(1) This Week's 'Pokemon X' and 'Y' News Releases [6/10]

TheAmazingDerpfish said:
My signature is so relevant to the fairy denier's reactions.

Ahem...I have a name...

Anyways Pokeami seems like an easy way to increase friendship.

What if we got more attacks only worked in certian coniditions? Like Moon Blast only working at night or palebolic charge only working if the opponent is paralyzed.

The dragon pokemon looks awesome, but at first I thought it's ears were its eyes.
you know what i want to see is big pokemon like onyx, wailord, snorlax , gyarados etc en maybe scolepide except them we don't have many big pokemon
Frezgle said:
Bootortle said:
Since it will probably be revealed soon, who wants to take a guess as to what Spewpa looks like?

I'm hoping it's like a pupal stage of a Spud Bug from Mother 3
All drooly and gross :3

Heh, that would actually be kind of awesome, if the early stages were just ugly as sin. Kind of an ugly duckling thing.
CyberCat5555 said:
danio13 said:
Who here is going to nickname their Noivern "V-Scratch"....as in Vinyl Scratch lol
That is actually a really cool name! I might name my Noivern that!
vinnie22 said:
(can you please give me insight as to how Xern looks like a Steel type? I'm not seeing it at all)
I'm thinking Dark/Flying for Yveltal as well.
Xerneas has a sleek, metallic-black coat that is possibly reflective, as the spots on its flank could possibly be reflections of its antlers. The fur on its neck is a somewhat cobalt blue, and cobalt is a metal (also, blue seems to be the preferred fur color for steel types, such as Lucario and Cobalion). Last but not least, the glowing white blades on its legs look to be of a metal origin. I also made up a thoery that Xern may be a cyborg, and, in Pokemon, steel=robots. But still, this is just pure speculation, and I doubt anything about the legendaries' types will be reveled tonight, but you never know.

Cobalt (II) (the metal) is actually lightish pink
SkyeVictini said:
Equinox said:
Noivern looks interesting, especially the typing, Normal/Dragon...that could be good or bad.

I also wonder what the new Arceus Plate will be since Fairy-type is real.

As if I wasn't happy enough, your sig made me die laughing.

To get back on subject, the Fairy Arceus Plate...Flitter Plate? Glitter Plate? Magic Plate?
Also, it seems the Normal-type is getting more credibility with these new dual types.

Pixie Plate called it
Cobalt (II) is an ion. Anhydrous cobalt (II) chloride is the usual "cobalt blue" color, but when hydrated, it does turn pink.
They should have made this new bug into a BUG/FAIRY type. Probably it would have got more usage if that was the case (assuming it has similar stats like butterfree and co)
I am so happy my face is melting in excitement!!:D
And I am really tempted to call my Noivern Julian or Goose(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yvEYKRF5IA), it is just the definition of badassery!! And Vivillon is pure cuteness! I bet that the female will be called Yvonne or Yvette. And FINALLY the Fairy type speculation is over! And now it's basically confirmed that the source is legit.
How integral do you guys think Pokémon-amie is going to be? Do you think having powerful bonds with your pokemon will be necessary to beat advanced trainers like the E4, or will it just expedite the process?
I hope that they reclassify other Pokémon as well. We are all pretty sure that those 4 Pokémon were just an example right? I would be pretty irritated if Clefairy wasn't a fairy....

As for the bonding mechanic, it makes it sound like more than just a friendship/happiness thing. It says that it will affect your Pokémon later in battle. Maybe it affects their IVs or something or maybe there will be a new battle mechanic introduced later.

I personally hope for more information as far as small additions. Maybe some gym leaders or to see more of the region in 3D. Of course there are still MANY things we still don't know about these games. So far it seems there will be a lot of new, but I FREAKIN LOVE that sound effects from Pokémon Red/Blue were reused. That was a VERY smart move in my opinion. They really want to appeal to the veteran players here.

However I wouldn't expect much more new stuff you guys. Fairy type is a very big deal and most of you understand that. If you disagree, well it's not just my opinion that it's a "big deal". Across the board, a new typing is a very BIG thing. It changes a lot of things and adds new ways to play the game alone.
Plus, it's only the beginning of summer.
Pokemon's official Facebook page (which posted the new trailer this morning) just posted this:

Looks like it won't just be rehash! Hold on to your butts!
Wow, that butterfly looks amazing. It's wings even remind me of a coded pattern somehow?

Not a big fan of Noivern yet, but I feel it will grow on me just like Druddigon did.
Now that fairy is confirmed I would like too see how many pokemon will actually get the Fairy type.

It would also be nice to get a butterfly with a 2 stage evolution instead of the regular 3. (I know skipping the cocoon stage is unrealistic but still).

PokeAmie is indeed derived from the French "Amie" = friend. It's interesting but unless it has some extra, necessary functions in the game I doubt it will be used frequently.

They are really taking this French theme seriously!
Thief said:
I hope that they reclassify other Pokémon as well. We are all pretty sure that those 4 Pokémon were just an example right? I would be pretty irritated if Clefairy wasn't a fairy....

As for the bonding mechanic, it makes it sound like more than just a friendship/happiness thing. It says that it will affect your Pokémon later in battle. Maybe it affects their IVs or something or maybe there will be a new battle mechanic introduced later.

I personally hope for more information as far as small additions. Maybe some gym leaders or to see more of the region in 3D. Of course there are still MANY things we still don't know about these games. So far it seems there will be a lot of new, but I FREAKIN LOVE that sound effects from Pokémon Red/Blue were reused. That was a VERY smart move in my opinion. They really want to appeal to the veteran players here.

However I wouldn't expect much more new stuff you guys. Fairy type is a very big deal and most of you understand that. If you disagree, well it's not just my opinion that it's a "big deal". Across the board, a new typing is a very BIG thing. It changes a lot of things and adds new ways to play the game alone.
Plus, it's only the beginning of summer.

I agree with you, the red/blue sound effects were a nice addition.

How will Clefairy not get retyped! Fairy is in it's name for crying out loud!
That bird kinda looks like a Fletchling evo, or is that just me? :)

Edit: I just noticed WPM also pointing that out in the story...
Silly Nintendo, Kalos is in France, not Germany!
yeah, cleFAIRY wasn't mentioned even though it is an official fairy (Species: Fairy Pokémon )!!
maybe they thought it's too obvious and chose some other to show...

also, stepping on pokemon??? LOL i hope we don't see any POKE-WWF and POKE-rights.

(maybe helioptile buries himself in sand leaving only his head out to collect sunlight. in the screen shot it was a dessert terrain, so it's easy to step on it)
alapost said:
yeah, cleFAIRY wasn't mentioned even though it is an official fairy (Species: Fairy Pokémon )!!
maybe they thought it's too obvious and chose some other to show...

also, stepping on pokemon??? LOL i hope we don't see any POKE-WWF and POKE-rights.

(maybe helioptile buries himself in sand leaving only his head out to collect sunlight. in the screen shot it was a dessert terrain, so it's easy to step on it)

Stepping on pokemon? I bet PETA is going to be mad at that.