(1) This Week's 'Pokemon X' and 'Y' News Releases [6/10]

I hope that spooky seahorse is actually a poison type.

Its head is almost exactly that of a cartoon squid, it just has a seahorse body where you would expect tentacles. I could definitely see it having a squid evolution like Remoraid into Octillery. Maybe even a direct shout-out, since it also looks like a gun or cannon already.
So many Saint Seiya references this gen. My prediction is one and simple, we might get a Pegasus Pokemon. This is the ideal moment. The recently revealed "wyvern"-Poke boosts my opinion.

I'm also curious to know what is the Houndour scene. Mini-game? Cutscene? This Gen was awesome from the beginning, but this is news overload.
Bogleech said:
That is without a doubt a SNAPPING SHRIMP pokemon.

I can see that as well. The bright blue immediately made me think mantis shrimp though, so I'll bet its a mix of both. Pokemon are rarely just one thing xU
The crab is cool, Vivillon is actually pretty cool too and so is Noivern (beside those dang ear things).
The Fletchling evolution is okay, although i would probably need a clearer screenshot.
The seahorse dude looks really dumb. Not bad, just dumb.

Also, everyone saw fairy coming and at first i wasn't a big fan. And I'm still not. However, I'm interested in how this will incorporate to new game mechanics and overall gameplay.
I really don't understand why Marill is a fairy-type Pokémon now. Gardevoir, Jigglypuff, and Sylveon make sense.

Pokémon-Amie look incredibly pointless and I wouldn't expect many people using it.

I like how they are using sound effects from the original games.
That blue shrimp reminds me of the days playing Halo 3 and dual-weilding Plasma Rifles.
Won sword battles often with them. *sigh*
With all these Pokemon being released, I hope they do at least leave some to not release so we can discover them ourselves in the game. :)
We already have 15 out so far, 16 if you wanna count the new Mewtwo forum, and we still have a while to wait for the games release.
I don't know if it is just me, but in the first picture the seahorse looks reddish, while in the second it looks more orange.
Maybe a gender difference?
steffenka said:
I don't know if it is just me, but in the first picture the seahorse looks reddish, while in the second it looks more orange.
Maybe a gender difference?

Eh... They look about the same to me. Probably just a difference of lighting.
Zielo said:
With all these Pokemon being released, I hope they do at least leave some to not release so we can discover them ourselves in the game. :)
We already have 15 out so far, 16 if you wanna count the new Mewtwo forum, and we still have a while to wait for the games release.

You forgot spewpa. Or some other mon. We have 17 counting the new Mewtwo form.
steffenka said:
I don't know if it is just me, but in the first picture the seahorse looks reddish, while in the second it looks more orange.
Maybe a gender difference?

It's just the lighting.
in main site there is a picture showing the shrimp form behind and its pincer has some orange coloration, so it matches the irl shrimp image shown
a few pages earlier.
maybe an evolution will expand the orange coloration...
I forgot to mention (out of my pure excitement for everything) that the release of Noivern seems to be the nail in the coffin for ever having a Sound-type; until now, most (if not all) Sound-based Pokémon were at least part Normal, making a potential future retcon a simple switch out. Now that we have another good candidate for the type, with two other very fitting types, I doubt we'll see Sound becoming an actual type...at least not for a long while!
It seems to me that the seahorse one is actually more reminiscent of a leafy sea dragon than a regular seahorse, it has little leafy parts extending from the back of its head and tail similar to this;
CMP said:
I forgot to mention (out of my pure excitement for everything) that the release of Noivern seems to be the nail in the coffin for ever having a Sound-type; until now, most (if not all) Sound-based Pokémon were at least part Normal, making a potential future retcon a simple switch out. Now that we have another good candidate for the type, with two other very fitting types, I doubt we'll see Sound becoming an actual type...at least not for a long while!

Did you hear about the 4chan 'leak' that said Echo would be a new type along with Fairy.
Of course, its 4chan so it won't happen, but I found it very ironic that there were people saying Echo could happen and all, and it didn't of course, and then there was even a sounddragonbat thing revealed. It was almost like Nintendo/GF were trolling the Echo type believers.
I am IN LOVE with Noivern. I am definitely going to use for my team. At first though I thought that its ears were its eyes lol. As for Vivillon, it's pretty and stuff but I don't really like using bug types for my team. I still like its design however. The seahorse looks alright but I need to see its actual artwork :p The bird is obviously Fletchling's evo since it has the same color scheme but I may be wrong. The crab/shrimp thing I can't really see it but from the side picture it looks pretty nice.

Hopefully we see more news from corocoro and from E3 later on today. Oh and thanks WPM for the info & pics :)