extra information, I would have included it in the news item.

The extra questions I try to answer, I answer from the background information I do have, which means most things I don't know 100% (as I've stated many times), while some things I do (like the Poképark influence on the theme park).

I don't mind you being skeptic, but don't take things out of context please.

Out of context? you haven't proven a THING you've claimed so far, sorry for talking about the possibility of this being a lubriciously complex stunt
Weyard, I already told all of you, I have multiple personalities.
As for the tower, I think that it is the location of a legendary and the mountain (and therefore also cave) guards it, kind of like Spear Pillar for DPP, Cerulean Cave for RBGYFRLGGSCHGSS, Tin Tower and Bell Tower for GCSHGSS, and the caves and pillar for RSE. There just has to be a pattern!
Monkey708 said:
Weyard, I already told all of you, I have multiple personalities.
As for the tower, I think that it is the location of a legendary and the mountain (and therefore also cave) guards it, kind of like Spear Pillar for DPP, Cerulean Cave for RBGYFRLGGSCHGSS, Tin Tower and Bell Tower for GCSHGSS, and the caves and pillar for RSE. There just has to be a pattern!

Alright, but what of the northern structure.
It almost looks like a lava pool.
If you are indeed Mr. Martijn Müller, I appreciate you for participating in the discussions about Pokemon Black and White. I am very excited about the information you have leaked. However, I sincerely hope you are not giving us faithful gamers false information. It would be outrageously cruel for anyone to raise the hopes of hundreds of young people only to see them get crushed later on. I trust that you will take the yang path and tell the whole truth to everyone.

Oh and everyone should just stop asking this guy questions for the time being because he obviously only wants your attention like a sick little dog!
B l u e said:

Are you blind? Or this is not enough for you?

Jungle Fever said:
Martin sent me a pic via private message, I was intergogating him, and he claimed it was Gear's new evolution, and to be honest it looks legit


If Martijn Müller claims to be Nintendo-related or whatever, he would not reply with that kind of crud to other users.

Even if it was irony, it is just lame.

UUUUUMMMMMM I think we really need a SARCASM FONT because JungleFever is MAKING FUN of Muller! He's being SARCASTIC !!! Some of you people need to start getting the jokes or this is not gonna be fun any more!
Just like the lair of Heatran in Stark Mountain. Or maybe a third legendary like Giratina hiding out in the fourth lake of Sinnoh, Sendoff Spring.
Your not as fast as your name suggests.
And don't you know not to feed the trolls?
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